People always die, but why spend so much labor and consume so much money to build a body storage facility for themselves? Was there a reason other than the extravagance of the kings?
Yes, scientists have shown that the shape of the pyramid, so that it stores a strange "can", can make the body quickly dehydration, accelerate the "mummification", waiting for the day of resurrection.
If you put a rusty metal coin into the pyramid, soon, it will become golden; if you put a cup of fresh milk into the pyramid, 24 hours later, still fresh and fresh; if you have a headache, toothache, to the pyramid to go to the pyramid, an hour later, it will be swollen and stop the pain, such as a relief; if you are weak nerves, exhausted, to the pyramid to go to the pyramid, a few minutes or a few hours, you will be refreshed and energized, you will be able to get back to life, you will be a good person, you will be a good person, you will be a good person. will be refreshed and energized.
The mysteries and riddles surrounding the Great Pyramid are countless, but in recent years, one of the more popular topics of pyramid mysticism has been the Pyramid of Power. Discoveries about the pyramid's divine power date back to the turn of the century. Frenchman Anthony Bovey, who was passionate about supernatural science, traveled to Egypt in 1930, and after visiting the Giza pyramid complex, he suggested that the shape of the Great Pyramid was extraordinary, thus adding a new dimension to the pyramid mysticism.
Bowie was passionate about the study of "sensory radiation" modeling. The basic concept of this technique is that an object radiates a certain kind of energy that cannot yet be explained by modern physics. When Bovee visited the pyramids, he entered the "king's chamber", inadvertently looked into the cans as garbage cans, and found that there were dead cats and mice inside. At that time, he thought that these animals were probably lost inside the pyramid, unable to get out and died, and were thrown in the garbage cans! However, he then noticed something strange, because even though the chamber was very humid, the bodies were not decomposed, so that the animals were not as dry as the mummies? And wouldn't the chamber have the power to dehydrate matter?
Bowie thought this phenomenon should be related to the geometry of the Great Pyramid, so in the return home immediately after the cardboard to do a bottom 0.9 meters of the Great Pyramid model. And its 4 directions with the direction of east, west, south, north and south, and then put the cat's body and the same chamber, from the bottom of the 1 / 3 height of the place. He found that after a few days, the cat's body turned into a mummy.
Next, he experimented with slices of meat, eggs, etc., and confirmed that no matter what he put in them, they would not rot. He then published the results of his research on the power of the pyramids.
Carl DeBauer, a radiologist and former Czechoslovakian radio technician, learned of Bovee's experiments in the small pyramid and in 1940 began to experiment with mummified air-dried food flowers and animal carcasses himself. Using three-millimeter-thick horse manure paper, De Bauer made several 30-centimeter-high models in the scale of the Pyramid of Khufu for his first experiments. As a result, he was surprised to find, placed inside the model of beef, mutton, eggs, flowers, dead frogs, geckos, etc. really dry and do not rot. After the initial success of the experiment, he corresponded with Bovee, and the two remained in regular contact.
DeBauwer kept experimenting to explore just what energy existed within the model. At one point, he placed a shaving blade inside the model, fully expecting it to dull, but the opposite happened: the blade became sharper, and he used it to shave his beard 50 times.
