Philips Viacom, PSG, Bond Ambiente, Ampoland, and so on and so forth. It is important to note that polysomnography is a medical device that is not available to the average user. Although its monitoring data is comprehensive and accurate, it also has some defects. The operator is required to be a professional, the user will have a sense of bondage during the use of the process (the whole body plastered with electrodes) and so on.
In fact, many people now sleep more or less problematic, the home version of the sleep monitoring device recommended Sleepace Shu Pai Reston. its is a non-wearable intelligent sleep detection equipment, monitoring real-time heart rate, respiratory rate, heartbeat, snoring and apnea monitoring and other breathing anomalies such as the number of times, points in time, and length of time. Records the length of fall asleep, sleep time, number of times awake, number of times out of bed, deep, medium and light sleep. Comprehensively provide sleep quality scores to accurately quantify sleep quality.