Preparing the product to be tested: Place the product to be tested into the work fixture.
Connecting the air source and air line: Connect the air tightness tester to the factory air source (or booster pump) and make sure that the air line between the fixture and the instrument is smooth.
Setting test parameters: According to the waterproof requirement of the product under test, set the corresponding parameters of the airtightness test, such as the pressure range, test time, leakage rate and so on.
Start Test: Press the test button, the instrument will automatically conduct the test and display the test results. If the test results meet the requirements, light green, the instrument interface shows OK, the product airtightness qualified; if not, light red, the instrument interface shows NG, the product airtightness failed.
Record test results: Record test results in the history test record, and categorized storage, can be exported via U disk.
Maintenance and care: After the test, the instrument needs to be maintained and cared for to ensure the long-term stable operation of the instrument.
If you encounter any problems while performing the airtightness test, please consult the manufacturer of the airtightness tester or a professional, such as Precision Industrial Airtightness.