pdf, jpg, rar, zip, doc, xls, mpp, ppt, avi, rm, wav, wmv, mpg, txt, mp3, mp

Common extensions I'll mention some frequently encountered, but not everyone recognizes the extensions:

[*.exe‖ executable file; open directly]

[*.rar‖ a compressed file; open with WinRAR]

[*.zip‖ a compressed file; open with WinRAR, or WinXP can also be xls‖ spreadsheet; open with Office Excel]

[*.wps‖ WPS document; open with Kingsoft WPS]

[*.txt‖ text document; open with Notepad by default]

[*.lrc‖ dynamic lyrics; can be opened with Notepad]

[*.rm, *.rmvb‖ HD video; you can use RealOnePlayer to open it]

[*.mp3, *.wma, *.wav" some music]

[*.jpg, *.bmp, *.gif" some pictures, of which gif can be dynamic]

[*.wfs" Flash file; you can open it with IE or FlashPlayer to open it]

[*.wfs" Flash file; you can use IE to open it or FlashPlayer to open it]

[*.lrc" dynamic lyrics; you can use Notepad to open it. FlashPlayer can be used to open it]

[*.torrent" BT file; it can be opened by BitComet]


ACE: Ace Compression File Format

ACT: Microsoft office assistant file

AIF, AIFF: Audio Interchange File, Silicon Graphic, AIFF: Audio Interchange File, AIFF: Audio Interchange File, AIFF: Audio Interchange File, AIFF: Audio Interchange File, AIFF: Audio Interchange File, AIFF: Audio Interchange File, AIFF: Audio Interchange File. Interchange File, a sound format for Silicon Graphic and Macintosh applications

ANI: Animated Cursor in Windows

ARC: Compressed archive file for LH ARC

ARJ: Robert Jung ARJ compressed archive file

ASD: Auto Save file for Microsoft Word; description file for Microsoft advanced streaming

format (ASF); open Velvet Studio example file with NSREX

ASF: Microsoft Advanced Streaming Format files

ASM: Assembly language source files, Pro/E assembly files

ASP: Dynamic web page files; ProComm Plus installation and connection script files; Astound introduction files

AST: Astound multimedia files; ClarisWorks "helper" files

Axx: ARJ zip file packet numbering file, used to compress a large file into several smaller packets (xx takes a number from 01-99)

A3L: Authorware 3.x library files


A4L: Authorware 4.x library files

A5L: Authorware 5.x library files

A3M, A4M: Authorware Macintosh unpacked files

A3W, A4W, A5W: unpacked Authorware Windows files


BAK: Backup file

BAS: BASIC source file

BAT: Batch file

BIN: Binary file

BINHex: An Apple encoding format

BMP: Windows or OS/2 bitmap file

BOOK: Adobe FrameMaker Book file

BOX: Lotus Notes mailbox file

BPL: Borlard Delph 4 Packaging Library

BSP: Quake Graphics File

BUN: CakeWalk Sound Bundle File (a MIDI program)


C0l: Typhoon Waveform File

CAB: Microsoft Compressed Archive File

CAD: Softdek's Drafix CAD file

CAM: Casio Camera Format

CAP: Compressed Audio File Format

CAP. p>

CAS: Comma-separated ASCII file

CCB: Visual Basic Dynamic Button Configuration File

CCH: Corel Chart File

CO: CyberChat Data File

CCT: Macromedia Director Shockwave projection

CDA: CD audio track

CDF: Microsoft Channel Definition Format file

CDI: Philip's High Density Disk Interactive Format

CDM: Visual dBASE Custom Data Module file

CDR: CorelDRAW drawing files; raw audio CD data files

CDT: CorelDRAW templates

CDX: CorelDRAW compressed drawing files; Microsoft Visual FoxPro index files

CFG: Configuration Files

CGI: Public **** Gateway Interface script files

CGM: Computer Graphics Metafiles

CH: OS/2 configuration files

CHK: File fragments saved by Windows Disk Defragmenter or Disk Scan

CHM: Compiled HTML files

CHP: Ventura Publisher Chapter files

CHR: Character sets (font files)

