How is the furnishings inside the operating room? How is it sterile and temperature-controlled?

How is the furnishings inside the operating room? How to achieve asepsis and constant temperature?

The operating room is a mysterious and sacred place for the public outside the hospital. How is it maintained at a constant temperature?


Most operating rooms are very cold and not comfortable enough for awake patients or even anesthesiologists. Hand washing and sterilizing nursing staff and attending physicians have to stand up for long periods of time under hot shadowless lights. In general, it is important that the comfort of the OR staff be consistent with the patient care protocols. Hypercooling is frequently accompanied by harm such as elevated risk of postoperative infection, increased intraoperative blood loss and increased length of their hospitalization.


The optimal humidity level in the operating room should be between 50 and 55 percent. Too low humidity and dry air can drive the fitness movement of some unique chemicals in the air, which might turn out to be the element that causes sensation seven. At higher humidity, wetness and cold can jeopardize the natural barrier effect of sterility testing countermeasures.

Natural ventilation

Rapid cyclones in the operating room reduce environmental contamination in the surgical treatment location. Cyclones typically consist of 80% repeated circulation system air mixed with fresh air. This type of natural ventilation design solution is unilateral and reduces air infiltration. A slight positive pressure is maintained in the operating room, which benefits the gas removal system software to remove gas. A separate anesthetic gas elimination system software is set up in the operating room ventilation and cooling equipment to carry out anesthetic organic exhaust treatment.


The compressive strength of noise in the operating room is about 70-80 decibels (about 80 decibels when the conversation is done to communicate the required sound), and the application of air chisel, electric drill, etc. can make the noise level up to 125 decibels. Operating room should try to avoid noise.

Electromagnetic radiation

From intraoperative X-rays, CT, fluoroscopy experiments. The basic guideline for the safety of radiation sources is to maintain the exposure to the source within the ALARP principle.

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