Gather enough pomelo and try to soak them in water on the same day.
Soak the water for about 5-7 days and change the water every day. Otherwise the water will stink.
The water in which the seeds are soaked will be slippery and sticky to the touch, very much like Aiyukai. Because there is a kind of gel outside the seeds will be sticky, if you want to try to soak the water for a long time will not move very much like jelly.
It is necessary to wash off the outer layer of mucous membrane to make it easier to germinate. If you plant pomelo seeds directly without removing the skin, they will also germinate, just a few days slower.
Implant the seeds in the soil with the pointy end down, not all the way in, but a little bit of the rounded part, keep the soil moist, and the seeds will germinate in about 7 to 10 days. If the soaking process goes well, the seeds will crack slightly.
How tall and large the seedlings grow depends on the size of the pot and the depth of the soil you use. If you want to keep it small and cute, don't plant it in a pot that's too deep, as the roots won't have enough room to grow and it won't get very tall.
Yes, grafting is required. Attached is a cultivation technique for your reference, which has grafting techniques.
If you build an orchard, you need to use grafting.
1. Seedling:
Rootstock to this rootstock is good, its grafted growth is fast, early fruit, yield, fruit quality is excellent. Sowing is generally in the now picking now sowing, to take a small plastic arch to keep warm, the year the seedlings, the following fall can be budded, can be 1 year ahead of schedule. Grafting is generally carried out in early March to early April branching, scion length of about 15-25 cm of autumn or spring tips; budding is carried out in August-October, more "T" shape embedded budding. Budding after the survival of the next year in mid-March, 3-5 cm from the bud on the cut, to be the spring growth stops when the interface stakes all cut off.
2. gardening:
(1) tilling and slotting
tilling and slotting, slot width 100 cm, depth 60-80 cm, layered into the base fertilizer, that is, the bottom layer of garbage, straw, branches and leaves, turf, etc., the amount of 5000-10,000 kg per acre, on the upper layer of the column of manure, compost, cake fertilizer, etc., 250 kg per acre, layered fertilizer and layered filling, and finally planting, soil, soil and water, the soil and water, the soil, the soil, the soil, the soil, the soil, the soil, the soil, the soil. Fill in the soil, and finally planting, the soil surface should be 20-30 centimeters above the bad surface.
(2) Planting
Planting density: pomelo growth, crown, grafted trees 6-7 years into the fruitful period, so the density of planting should not be too dense. 20 degrees above the slope, mu plant 45; 10-20 degrees mu plant 40; 10 degrees below the gentle slope, mu plant 35 or so. Configuration of pollination tree: pomelo has the ability to bear fruit, but heterogamous pollination can improve the rate of fruiting, so that the fruit increases, so in planting should be configured if the single line of mixed planting. Planting time: pomelo spring (March) fall (November) can be planted, in early to mid-March planting is better, planting should be selected cloudy or sunny day evening, rainy days or soil is too wet should not be planted.
3. Fertilization
(1)Fertilization of young trees
Non-fruitful young trees with shallow root distribution, weak absorption capacity, should grasp the principle of fertilizer and water, thin fertilizer diligently. 3-July and November, fertilizer once a month. Among them, spring fertilizer in March, summer fertilizer in May, winter fertilizer in November is indispensable. Young trees are mainly fertilized with organic nitrogen fertilizers, such as human urine, rotted manure, cake fertilizers, combined with appropriate amounts of urea and other fertilizers. Fertilization of young trees to promote the spring, summer and autumn tips, accelerate the formation of the crown, and pay attention to the regulation of nutrient growth and reproductive growth, and enhance the ability to resist drought and frost.
(2)Adult tree fertilization
Adult fruit tree fertilization to achieve high-quality, high-yield and stable yield is the main focus, regulate the relationship between nutrient growth and reproductive growth. Generally at least 3 times a year fertilizer. Germination fertilizer: 10-15 days before germination in early March, to fast-acting nitrogen-based fertilizer, with the right amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, to promote the emergence of a large number of good-quality spring tips. This fertilization is related to the year and the next year's yield, must be timely, early, full. The amount of fertilizer accounted for about 30% of the year, the general strain of urea 0.50-0.75 kg, calcium superphosphate 0.25 kg or so. Fruit fertilizer: June-August fruit expansion period of fruit fertilizer, nitrogen-based, phosphorus and potassium as a supplement. The amount of fertilizer accounted for about 30% of the year, the specific should be how much fruit to decide. Fruit hanging more, fertilizer, can be in June, August, divided into two measures, general strain urea, compound fertilizer 0.5 kg or urea 0.75 kg, calcium superphosphate, potassium chloride 0.2 5 kg. Fruit hanging less discretionary or not applying fruit fertilizer, in order to prevent fierce hair autumn. Fruit harvesting fertilizer: early November, the amount of application accounted for about 40% of the year. Pomelo fruit growth consumes a lot of nutrients, need to be supplemented in a timely manner, to restore the tree, improve the ability to resist the cold over winter, and promote the differentiation of flower buds, for the next year's growth, laying the foundation for the results. Fruit picking fertilizer should be a combination of fast-acting fertilizer and organic fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. General strain urea, compound fertilizer 0.5 kg, cake fertilizer 5 kg, bar fertilizer trash and other soil fertilizer 100 kg. In addition, it can also be combined with spraying with the appropriate amount of urea, potassium phosphate dioxygen fertilizer outside the root, and timely replenishment of the tree on the need for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
(C) shaping and pruning
1. Young tree shaping
After the seedling is planted, cut the stem at 30-40 cm above the grafted port. After the end, select and retain 3-4 strong growth, uniformity around the new shoots, a certain interval between each other as the main branch, the rest of the erase. The top of each main branch continues to extend to about 40 centimeters, timely centering and topping. On each main branch, 2-3 strong branches with appropriate positions are selected as secondary main branches. The main stem and secondary branches should be spaced appropriately so that the lateral branches can be exposed to sufficient light. It is necessary to frequently erase the cross, overlapping, disturbing the shape of the main trunk and main branches of the ungrowing branches and buds and improperly positioned branches and buds.
