What kind of company is Tongchuang main joy is a pyramid scheme

As of January 2019, Chongqing Tongchuang Mainjoy Technology Co. has not been recognized as a pyramid scheme.

1, open Baidu search, the national enterprise credit information publicity system.

2, in the national enterprise credit information publicity system home page search box, enter, Chongqing Tongchuang main Yue Technology Co.

3, through the search results can be seen, the enterprise for the normal state of existence, has not been included in the list of abnormal operation.

Expanded Information

Judging whether a company should be judged by its specific business operation mode.

The pyramid scheme, refers to the organizer or operator to develop people, through the development of people on the basis of their direct or indirect development of the number of people or the number of sales performance of the calculation and payment of compensation, or require the development of people to pay a certain amount of money as a condition to obtain the qualification of joining, etc., to obtain illegal benefits, disruptive to the economic order, affecting the social stability of the behavior.

To recognize a pyramid scheme, you need to look at three features:

1, the entry fee. Whether you need to subscribe to goods or pay fees to qualify to join or develop others to join the qualification, making illegal profits;

2, pull head. Whether you need to develop others to become their own downline, and the development of personnel to develop their direct or indirect rolling development of the number of people as the basis for payment, profit-making illegal benefits;

3, the way to pay. Whether to directly or indirectly develop the sales performance of personnel based on the calculation of remuneration, making illegal profits.

Baidu Encyclopedia of MLM