Ionizing radiation has a high energy content, and when it reaches a certain dose, it can cause damage to the human body, such as X-ray examination, CT examination and PET-CT examination, etc. There is a certain amount of radiation to the human body.
Non-ionizing radiation is less energetic, such as microwave ovens, refrigerators, televisions and other household appliances, as well as medical magnetic **** vibration examination. When it comes to radiation you need to consider the dose, and the dose of radiation from different brands of appliances may vary slightly. If the magnetic field radiation from the refrigerator 20cm in more than 20μT, in the distance from the motor more than 40cm can not be measured electromagnetic radiation.
For desktop computers, 5cm from the back of the chassis peripheral electromagnetic radiation reaches more than 20μT, and the host distance of more than 40cm radiation quickly fell to 0.1μT below. LCD TV only in the circuit board near the existence of a certain amount of electromagnetic radiation, in the distance of more than 30cm when the radiation quickly attenuated to 0μT. so keep a certain distance, the radiation dose is relatively small.