Shenyang hospitals that are under construction or about to bidding

Query medical equipment procurement bidding information recommend you choose YiYi network

Liaoning Medical College Affiliated First Hospital medical equipment procurement project results announcement [Winning Information] 02-15

Liaoning Cancer Hospital reagents and consumables procurement results announcement [Winning Information] 02-15

Hospital ear, nose, and throat comprehensive treatment table procurement project competitive negotiation announcement [ Products] 02-16

Medical Equipment Procurement Project for the First Hospital Affiliated to Liaoning Medical College[Winning Information] 02-15

Procurement of Reagents and Consumables for Liaoning Tumor Hospital[Winning Information] 02-15

[Competitive Negotiation] Oral Comprehensive Treatment Table (2010-0274(7))[Winning Information] 02-15

Ear, Nose and Throat Comprehensive Treatment Table Procurement Project [Product Category] 02-16

Shenyang Seventh People's Hospital Ward Complex Reconstruction and Expansion Project Fire Fighting System [Successful Information] 02-14

[Competitive Negotiation] Oral Comprehensive Treatment Table (2010-0274(7)) [Successful Information] 02-14

[General Inquiry] Software Procurement Project [ Products] 02-15

Huludao City 901 Human Defense Project Lianshan Street Sidewalk and Street Lighting Improvement Project [Engineering] 02-12

Huludao City 901 Human Defense Project (Lianshan Street Sidewalk and Street Lighting Improvement Project Construction) Public Bidding Announcement [Engineering] 02-12