Products and Technologies of ERBE (Shanghai) Medical Devices Co.

The VIO system is a new electrosurgical system developed by ERBE, which is perfectly designed, fully functional and combines individualization, applicability and cost-effectiveness, which makes it a unique electrosurgical workstation.

The VIO system is uniquely flexible for a wide range of surgical applications: the V stands for variable expansion and individualization, the yellow letter I stands for electrocision, and the blue letter O stands for electrocoagulation.

The VIO system, which is completely new in the field of high-frequency electrosurgery, offers all the functions required for electrosurgical procedures. Examples include: Electrodessication, Electrocoagulation, Tissue Deactivation Vaporization, Large Vessel Closure Function and Plasma Bipolar Electrodessication under Saline.

The powerful VIO system adopts a unique modular design, which can be freely configured according to customers' needs, and each module is equivalent to the whole host of traditional electrosurgery. Arbitrarily configurable output modules, optional output interfaces, human-computer interactive display and ERBE communication bus, which builds the VIO system in the field of high-frequency electrosurgery products in the advanced technology and personalized free configuration module concept. Beam separation technology has long been used in industry for precision cutting. With the new ERBEJET 2, ERBE offers reliable support for the medical application of water beam separation technology. ERBEJET 2 utilizes the physical properties of the water beam to perfectly enable fine selective separation of tissues during surgery and significantly reduces the operating time.

The latest pressure regulation and feedback system of the ERBEJET 2 allows the waterjet to achieve the finest results with low pressure and flow rates, resulting in a highly selective separation of tissues. The ERBEJET 2 is the result of a collaboration between ERBE and major international hospitals from a wide range of disciplines, and is used in virtually all open, laparoscopic, and endoscopic surgical procedures. The integration of the ERBEJET 2 with the VIO electrosurgical workstation is the perfect combination for fine surgery. The multifunctional cryotherapy device Erbokryo CA developed by Erbotronic Medical Instruments Germany applies the Joule-Thompson principle and is suitable for a wide range of specialties.

The Erbokryo CA is controlled by a footswitch, which makes it easy to use, quick to cool, and has a high cooling capacity. By depressing the footswitch for 5 seconds, the probe reaches a minimum temperature of approximately -80°C. By releasing the footswitch, the freezer reaches its minimum temperature of approximately -80°C. When the footswitch is released, the freezing program stops immediately and the defrosting program is automatically started. The probe defrosts automatically within 5 seconds without the need for electronic heating. Bacchus clamp, subluminal Bacchus scissors, APC hose, negative plate