In this way, he began to study the effect of the pyramid model on the blade. He made a 15-centimeter-high model and placed the blade flat in the tower one-third of the way up from the bottom, with the ends of the blade aligned in a north-south direction, and the model itself placed according to north-south. Several tests were made with the same result. In 1949, De Bauer formally applied for the registration of the invention right of "Pharaoh's Blade Sharpener" with the relevant authorities in Prague, the capital of Czechoslovakia. In Czechoslovakia, a patent can be granted within three years at most. However, the invention numbered 91304 was not granted until 1959, after 10 years of deliberation. In the meantime, De Bauer tried his best to convince the Patent Commission and provided a model to the chairman of the Commission. The chairman tested it himself and concluded that the invention worked and that it was not a trick or a magic trick. In the meantime, DeBauer explored the principles of the model blade. De Bauer worked at a radio research institute, where he had access to the latest scientific and technological information in the world at the time, and made full use of its equipment and instruments. He expanded his experiments to include radios, radar, cosmic rays and other rays, and studied what kind of oscillations were generated in the inner space of a model pyramid made of an insulator such as horse manure paper, and how this oscillation related to the Earth's magnetic field and the blade. In the end, he came up with a hypothesis, or theorem, that cosmic microwaves from the Sun, through the Earth's magnetic field gathered inside the tower, activated the shock waves inside the model and "dehydrated" the blade to make it sharp. This property is not limited to the Huff Pyramid model, but also to pyramids of other shapes and sizes, which can have the same effect on blades. In his patent application, he states that this blade sharpener has nothing to do with the Khufu Pharaoh himself. The space inside the pyramid-like structure creates an automatic renewal movement. The energy generated in the space of the pyramid comes only from the gravitational, electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields of the universe and the earth, which act through the invisible rays of the mixed light emitted by the sun. This force stirred up in the space of the tower mitigates the faults and dulling of the internal structure of the blade caused by repeated shaving, but the effect of this force is limited only to the dulling of the blade, and not to the damage to the shape of the blade that it has suffered. For this reason, such blades must be made of the finest steel. A blade can usually only be used 25 to 30 times, but if it is placed in the pyramid model for 24 hours after each use, then the dulling phenomenon can be eliminated after each shave, and the life of the blade will be extended.
De Bauer also said that the shape of the space inside the pyramid is related to the natural, chemical, and biological processes taking place in the space. If we use a certain geometry for the shape, then that shape will accelerate or retard the natural processes going on in the space inside it. Although this invention uses a pyramid shape, other shapes of structured space can also have this effect. In addition, other insulators can be used to create such structures. Why do we have to use insulators? He explained that microwaves can penetrate the insulator and activate shock waves within the model, whereas conductors cannot.
The "Pharaoh's Blade Sharpener," invented by DeBauer, is said to have been widely sold in Czech stores, where it was customarily used to sharpen knives. The sharpener was also popular in Western Europe, the Soviet Union, the United States, Canada, Australia and other countries. DeBauer claimed that he received thousands of letters from buyers, and not a single one complained that this blade sharpener didn't work.
In 1970, DeBauer co-authored the book "Amazing Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain". The book was a compilation of all the papers he had written over the years on the study of "pyramid energy". The book was quickly translated into many languages, creating a precedent for the study of "pyramid energy" and setting off a wave of experimentation with "pyramid energy" in the West. Various professional scholars and pyramid fans have used horse manure paper, plastic, wood, glass to make pyramid models, its characteristics of extensive research. Some countries have established a "pyramid products company", specializing in the sale of large and small pyramid models for testing. A large number of papers and books on pyramid energy were published, and in 1973, a collection agency was set up in Washington, D.C., specializing in collecting the results of research on pyramid energy in various countries. Among the books on the study of "pyramid energy", some of the more famous ones are The Secret of the Great Pyramid, Pyramid Energy, Mysterious Pyramid Energy, Psychodynamics of the Pyramid, etc. Most of these books introduce the use of the pyramid and its power, and the psychological power of the pyramid. Most of these books describe various experiments and "scientific results" in various areas using pyramids and other shaped models.
Some scientists say that the results of the experiments show that meat, vegetables, fruits, milk and so on in the pyramid model, can keep fresh for a long time. Now France, Italy and other countries, some dairy companies have been applied to the results of this experiment in production practice, the use of pyramid-shaped plastic bags containing fresh milk. It is said that, compared with other forms of packaging, pyramid-shaped fresh milk within the longest storage time.
Putting seeds inside the pyramid model speeds up germination. Crops that have broken off their roots are planted in the soil inside the model to encourage continued growth. Crops in pyramid-shaped greenhouses grow faster and produce higher yields. It has been suggested that to increase the yield of grapes and increase its sugar content, the trellis should be built in a square shape and have the stems facing north and south to absorb more geomagnetism.
