Eco-environmental benefit assessment of urban green space ecosystems

Based on the ecohydrological zoning, the water ration of each city ecosystem in the receiving area is projected, which is an important part of the ecological and environmental impact benefit assessment. According to the proportion of water consumption for green space in each county (city) of Henan Province in 7.1.1 and Table 7.1, we can know the amount of water used for conserving urban green space ecosystems by northward water transfer (Table 7.4).

Table 7.4 The amount of water used to conserve urban greenland ecosystems in the receiving area of Henan Province from the northward transfer of water in the first phase of the Central Route Project

Accordingly, combined with the results of the ecological and hydrological zoning of the receiving area of Henan Province of the South-to-North Water Diversion, the amount of water used for the greenland in the various zones can be derived. It should be pointed out that, because the allocation of the northward water transfer in the feasibility study report of the South-to-North Water Diversion Central Project is only specific to the prefecture and city level, while the zoning of this study is based on the county as the zoning unit, so when the counties belonging to the same prefecture and city are located in different eco-hydrological zones, this study takes into account the population, economy and other factors of the county (city) to subdivide the amount of water allocated to the area. The annual water consumption per unit area of urban green space, this study takes the value of 2000m3/hm2. According to the water consumption of green space and water consumption per unit area, we can derive the area of urban green space that can be conserved by the northward water transfer (Table 7.5).

Table 7.5 The area of green space that can be conserved by the northward water transfer in the receiving area of Henan

According to the formula (6.5)~(6.20), the quality and value of ecological and environmental benefits that can be produced by the first phase of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project through the conservation of urban green ecosystems in the receiving area of Henan can be calculated (Table 7.6, Table 7.7), and the annual ecological and environmental benefit of the urban green ecosystems that can be produced by the first phase of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project can be given to the receiving area. The value of annual ecological and environmental benefits that the South-to-North Water Diversion Phase I Project can bring to the urban green space ecosystem in the receiving area is 301627.76 million yuan.

Table 7.6 Ecological and Environmental Benefits of Conserved Urban Greenland Ecosystems in Henan Receiving Zone of the First Phase of South-to-North Water Diversion Project

Table 7.7 Ecological and Environmental Benefits of Conserved Urban Greenland Ecosystems in Henan Receiving Zone of the First Phase of South-to-North Water Diversion Project