Purification level is generally divided into 100, 1000, 10,000, 100,000 level, now the 2010 version of the GMP clean room has not been used in this way, divided into ABCD level, respectively, corresponding to the 98 version of the levels, through the detection of dust particles in the area of the number, the number of bacterial plankton, the average number of sedimentation evaluation of the level of purification, the various levels have different requirements! The purification level is divided into two types: static and dynamic.
(A) the level of clean room
World countries have their own specifications, but generally still use the U.S. Federal Standard 209 for more, the following only on the 209D and 209E and other countries around the world to develop standards for the introduction of the standard and compare with each other.
Increased metric units, the cleanroom class is expressed in ‵M′ prefix, such as M1, M1.5, M2.5, M3 .... And so on, with the standardization of international metric units, M letters after the Arabic number of words is to each cubic meter in the >= 0.5μm of dust particles in the number of words to the 10th power of the word, take the exponent for the, if the number of dust particles between the front and back of the two complete power of the square, then 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 .... said.
The U.S. Federal Standard FS?209D are in British per cubic foot as a unit, Japan is to use the metric system, that is, per cubic meter as a unit to 0.1 μm particles as a counting standard. The Japanese standard is expressed as Class?1, Class?2, Class?3 ......Class8, the best class is Class?1, the worst is Class?8, to the total number of dust particles per cubic meter in the neutralization to the power of 10, and take the exponent of the result.
(2) The definition of clean room
Clean room (Clean?Room), also known as clean room or clean room. It refers to a certain space within the scope of the air particles, harmful air, bacteria and other pollutants excluded, and the indoor temperature, cleanliness, indoor pressure, air velocity and air distribution, noise and vibration and lighting, static electricity control within a certain range of demand, and give a special design of the room. That is to say, regardless of how the external air conditions change, the room can maintain the cleanliness, temperature and humidity, and pressure and other performance characteristics of the original set of requirements.
The main role of the clean room is to control the product (such as silicon chips, etc.) in contact with the atmosphere of the cleanliness of the day and temperature and humidity, so that the product can be produced in a good environmental space in the production, manufacturing, this space we call "clean room".