Putting tap water in a pyramid model and removing it after 24 hours is called "pyramid water". This water in the tower of the energy gained by the "confined" in the water molecules, it has a lot of magical effects, can be placed in the refrigerator or other humid places, long-term storage, in case of emergency. With the "pyramid water" tea, coffee, milk, make cool drinks, taste more mellow; with it to cook vegetables, soup, than with ordinary water taste more delicious; drink a cup of "pyramid water" every day to strengthen the stomach, digestion, treatment of nervous disorders; use it to wash your face, you can make skin It can eliminate bruises and relieve pain, reduce the pain of arthritis patients, and even cure arthritis; it is also effective in curing acne, moles, corns, carbuncles, warts and other skin diseases; watering crops with "pyramid water" can promote the strong growth of crops and increase yields; watering fruit trees, vegetables and flowers, fruits and vegetables taste better, and flowers especially taste better. Fruit trees, vegetables and flowers, fruits and vegetables taste better, flowers are especially colorful and fragrant; picked flowers such as inserted in the vase containing "pyramid water" can be delayed withering, prolonging the ornamental time.
But the most marvelous and fascinating of all was the experimentation on the human body. The pyramid model became a medical device and invisible panacea for many diseases. If you want to eliminate sedentary fatigue at work, to maintain high energy, you can put a small pyramid model under the seat in your office; if you have insomnia at night or do not sleep well, please place a model under the bed; if your child cries at night, disturbing the whole family, you put him into the pyramid model, he will immediately sleep peacefully; if you suffer from headache, toothache and other ailments, or If you suffer from headache, toothache and other ailments, or high blood pressure, fatigue and other discomforts, you'd better enter the pyramid model to sit for a moment, or sleep on a sleep. It can relieve pain, reduce blood pressure, restore the body's youthful vigor, prolong life, but also increase height, accelerate the pituitary gland secretion of growth hormone and so on.
The pyramid shape is a simple geometric figure, and its modeling and testing are easy. According to reports, can take the bottom edge of 12 centimeters long, prong length 11.4 centimeters, high 8 centimeters or the bottom edge of 9 centimeters, prong length 8.55 centimeters, high 6 centimeters in two proportions. The size of the model can be tested according to the situation, from 8 cm to 2.3 meters high. The test must be aligned with the north-south direction, do not put the model near walls, metal objects and electrical appliances next to. "For more than 3,000 years. Mysterious pyramid energy has baffled pharaohs, kings, scholars and scientists. Even though we are currently unable to find the true code source of this energy ...... this magical energy is still of extraordinary significance, users will be greatly tares. The pyramid will change people's lifestyle, bring the gospel for people's health and ability to make you more fortunate."
Some advertising campaigns like this one appeared to generate interest in pyramid simulation experiments among many families, who made pyramid merchandising devices that preserved apples, alcohol, and insurance razor blades, among other utilities. People who owned pyramid equipment conducted various experiments in which they slept in simulated pyramids and grew various plants inside. These experimental activities served as a catalyst for popularizing scientific knowledge. Anyone could buy a model pyramid and conduct a kind of experiment on a particular scientific mystery. The mystery of the pyramid's energy opened up a new field that traditional science had not yet addressed.
Most explorations of pyramid energy are wrong in one way or another because they lack the necessary experimental control equipment. Most people who conduct experiments at home also do not have all the experience needed to conduct rigorous experiments. When the experiment shows good results, they consider the pyramid simulation a success; conversely, they attribute all sorts of elusive properties to the energy. In experiments on food preservation, for example, differences in the experimenter's sense of tasting are often decisive.
Most experts on pyramid energy agree with Bovee and DeBauer's insistence that the small pyramid model must be placed in the center of the model and that its height must be maintained at one-third of the way from the base to the top, which is exactly the height of the ancient Egyptian throne room inside the Great Pyramid. The pyramid model must face the north magnetic pole, and it is also necessary to have a compass to frequently adjust the deviation between the model and the magnetic field.
Pyramid energy is different from magnetic energy, but it has been hypothesized that it may be an earthly energy associated with the earth's magnetic field. A prehistoric site in Britain also has this hitherto unexplained energy concept. It has been suggested that the long-term orientation of ancient sites creates a network of energy centers and orientations within themselves, which they believe may be the cause of pyramid energy.
Pyramid advocates believe that the ancient Egyptians knew how to generate a strange kind of energy with a shape like a pyramid, knowledge that is now lost. But strangely, they require that the pyramids used for experiments must be oriented toward the north magnetic pole, and the Great Pyramid built by the ancient Egyptians also faces due north. Obviously, we have not yet discovered all the secrets of these monuments. In 1963, biologists at the University of Oklahoma concluded that the skin cells on the lifelike body of the Egyptian princess Mena, who had been dead for thousands of years, were still alive.
