Nursing care industry belongs to the trademark classification of the first class

The caregiver industry belongs to the trademark classification:Class 44

Class 44

Medical services; veterinary services; sanitary and cosmetic services for humans or animals; agricultural, horticultural and forestry services.

4401 Medical services

(a) Medical clinic services 440021, medical massage 440032, hospitals 440059, health care 440060, medical aids 440087, physiotherapy 440097, dentistry 440113, blood bank 440133, midwifery 440152, medical care 440153, medical consultation 440154, Plastic Surgery 440156, Hair Transplants 440180, Psychologists 440185, Aromatherapy 440193, Artificial Insemination 440194, Rehabilitation of Substance Abuse Patients 440195, In Vitro Fertilization 440196, Telemedicine Services 440198, Pharmacist Dispensing Services 440204, Therapy Services 440205, Medical Rental of equipment 440208, Health stations 440209, Alternative therapies 440210, Speech and language disorders treatment services 440211, Health counseling 440212, Orthodontic services 440214, Medical counseling for the handicapped 440215

(ii) Sanatoriums 440043, Rest and recuperation centers 440106, Private sanatoriums 440114. Poor relief homes 440147

(iii) ※Dietary and nutritional guidance C440001

Note: 1. Services are not similar between the parts of this similar group;

2. Each part is cross-searched separately from the natural paragraphs corresponding to the seventh and previous editions of 4203;

3. Medical massage is similar to 4402 Massage;

4. .part (ii) is similar to 4303 Nursing homes.