If it is a business unit, how to prepare a projected balance sheet, projected Li Rui table, projected cash flow statement, cash budget?

The so-called projected is the budget, in accordance with the "sales of production, production and profit" principle of preparation.

First determine the projected sales, and then determine the projected cost, can be measured by the cost rate (general manufacturing cost rate of 30 ~ 50%); and then sales forecast period costs (can also be measured by the cost rate, the general cost rate of 10% to 20%). This will basically make the income statement. Taxes are measured by sales and tax rate, and the general VAT tax burden ranges from 3% to 10%.

All of the above measurements are multiplied by the percentage of sales.

The balance sheet is relatively complex, mainly asset requirements, to be measured based on sales of fixed assets needed, inventory can be used in the income statement cost, multiplied by the inventory turnover rate. Liabilities are measured based on the strength of own funds, i.e., the gap between capital requirements and registered capital as liabilities.

The cash flow statement is relatively simple, in accordance with the above two statements, need to use cash to do the table, do not need cash, such as accounts payable, etc., will not be included in the cash flow statement.

By and large, the budget system is more complex, a sentence or two can not be clear.