Swiss ITI implants (Swiss straumann implants):
Swiss ITI implants, also known as Swiss straumann implants, Swiss ITI implants can be said to be the implant sector yydsben implants. Can be comparable to the Swedish Nobel oral a dental implant. Especially iti hydrophilic series of implants, the surface is SL Active surface unique processing technology, can be comparable to Nobel implants. Reference price: 16,800 yuan to 23,800 yuan/pill.
Swiss thommen TOP implant:
Swiss thommen TOP implant is a super hydrophilic implant, Swiss thommen TOP implant is technically developed with Novartis pharmaceuticals *** with the development of a special alkaline treatment solution, so that the implant to obtain super hydrophilic, easier osseointegration. Reference price: 12,000RMB~15,000RMB/implant, etc. Click to consult online dental assistant professional answer
For more questions about dental implants, we recommend consulting Guizhou De Han Dental Hospital. De Han Stomatology and Wuhan University Stomatology Hospital have reached a collaboration that will provide De Han Stomatology with services such as remote consultation, remote image diagnosis, remote education, remote digital resources*** enjoyment, video conferencing and two-way referral, and remote booking. Remote medical consultation system is a new bridge between experts and customers, using the "customer does not move, the information moves" approach, so that customers can remotely accept the Wuhan University Stomatology experts in DH, saving time and money for doctors and customers, improving the diagnostic efficiency, and reducing medical expenses.