1. Hubei Provincial People's Government Decree No. 8
The Measures for the Administration of Fined and Confiscated Revenues in Hubei Province, Article 22 is amended to read as follows: "(1) Any unit which violates the provisions of Article 5 and Article 6 of the present Measures, and which does not The use of the financial sector uniformly printed vouchers of confiscated income units, by the financial sector to confiscate and destroy the illegal vouchers, the full amount of income to the same level of finance, but also depending on the severity of the case, to give the relevant personnel and the unit in charge of administrative sanctions. Without the approval of the financial sector, unauthorized printing of confiscated revenue vouchers of the unit, by the administration for industry and commerce shall be punished in accordance with the relevant provisions."
2, Hubei Provincial People's Government Decree No. 19
"Hubei Province, road checkpoints set up and management measures" Article 21 was amended to read: "for violation of the provisions of the unauthorized set up checkpoints, the public security organs above the county ordered to immediately revoke. If there is illegal income, a fine of one to three times the illegal income, but the maximum shall not exceed 30,000 yuan, and its competent departments shall be notified and criticized; for those who refuse to revoke, the public security organs have the right to take compulsory administrative measures.
The public security organ shall impose a fine of not more than 200 yuan or a warning on any person who violates the provisions of these Measures, stops a vehicle unreasonably, affects the normal operation of the vehicle, and refuses to listen to dissuasion."
3, Hubei Provincial People's Government Decree No. 20
Interim Measures for Handling Patent Disputes in Hubei Province, Article 15 is amended to read: "After the patent administration authorities open a case for accepting the request for mediation of patent disputes, a copy of the request shall be sent to the person to whom the request is made within ten days. After the requested person receives the copy of the request, he shall submit a defense and relevant evidence within fifteen days.
If the respondent fails to submit on time or fails to submit a defense, it shall not affect the decision of the patent administration authority to make a mediation decision."
Article 27 is amended to read as follows: "If the respondent requests the China Patent Office to revoke the patent right or requests the Patent Review Board to declare the patent right invalid within the defense period after the patent administration organ has filed the case, it shall notify the patent administration organ in writing and may apply for suspension of the procedure for handling the patent dispute in the case; the patent administration organ shall make a review decision and notify the parties."
4. Hubei Provincial People's Government Decree No. 23
The first paragraph of Article 3 of the Interim Provisions on Cargo Transportation Insurance of Hubei Province is amended to read: "All property insurance companies and their branches (hereinafter referred to as insurance companies) legally operating the insurance business are allowed to deal with cargo transportation insurance business."
Article 20 is deleted and the former Article 21 is changed to Article 20.
5. Hubei Provincial People's Government Decree No. 24
The Interim Provisions on Management of Social Labor Force in Hubei Province, Article 13 is amended as follows: "(3) If a worker violates Article 7 of these Provisions, his/her Temporary Labor Permit shall be withdrawn, and the employing unit shall be ordered to clear out; if he/she violates the provisions on public security administration, he/she shall be punished by public security organs in accordance with the "Public Security Administration Punishment Ordinance". " shall be punished; if a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law."
6. Hubei Provincial People's Government Decree No. 30
Article 4 of the Provisions of Hubei Province on Statutory Insurance for Third-Party Liability of Motor Vehicles is amended to read: "Statutory insurance for third-party liability of motor vehicles shall be operated by property insurance companies and their branches (hereinafter referred to as insurance companies) legally operating the insurance business, and no other unit or individual shall operate this business. individuals shall not operate this business."
Article 5, paragraph 1, is amended to read: "The insurance liabilities, exclusions, ways of determining the insurance amount, as well as the standards for the payment of insurance premiums of the statutory third-party liability insurance for motor vehicles shall be carried out in accordance with the unified provisions."
Article 10, paragraph 1, is amended to read: "A reward system for safe driving without claims is implemented for statutory insurance of third party liability of motor vehicles. Motor vehicles participating in the statutory insurance of third party liability of motor vehicles shall be rewarded in accordance with the provisions of the insurance clauses."
Article 11 was amended to read: "For motor vehicles that must take part in the statutory third party liability insurance but are not insured, the public security traffic management departments and agricultural machinery management departments shall not handle the annual inspection and examination procedures. The public security traffic management organs and their duty personnel shall have the right to inspect the vouchers of third party liability statutory insurance of motor vehicles."
Article 12, paragraph 1, is amended to read: "All units and individuals belonging to vehicles shall strengthen the safety education and management of drivers (operators) to ensure that motor vehicles are in a good technical condition, and shall not relax their management and neglect safety due to participation in the third-party liability statutory insurance of motor vehicles."
Deleting Article 14, the former Article 15 was changed to Article 14.
7, Hubei Provincial People's Government Decree No. 32
Hubei Province Road Traffic Management Implementation Measures, Article 44 was amended to read: "motor vehicle drivers driving vehicles loaded with inflammable, explosive and other dangerous goods does not comply with the provisions of the fine of less than 200 yuan or a warning."
Article 45 was amended to read, "A motor vehicle driver who drives a vehicle without a license plate or permit or drives a coach that does not comply with the provisions of these Measures shall be fined not more than 50 yuan or warned."
Article 46$