Changes in China's state-owned enterprises labor relations is carried out with the reform of state-owned enterprises. Reform of state-owned enterprises has gone through more than two decades of history, review the process of stage division, the author believes that can be roughly divided into three stages. The first stage: 1958-1977, the government's administrative rights; the second stage: 1978 to the end of the 20th century, the transition from simple government rights to complex enterprise rights; the third stage: the 21st century, the tripartite negotiation, workers, enterprises and the government's "tripartite rights".
1, the government's administrative rights (1958-1977)
After the completion of the socialist transformation, the means of production were basically publicized, the workers were the masters of the country, and the means of production were owned by the same person, and the fundamental change in the nature of the identity of both sides of the labor relationship made them "one family". Workers were freed from the status of wage labor and basically worked for themselves and for society. Labor was no longer a commodity, and workers' wages were no longer the price of labor, but the compensation paid to them by the state. The American scholar Wald describes enterprise labor relations under China's planned economy as follows: since the enterprise is not an economic enterprise in the capitalist sense, the employment relationship that occurs in the enterprise is not a market relationship. In such an enterprise, the employment of labor is not based on the needs of production; wage levels and conditions of employment are set by the higher authorities of the enterprise, and workers and management cannot bargain over wages and conditions of employment. In the enterprise, employment itself has been transformed into welfare, many benefits that should be provided by society are transformed into being granted by the enterprise, and workers and management are not two separate parties.
Inside WISCO, as in most state-owned enterprises, work rules are at the heart of labor relations. These rules are set unilaterally by the government, and both cadres and workers are employed by the state. There is no difference in status or position between them, only a difference in the "social division of labor.
2 Transition from simple government rights to complex enterprise rights (1978-end of the 20th century)
In 1984, the Decision on the Reform of the Economic System put forward the reform of the wage system of state-owned enterprises and institutions, and began to implement the reform of the efficiency of the wage in state-owned enterprises; in 1986, the State Council promulgated the Interim Provisions on the Implementation of the Labor Contract System in State-owned Enterprises, in which new workers were hired to work in state-owned enterprises. In 1986, the State Council promulgated the Interim Provisions on the Implementation of the Labor Contract System in State-owned Enterprises, which established the independent rights of both the supply and demand sides of the labor force in the new workers, and the main body of the labor force began to be transformed from the state to the enterprises. The Decision on Certain Issues Concerning the Establishment of a Socialist Market Economy System of 1993 also explicitly proposed the establishment of a labor market system, promoting the marketization of employment, labor use, wages, and other aspects. The Law of the People's Republic of China on Industrial Enterprises Owned by the Whole People, promulgated in April 1988, for the first time legally clarified the status of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) as legal persons that operate independently, are self-supporting, and are independent economic organizations; the Fourteenth National Congress of the CPC in 1992 put forward the general objective of establishing a socialist market economic system and made the establishment of a modern enterprise system the target mode of SOE reform, thus The reform of state-owned enterprises began to shift from the previous adjustment of the distribution of interests between enterprises and the government to the reform of the property rights system. The Third Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee made a decision on the establishment of a modern enterprise system, emphasizing in particular that state-owned enterprises must be fundamentally reformed in terms of their property rights system and management system. Subsequently, different types of state-owned enterprises have carried out different degrees of enterprise system reform.