Yongan Industrial Park belongs to which district

Enterprises know the data show that Yongan Industrial Park is located in Shaoyang City, Hunan Province, Xinning County (Shaoyang City, Xinning County, 50 meters east of Provincial Highway 218), covers an area of about 50 acres, as of now there are 42 enterprises in the park ****, including Hunan Yunjie Medical Instrument Company Limited, Hunan Chuangyixin Science and Technology Company Limited, Hunan _Shan Chitongxing Foods Company Limited and so on.

21.4% of the enterprises in Yongan Industrial Park are located in the wholesale industry and 9.5% in the specialized equipment manufacturing industry. Among them, enterprises with registered capital of more than 10 million are Hunan Yunjie Medical Instrument Co. Ltd, Hunan Chuangyixin Technology Co. Ltd, Hunan_Shanqian Children's Star Foods Co. Ltd, Hunan Province Nuogi Hardware Products Limited Liability Company, Xinning County_Resource Bamboo Industry Co.

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