Rheumatism, rheumatoid rheumatism, gout, ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid rheumatism, insomnia, depression, immunology, bone disease, vascular disease Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment in the country is at a far advanced level. The technical force is very strong, 100 beds are opened, the annual outpatient capacity is 100,000, more than 6,000 patients are admitted, and more than 2,000 surgeries are completed. There are more than 100 staff members, of which more than 30 special needs experts with high technical titles serve, including 5 high-tech talents, all enjoying the State Council special allowance medical group composition. Armed Police Department of General Armaments special needs experts medical center center has invested heavily in the introduction of positron emission computed tomography (PET), including 3.0T, including four different types of nuclear magnetic **** vibration, including 64 rows of the nine sets of helical CT, 3100 digital subtraction angiography, color Doppler ultrasound examiner, therapeutic linear gas pedals, X-knife, electron microscopy, ECT, laser focusing X-knife, electron microscope, ECT, laser focusing microscope, flow cytometer, excimer laser and other international first-class medical equipment.