Most chilling of all was the Egyptian archaeologist Dr. Massu's claim that when he opened the stone door of an ancient tomb 27 feet below the Valley of the Emperors after a four-month excavation, a large gray cat, draped in dust, arched its back, hissed, and lunged ferociously at the man; the cat passed away in his laboratory a few hours later, yet it faithfully guarded its master for a full 4000 years.
Some scientists believe that: the structure of the pyramid is a better microwave resonance cavity, the heating effect of microwave energy can be sterilized and dehydrated corpses, and in this cavity, you can give full play to the role of the microwave, but the pharaohs of 4,000 years ago, how do you know to take advantage of microwaves?
Some scientists believe that: any building can absorb different cosmic waves according to their external shape, the pyramid within the Higanite stone has the role of the battery, which absorbs a variety of cosmic waves and to store them, and the pyramid within the kind of supernatural power produced by the energy, it is the cosmic wave effect of the results, but 4000 years ago, how the pharaohs, how to recognize the cosmic wave and found that the relationship between cosmic waves and stone. the relationship between cosmic waves and stone mass?
This remains a mystery. Today, the age of the pyramids seems to be upon us. Artists, architects and new-age pyramid enigmas around the world are seeking to give the ancient towers a new look.
Chinese architect I.M. Pei built a 20-meter-high, pyramid-shaped glass tent building in the inner courtyard of the Louvre in France. Michigan, the United States, there is a place called "Grand Rapids", where there is a three-story, pyramid-shaped office building of a company. In a small village in Lower Saxony, Germany, there is a "needle massage" school, the class place is a wood, clay, slate tiles and straw building, 17 × 17 square meters of the size of the pyramid. The students describe being able to stay focused for hours on end, and also feeling fresh and energized throughout the day.
Not only that, but even homeowners have felt the refreshing and storage benefits of a home pyramid model. American movie star Gloria Swanson once said, "Thanks to the little pyramid under my bed, it vibrates the cells of my whole body and makes me feel incredibly soothed." Alex Donat, owner of the M?venpick restaurant in Hamburg, said, "Our pyramid is constructed of transparent glass, and the wine that is placed under the tower matures in just six months, whereas under normal circumstances it would take two years to mature."
In Hamburg, Germany, a resident named Ralph Quaid filled his old apartment with structures the size of spires. Around the cushioned bed are square tubes, each of which extends upward from the four corners to meet above the meditator.
The 3l-year-old Hamburg citizen, who wears a tower hat at work and is a former computer expert, is a great believer in the function of his home's pyramidal furnishings. "They radiate extreme relaxation, bring peace to the mind and release toxins from the mind and organs, giving people energy."
Is it possible for a tower-like structure a few dozen centimeters high to produce magical powers? Is it a secret of science, or an illusion? Peter, who only smiles at the disbelieving inquirer, explains, "The pyramid creates some magnetic fields inside the pyramid, which oscillate the endocrine glands of the human body, which are stimulated to maximize the secretion of hormones produced by them to empower and control the functions of the human body."
In the past three years, the Chinese people are also increasingly interested in the pyramid can produce. 08 years 5.12 earthquake, CCTV reported that the source of the earthquake that is placed in the Egyptian pyramid model, further making the pyramid become a symbol of energy. It is said that this is so because many CCTV hosts are using the pyramid model to experience pyramid energy.
The clever Chinese, combined with the Chinese traditional ceramic technology, the production of the Egyptian pyramid model, the size and shape of the proportion in full accordance with the Great Pyramid of Egypt; the appearance of the use of relief process, the pyramid inside the mural alive to the outside of the pyramid model, which the Egyptians can not be done, they can not grasp how to keep the pyramid model in the high-temperature firing process does not deform, and also the appearance of exquisite murals are also a symbol of the pyramid. At the same time the beautiful appearance of the mural is the pride of our Chinese clay artisans! The product magic pyramid, has entered the European, American, Japanese, Korean and Egyptian markets, the combination of Chinese clay technology and the world's wonders, more demonstrated the wisdom of our Chinese people!