Use cases of big data and future development trends

Editor's note: In the era of big data, whether the data can be successfully utilized will have a profound impact on our quality of life. Big data commercialization is becoming more and more common, and it is good to return to the essence of the application.


Viktor Mayer Sch?nberg, author of The Age of Big Data, spoke at the 2016 China Cloud Computing Conference about how the quality of human life and income had not exploded until the last 150 years, but had improved very slowly in the long years before that. Largely because the ability to measure the world and the way it is viewed has changed, based on observation and data, humans have enhanced their insights.

The Internet is a magical big network, big data development is also a mode, you if you really want to understand the big data, you can come here, this cell phone's beginning number is one eight seven in the middle of the three children zero last is one four two five zero, according to the order of the combination can be found, I would like to say that unless you want to do or understand this aspect of the content, if it is just a hilarious words. Just don't come.

What happens in the age of big data as the scope of observation and computing power expands?

Big data talks

Victor said the ability of big data to affect humans will allow them to relate to the world around them in a whole new way, by increasing the amount of data available to gain deeper insights into the world.

For example, when people take a picture, they can identify a clear subject by selecting the focal point so that the rest of the picture will be blurred. So the question is, what do you do if you want to see the blurred areas later? Victor showed photos taken with a big data camera, which would collect all the data that was taken in, allowing the photo localization to shift freely between blurry and clear.

This way, even if you don't know which part of the photo you should have highlighted when you took it in the first place, you won't be unable to remedy the situation afterwards. The same applies to other everyday tasks.

Then again, big data can be used to help the disadvantaged.

In Canada, a team of researchers used big data to help premature babies. Because they are caught too late, premature babies often die from infections. After a doctor placed sensors on these premature babies, he was able to measure their signs in real time by measuring a range of physical indicators. With the vast amount of data obtained, doctors will be able to detect symptoms 24 hours before they appear, making it much easier to save the lives of these premature babies.

Big data will break through in three major areas

Big data has already had a major impact on marketing, e-commerce, and predictable airplane maintenance, and Victor believes it could have an even bigger impact next in these three areas.

1. Driverless cars. Cars are very expensive, yet in Europe people only use them 4% of the time and park them in parking lots 96% of the time, which is a very inefficient system. If driverless cars are popularized in the future, we can live a different life.

We will only have to tap a button on our phones and the car will drive itself and take us to our destination. Such cars would be like cabs without drivers, and could be used over and over again, with increased efficiency and sustainability, and avoiding wasted resources.

One study found that if automated motorized vehicles became commonplace, they could reduce traffic congestion by 25 percent and reduce the size of urban parking lots by 30 percent. If Beijing reduced its parking lot demand by 30%, city life would be very different.

2. Medical care. Our life expectancy is now longer, but we still want it to be longer. Right now, our medical care is not very good, and since we ignore the individual differences of each person, doctors treat everyone in the usual way. However, based on big data, we can do precision medicine, which analyzes each person's differences and performs precise treatment, dosage, and amount, so that patients can recover their health faster.

3. Learning. We want to empower the next generation to understand the world. However, because there is no data, it is difficult to tailor our teaching to the needs of our children, with all children receiving the same instruction and learning from the same books. Inefficient teaching is a waste of brain power, knowledge and our ability to solve problems.

If we use big data to analyze the problems children encounter in developing their learning abilities, we can personalize learning, and we can unleash the power of knowledge and understanding so that every child can develop his or her full potential.


The reporter had the privilege of attending an interview with Mr. Victor on that day, and the following is a collection of some of the Q&A between the reporter and his peers and Mr. Victor for the benefit of the readers.


Reporter: If we compare data to oil, oil has borders, so does data have borders?

Victor: this is actually every society, every country has data, even small groups, we all have data. Now the question is not that people don't have data, but whether this country or this organization is really willing to use this data to do things, really use big data to make decisions.

Big data involves storing, sharing, etc., but the key is to really use this big data to really be able to promote economic and social development. As an example, all cars now have ABS systems and are equipped with GPS, if we put these two kinds of data together and analyze them, on those roads, most of them are emergency braking? Why does this happen, is the problem of the car, the problem of the road, or the problem of control, in short, the data cross-audit, will give us new insights.

Reporter: we browse the web, query information, which all belongs to the big data, how to think of personal privacy in the era of big data? What should the government administration do?

Victor: That's a good question, the current approach to data privacy protection is completely wrong. The current approach is to ask every customer, every individual, do you agree to the disclosure of data, and in fact, every individual doesn't know how my data is going to be used, and there are some people who don't care about that, and they tend to click yes. That's the wrong approach to privacy protection.

For privacy protection of data, we can consider the opposite approach, we can consider the government to set up a rule: Determine which enterprises for which purposes, can be in a certain way and rules to collect data and use, for example, medical data, the purpose is to treat the patient, so that the collection and use of such big data is reasonable, and can be without more regard to privacy. But if the data are used for evil purposes, for example, to help insurance companies create insurance policies, that is not legal. The government should put in place measures to protect privacy properly and not throw the problem at individuals.

Reporter: You wrote "The Age of Big Data", I personally feel that to the IT industry to blow a spring wind, you have written several books, when you wrote "The Age of Big Data", what was your initial intention? Has it currently realized the design you had in mind at the time?

Victor: Now is the time to unveil the era of big data. 10 years ago, I hosted a very small party every year, a fairly high-level party, with Microsoft executives, some politicians, economists, academics get together to discuss the social value of data. At that time there was a reporter who put out a report every year based on that, about what was discussed. I feel that year after year during the discussion, there is something where, can really feel, but there is not a precise name, two years later, I am sure that this is the value of data, so decided to write a book.

Must see the deep value of this data, the so-called value is the relevance of the data we mentioned. This is the root of big data. The process of applying big data can be described as a "journey", where we use data and facts to analyze and make better decisions, which are based on facts, not on subjective judgments. The so-called "journey" means back and forth, forward and backward.

I hope that more people will use data, use facts, use big data methods to assist thinking, and use them in discussions, which are all meaningful. I've always emphasized that this is a journey where we keep moving forward, but sometimes there's a step or two back.

Journalist: big data role is prediction, can it be done accurately now?

Victor: At least it's better than using something else. Now big data is not 100 percent accurate, but what we want now is better than what we have.

Reporter: What are the future big data trends?

Victor: The future trend of big data is how to get everyone to use big data, not just with specialized big data companies. Revealingly, maybe that's what the new book will be about in the future.