2.fruit tree pruning
The grapefruit fruit tree is generally only spring, summer and fall tips are rare, the inner hole fruit ability is strong. Therefore, the first fruit tree pruning should be light and not heavy, generally only the location of the inappropriate long branches, pests and insects, dead branches, too dense and weak branches, etc. Thinning, more to stay in the inner branches, do not short cut the fruit of the mother branch. The adult tree crown has been formed, the pruning object is mainly the backbone branch on the side of the branch and its born on all kinds of branch tips, the purpose is to regulate the balance of growth and results. The principle of pruning is that strong trees should be pruned more sparingly and less short, removing dense branches, upright branches and lateral branches, and retaining drooping branches and weak branches to facilitate flowering and fruiting. Weak trees in the strong branch fruit, should be taken to remove the weak and stay strong, and leave more leafy fruit branches.
3. The renewal of the aging tree
The renewal of the aging tree pruning time in the spring before the sprouting or after stopping the growth and summer before the occurrence of the May-June period is good. Older trees with bone renewal, renewed to retain the main branches and secondary branches, the crown of 3-4 years old lateral branches should be cut off, the crown does not leave leaves to promote the occurrence of strong tips. After the buds and shoots, then wipe the buds and control the shoots, and within 1-2 years, a new crown can be formed and the fruit can be resumed. For some of the branches still have the ability to bear fruit of the declining branches, can be used to rotate the method of renewal, part of the annual renewal, 2-3 years of the whole tree renewal is complete.
(D) Pest control
1. The main diseases of pomelo
The main diseases of pomelo are huanglong disease, ulcer, scab, anthracnose, and the prevention and treatment methods are the same as those of citrus, which can be referred to and applied. Ulcer disease is more serious for pomelo. Ulcer disease is caused by bacteria, mainly affecting new shoots, young leaves and young fruits, forming nearly round, corky, rough surface, yellow-brown, 0.3-0.5 cm diameter ulcer spots, causing defoliation, fruit drop, affecting the growth and yield, and reducing the appearance of the fruit and the inner quality. Prevention and control methods: prevention-oriented, comprehensive management, strict quarantine system, establishment of disease-free mother garden, scion beds and nursery bases, preventing diseased seedlings from leaving the nursery. The disease garden should take comprehensive measures to prevent and control.
(1) Thoroughly clear the garden. After harvesting, cut off the diseased branches, diseased leaves, clean up the diseased fruit, burned on the spot. After clearing the garden, comprehensively sprayed stone sulfide, to eliminate overwintering sources of disease.
(2) Every time the tip of the period of timely prevention and control of infectious pests. Such as leafminer moths and malignant leafminers.
(3) Spray every 10, 30, 50 days after each new top (since before cutting) and after flower shedding. Optional drugs are 1:2:100 times the amount of Bordeaux solution, 600-1000 units of agricultural streptomycin per milliliter plus 1% ethanol solution, 50% zinc diclofenac 500-800 times the amount of water, 50% desmodium 500-800 times the amount of powder, and so on.
2. The main insect pests of grapefruit
The main insect pests of grapefruit are mites such as red spider mite and rusty wall louse, mealy bugs such as mealybugs and brown mealybugs, citrus leaf miner moths, and gypsy moths.
Mite prevention and control methods: 73% of the Kemet emulsion 2000-4000 times, 50% of the triazocyclotin 1500-2000 times, 20% of dicofol emulsion 800-1000 times spray; mealybugs prevention and control methods can be in the larval period of the occurrence of continuous spraying of 40% of the oxidized lecithin emulsion 1000 times, 20% of the kill permethrin emulsion 3000 times 1-2 times; citrus leafminer moths, the mealybug. -Citrus leaf miner moths can be sprayed with 25% deltamethrin 2500-3000 times or 40% hydramid 800-1000 times every 5-10 days when most of the new tops grow to 0.5-1.0 cm; Gidding bugs can be controlled by scraping the trunk of the tree with dead bark and applying a 1:1 mixture of 40% Leconazole emulsifier plus kerosene on the infested area before the adults emerge from their holes. Peak, with 80% of the dichlorvos emulsion 1000 times liquid or 90% trichlorfon 1000-1500 times liquid spray crown.