CHT: ChartViem files; Harvard Graphics vector files

CIF: Adaptec CD Creator CD image files

CIL: Clip Gallery download packages

CIM SimCity 2000 file

CIN: OS/2 change control file used to track changes in INI files

CLASS: Java class file

CLP: Windows Clipboard file

CLL: Crick Software Clicker file

CLS: Visual Basic class files

CMD: Windows NT, OS/2 command files; DOS CD/M command files; dBASE II program files

CPI: Microsoft MS-DOS code page information files

CPL: Control Panel extension, Corel Color Palette

CPP: C++ code file

CPR: Corel Provides Instructions file

CPT: Corel Photo-Painting Image

CST: Macromedia Director Cast file

CUR: Windows Cursor file


DBF: dBASE file, a format created by Ashton-Tate that can be recognized by ACT!, Lipper, FoxPro, Arago, Wordtech, Xbase, and similar databases or database-related products; available as a data file (can be opened by Excel

97); Oracle 8.1.x tablespace files

DBX: DataBearn images; Microsoft Visual FoxPro table files

DCT: Microsoft Visual FoxPro database containers

DCU: Delphi Compilation Unit files

< p>DCX: Microsoft Visual FoxPro database container; PCX-based fax images; macros

DIR: MacromediaDirector file

DLL: Dynamic Link Library

DOC: FrameMaker or FrameBuilder document; Word Star documents, Word

Perfect documents, Microsoft: Word documents; DisplayWrite documents

DOT: Microsoft Word document templates

DPL: Borland Delph 3 compression library

DRV: Driver

DRW: Micrografx Designer/Draw; Pro/E drawing files

DSF: Micrografx Designer VFX files

DSG: DOOM saved files

DSM: Dynamic Studio Music Module (MOD) files

DSP: Microsoft Developer Studio project files

DSQ: Corel QUERY files

DST: Embroidery Machine Graphics files

DSW: Microsoft Developer Studio Workspace File

DTA: World Bank's STARS data file

DTD: SGML Document Type Definition (DTD) file

DTED: Digital Terrestrial Elevation Data (a data format for graphs) file

DTF: Symantec Q&A related database Data files

DTM: DigiTrakker Module files

DUN: Microsoft Unplugged Network Export files

DV: Digital Video Files (MIME)

DWG: AutoCAD Engineering Drawing Files; older versions of AutoCAD or Generic CADD drawing Format

DXR: Macromedia Director protected (non-editable) movie file


EDA: Ensoniq ASR disk image

EDD: Element Definition Document (FrameMaker + SGML document)

EDE: Ensoniq EPS disk image

EDK: Ensoniq KT disk image

EDQ: Ensoniq SQ1/SQ2/Ks32 disk image

EDS: Ensoniq SQ80 disk image

EDV: Ensoniq VFX-SD disk image

EFA: Ensoniq ASR file

EFE: Ensoniq EPS file

EFK: Ensoniq KT file

EFQ: Ensoniq SQ1/SQ2/Ks32 file

EFS: Ensoniq SQ80 file

EFV : Ensoniq VFX-SD file

EMD: ABT Extension Module

EMF: Windows Enhanced Metafile

EML: Microsoft Outlook Express Mail Message (MIME RTC822) file

EXE: Executable file (program) <


FAV: Microsoft Outlook Navigation Bar

FAX: Fax Type Image

FCD: Virtual CD-ROM

FDF: Adobe Acrobat Forms Document File

FLA: Macromedia Flash Movie

FND: Microsoft Explorer saved search file (Find applet)

FON: System Fonts

FRT: Microsoft FoxPro report file

FRX: Visual Basic form text; Microsoft FoxPro report files

FXP: Source files compiled by Microsoft FoxPro



GDM: Ringtones, Whistles, and Soundboard Module Format

GetRight: GetRight uncompleted download file

GHO: Norton clone disk Image

GID: Windows 95 global index file (including help status)

