Department hospital infection management self-inspection record Hospital infection inspection record

Hospital infection management quality inspection record sheet Department Outside one Outside two Hospital infection management quality inspection problems

1 Intravenous indwelling needles are used for too long 29 beds are not marked with the time of use. 2 Medical waste handover book has not been signed. 3 Hand washing steps are not skillful. 4 Ask questions about the content of hospital infection is not skillful. 1 Treatment trays are not placed in the right place. 2 Medical waste handover book is not signed. 3 Skin disinfectant is not indicated the opening time. 1 Treatment trays were not placed in the right place. Intravenous indwelling needles were used for an undated period of time on bed 34. 2 The medical waste handover book was not signed, and the skin disinfectant did not have an opening time indicated. 3 NS and iodophor were used in the dressing room without an opening date, and the electrocardiogram machine was not clean. 1 The iodophor used in the dressing room did not have an opening date. 1 No start date for povidone iodine in the dressing room; unclear classification of medical waste and sharps.2 Irregular use of sharps containers; family members returning instruments for treatment after use.3 Inadequate hand washing; incomplete answers to questions about nosocomial infections.4 Records of group activities, incomplete minutes, incomplete self-examination records.1 Soaking pulse depressor tapes, wiping cloths, and other equipment. 1 The concentration of disinfectant used for soaking pulse compresses and cloths was too high, and there was no opening time for infusion patches.2 There were no evaluation and self-check records in the infection manual for the month of May, and there were incomplete records of the activities of the departmental management team, and there were no statistics on hand hygiene adherence.3 The answer to the question on hospital-acquired infections was incorrect, and there was an incomplete handwashing procedure.3 Inadequate handwashing. 1 The concentration of disinfectant used to soak pulse pressure bands was not satisfactory. 2 Infection manual self-check records were incomplete, hand hygiene compliance in May was not counted, and the records of the activities of the departmental management team were incomplete. 1 Inappropriate concentration of disinfectant used to soak rags. 2 Infusion patches without opening date. 3 Inadequate records of Infection Manual team activities and minutes of meetings. 4 Inadequate knowledge of risk factors in the unit. 4 Inadequate knowledge of risk factors in the department. 1 Povidone iodine in use had no start date. 2 Infection risk assessment not fully captured.3 Infection manual self-inspection not fully documented, hand hygiene compliance statistics not available April May. Ward 1 Broken lock on clinical waste kitchen. 2 Infection manual training record not signed by attendees, hand hygiene compliance statistics not available April May. 1 Lower trolley not cleaned, poor ventilation in treatment room.2 Medical waste handover book 6.6 not signed.3 Skin antiseptic, infusion patches not marked with opening time.4 Infection booklet hand hygiene compliance not accounted for correctly, self-check record of group activities incomplete.5 Infection Risk Assessment risk factors not captured.5 1 Soaking rags not disinfected. 1 Soaking rags without disinfectant, incomplete medical waste handover records. 2 Dirty patient record trolley. 3 Infection manual not completed with list of members of departmental infection management team. Self-inspection records, management team activity records are not standardized. no training in May, hand hygiene compliance April May not counted.

Demerit points



Nei 5

Nei 7 Nei 8 Obstetrics

Pentacarotid Hemodialysis

Cardiology EEG EEG Radiology A&E Pathology

1 Cotton wool used was not used by one person. 2 The operation was not performed by one person. 3 The hand sanitizer did not have an expiration date.

1 Hand washing is not done in a timely manner after operation.

1 Lower level of treatment trolley was not clean. 2 Infection management manual was not completed.

1 Infusion stickers had no opening date, and the nurse in the infusion room was not wearing a mask. 2 The medical waste garbage can was unlocked and there was no record of time in the medical waste handover book.3 The infection risk assessment in the department was incomplete and did not correspond to the actual situation in the department.4 The infection manual self-inspection record and the record of the management team's activities were incomplete.5 The infection management manual was incomplete and there was no record of the infection risk assessment in the department. 1 Medical waste and domestic waste were mixed, and the time was not recorded in the medical waste handover book.2 The disinfectant configuration was not tested.3

Lack of knowledge of hospital-acquired infections.3 The operating table was not clean.5

The infection risk assessment was not complete and did not correspond to the actual situation in the department.