The secret weapon to stop coughing that 80% of people don't know: ultrashort wave therapy

Autumn wind, cold, overnight, walking on the road, coughing sound endless.

The old man had a cold a few days ago, first a headache, sore throat, followed by hoarseness, ate a few days of Lotus Clearance capsule, the pain is no longer, but added a deadly symptom: coughing, coughing the whole night, coughing to sleep, coughing, coughing in the eyes of the gold stars, more so the old man is ashamed to say is that due to the aggravation of the coughing, the urine will be defecated in the pants.

The film, blood, infusion, still not obvious, coughing for three days and three nights of the old Wang found the director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine Liu, while coughing while talking about the symptoms.

"A little bit of lung heat, I'll prescribe you some heat-clearing Chinese medicine. In addition, I recommend that you try ultrashort wave therapy in the rehabilitation department."

"Physical therapy can cure cough?" Old Wang had never heard of it.

"Well, on the seventh floor, find a therapist to roast you." Director Liu told Lao Wang.

Old Wang came to the rehabilitation department with a belly full of doubts, and with the help of the therapist, tied two pieces of cloth and did an ultrashort wave treatment.

At night, the old king was finally able to sleep, and the next day, he couldn't wait to do it again, and the raging cough came to an abrupt end, and on the third day, the old king smiled and went to do a consolidation of the treatment, and then after that, the old king was introduced to the ultrashort wave treatment.

So, what kind of physical therapy is ultrashort wave in the end, it is in the end how to make the old king from the trust to enjoy it? Adaptation of which diseases? What are the contraindications, in order to solve the doubts, I specially interviewed the director of rehabilitation Xia.

Ultrashort wave therapy instrument is a traditional therapeutic instrument, which uses electron tube oscillation to generate ultrashort wave high-frequency electric field to carry out the treatment, through the capacitive electrode output energy, the affected part is placed between the electrodes, in the role of the high-frequency electric field, so that the molecules and ions in the lesion area in its parallel position vibration, and friction with each other to produce thermal effects.

It has eight functions: improving local blood circulation, analgesia, dissipating inflammation (the efficacy of ultra-short wave on acute suppurative inflammation is particularly significant), accelerating tissue regeneration, relieving spasm, regulating nerve function, regulating endocrine glands and visceral functions, and inhibiting and killing tumor cells;

Adaptation has three categories:

1. Folliculitis, boils, carbuncles, cellulitis, and dengue, nail groin infection, dactylitis, post-traumatic hand infection, mastitis, lymphadenitis, phlebitis, blepharitis, otitis externa, otitis media, rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, apical inflammation, periapical inflammation, maxillofacial interstitial infection, bronchitis, pneumonia, gastritis, enteritis, nephritis, perirenal abscess, cystitis, prostatitis, pelvic inflammation, vestibulodynia, septic arthritis, septic osteomyelitis, Postoperative wound infection and other soft tissues, five senses and internal organs of acute, subacute inflammation, acute attacks of chronic inflammation.

2. It is suitable for soft tissue sprain and contusion, myofibrositis, myofasciitis, epicondylitis of humerus, delayed fracture healing, delayed wound healing, facial neuritis, peripheral nerve injury, sciatica, bronchial asthma, gastric and duodenal ulcers, cervical spondylosis, lumbar spondylosis, lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion, osteoarthropathy, acute renal failure.

3. Hyperthermia and radiotherapy, chemotherapy integrated treatment is applicable to malignant tumors, the same as short-wave hyperthermia.

Director Xia also reminded the patients, bleeding or hemorrhagic disease? Generally each treatment 10-15 minutes, general treatment daily or every other day, 10, 15 or 20 times for a course of treatment.

Director Xia concluded that ultrashort wave therapy can be deep anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory depth up to the deep muscle and bone, inflammation in the acute phase of the use of heatless treatment, improve blood and lymphatic circulation, so that the vascular permeability increases, can reduce the local exudate is conducive to the absorption of inflammation dissipation, dehydration effect, accelerate wound healing, inhibit the growth of bacteria, which is the reason why it is able to quickly treat the cough.