The basic conditions of the operating room building and equipment are:
1) Surgery to maximize the maintenance of a clean environment close to asepsis. Reduce trauma infection.
2)To create the most conducive to the work of medical staff to create a comfortable environment. Meet the surgical process of air frustration, basin degree, wind speed, fresh cleanliness, voice and other strict requirements.
Therefore, the surgical department building has, clean area, quasi-clean area, the strict division of the general area, a clear flow direction and strict plane functional areas.
China's Ministry of Health has not yet promulgated the standard of purification of the operating department. But some high-level hospitals have referred to our military standards, the establishment of purification of the operating room is a sign of the degree of cleanliness, a purification of the operating room clean and degree. Mainly by the cleanliness of the air is determined. In other words, the cleanliness of the air is determined by the degree of cleanliness of the air supplied by the air conditioning system used in the operating room. Therefore. Air conditioning purification system has become the focus of attention. The original filtration system and air-conditioning unit are no longer suitable for the high level of requirements. New high-efficiency filtration systems, air conditioning units, comprehensive scientific purification air conditioning design has emerged.