GIF: CompuServe bitmap file

GL: Animation format

GRP: Program Management Group


HEX: Macintosh BinHex 2.0 file

HLP: Help file; Date CAD Windows Help file

HPP: C++ program header file

HQX: Macintosh BinHex 4.0 file

HT: HyperTerminal

HTM, HTML: Hyper Text Document

HTT: Microsoft HyperText Template

HTX: Extended HTML Template


ICO: Windows Icon

IDX: Microsoft FoxPro related database index file; Symantec Q&A related database index files; Microsoft Outlook

Express files

IMG: GEM image

INF: Information File

INI: Initialization File; Mwave DSP Synth's "nwsynth.ini " GMS installation; Cravis Ultrasound bank installation

INP: Oracle version 3.0 or earlier form source code

INRS: INRS Remote Communications Sound

INS: InstallShield installation script; X- Internet Signature File; Ensoniq EPS Word Cluster Device; Cell/II MAC/PC Sampling Device

INT: Intermediate Code, when a source program is syntax-checked and then compiled to produce a piece of executable code

IOF: Findit File

IQY: Microsoft Internet Query File

ISO: List of files on a CD-ROM according to the ISD 9660 standard for CD-ROM file systems

ISP: X-Internet Signature File

IST: Digital Tracking Device File

ISU: InstallShield Uninstall Script

IT: Impulse Tracking System Music Module (MOD) file

ITI: Impulse Tracking System Instrument

ITS: Impulse Tracking System Sampling, Internet Documentation Location

IV: File Format Used in Open Inventor

IVD: Over 20/20 Microdata Dimension or variable level files

IVP: More than 20/20 user subset profiles

IVT: More than 20/20 table or collection data files

IVX: More than 20/20 microdata catalog files

IW: Idlewild screensaver

IWC: Install Watch documentation


J62: Ricoh camera format

JAR: Java archive file (a compressed file used for applets and related files)

JAVA: Java source file

JAR: Java archive file (a compressed file used for applets and related files)

JAVA: Java source file


JPE, JPEG, JPG: JPEG graphics file

JS: JavaScript source file

JSP: HTML web page that contains a reference to a Java servlet reference



KAR: Karaoke MIDI file (text + MIDI)



LAB: Visual dBASE tagged file

LBT, LBX: Microsoft FoxPro tagged file

LDB LHA: Microsoft Access Locked File

LHA: LZH Replacement File Suffix

LOG: Log File

LZH: LH ARC Compressed Archive


M1V: MPEG Related File (MIME "mpeg" type)

M3D: Corel Motion 3D animation files

M3U: MPEG URLs (MIME sound files)

MAM: Microsoft Access macros

MAQ: Microsoft Access query files

MAR: Microsoft Access report File

MBX: Microsoft Outlook save email format; Eudora mailbox

MCW: Microsoft Word document for Macintosh

MDB: Microsoft Access database

MDN: Microsoft Access Empty Database Template

MDW: Microsoft Access Workgroup File


MMM: Microsoft Multimedia Movie

MOV: QuickTime for Windows Movie

MP2: Layer 2 MPEG audio files

MP3: Layer 3 MPEG audio files

MPA: MPEG-related files, MIME "mpeg type"

MPE, MPEG, MPG: MPEG animation files

MPP: Microsoft Project File; CAD drawing file format

MPR: Microsoft FoxPro Menu (compiled)

MSI: Windows Installer Package

MSN: Microsoft Network Documentation; Descent Mission File


OBD: Microsoft Office Binder

OBJ: Object File

OBZ: Microsoft Office Binder Wizard

OCX: Microsoft Object Linking and Embedding Custom Control

ODS: Microsoft Outlook Express Mailbox Files

OFT: Microsoft Outlook Templates

OPX: OPL Extended DLL (Dynamic Link Library)

OSS: Microsoft Office Lookup Files

OST: Microsoft Exchange / Outlook offline files


PAL: compressed files

PART: Go!Zilla partially downloaded files

PAS: Pascal source code

PCS: PICS animation files

PDF: Adobe Acrobat

Exportable Document Format files (which can be displayed in a Web browser); Microsoft System Management Server package definition files; NetWare printer definition files

PHP, PHP3: HTML Web pages with PHP scripts

PHTML: HTML Web pages with PHP scripts

PHTML: HTML Web pages; HTML interpreted by Perl parsing

PM5: Pagemaker 5.0 files

PM6: Pagemaker 6.0 files

PPS: Microsoft Powerpoint Slide Shows

PT: Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation

PRF: Windows System File, Macromedia Director's Setup File

PSD: Adobe photoshop bitmap file

PSM: Protracker Studio Model Format; source data file for Epic games

PST: Microsoft Outlook personal folder file

PWL: Windows 95 password list file


QIF: QuickTime associated image (MIME); Quicken import file

QT, QTM: QuickTime Movie

QTI, QTIF: QuickTime-related images

QTP: QuickTime Priority File

QTS: Mac PICT image file; QuickTime-related images

QTX: QuickTime-related images


RA: RealAudio sound files

RAM: RealAudio metafiles

RAR: RAR compressed archive (Eugene Roshall format)

REC: Recorder macros; RapidComm sound files

REG: Registry files

REP: Visual dBASE report file

RES: Microsoft Visual C++ resource file

RM: RealAudio video file

RMF: Rich Map Format (used by 3D game editors to save diagrams)

ROM: Cartridge-based home game Emulator files (exact copies of ROMs from Atari

2600, Colecovision, Sega, Nintendo, etc. cartridges, not interchangeable between emulators)

Rxx: RAR compressed files on multivolume archives (xx = a number between 1 and 99)


SAV: game save file

SB: raw signed byte (8-bit) data

SBK: Creative Labs' Soundfont 1.0 Bank file; (Soundb laster)/EMU SonndFont v1.x

Bank file

SBL: Shockwave Flash Object File

SCF: Windows Explorer Command File

SCH: Microsoft Schedule+1

SCP: Dial-up Networking Script File

SCR: Windows Screensaver; Fax Image; Script file

SFX: RAR self-extracting archive

SHTML: HTML file with server-side includes (SSI)

SPL: Shockwave Flash object; DigiTrakker sampling

SQL: Informix SQL query; often used by database products File extension for SQL queries (script, text, binary)

STM: Short suffixed form of .shtml containing a Server Side Included (SSI) HTML file; Scream Tracker V2 Music Module (MOD) file

STR: Screensaver file

SWA. Macromedia director files (MP3 files) Shockwave sound files

SWF: Shockwave Flash objects

SYS: System files


T64: Commodore 64 emulator tape image files

THEME: Windows 95 desktop theme file

TIF, TIFF: Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) bitmap

TMP: Windows Temporary Message File

TRM: Terminal File

TXT: ASCII text format sound data

TZ: Older compressed format file


VBA: VBase file

VBP: Microsoft Visual Basic project file

VBW: Microsoft Visual Basic workspace file

VBX: Microsoft Visual Basic user-customized control

VQE, VQL: Yamaha Sound-VQ locator files

VQF: Yamaha Sound-VQ files (standards may appear)

VRF: Oracle 7 configuration files

VSL: Download list files (GetRight)


WAB: Microsoft Outlook file

WAD: Large file containing videos, player levels, and other information about the DOOM game

WAL: Quake 2 body file

WAV: Windows Waveforms

WBK: Microsoft Word Backup files

WFM: Visual dBASE Windows Forms

WFN: Symbols for use in CorelDRAW

WIZ: Microsoft Word Wizard

WRL: Virtual Reality Model

WWL: Microsoft Word interpreter files

WWWL: Microsoft Word Interpolator File



XLK: Microsoft Excel Backup

XLL: Microsoft Excel Interpolator File

XLM: Microsoft Excel Macro

XLS: Microsoft Excel Worksheet

XLT: Microsoft Excel Templates

XLV: Microsoft Excel VBA Modules

XLW: Microsoft Excel Workbook/Workspace


ZAP: Windows Software Installation Profile

ZIP: Zip file