Faculties and Programs of Tohoku University

Faculties and specialties of Tohoku University Academic structure: Tohoku University currently has 10 faculties and 379 departments or subjects, including the Faculty of Letters, the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Science, the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Pharmacy and the Faculty of Dentistry. The Graduate School has 10 departments: Literature, Education, Law, Economics, Science, Engineering, Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry, and Agriculture. There are seven research institutes affiliated with the university, including the Institute of Metallic Materials, Mineral Processing and Smelting, Anti-mycobacterial Diseases, Scientific Computing, High-Speed Mechanics, Electrical Communication, and Chemistry of Non-Aqueous Solutions, as well as two nationwide **** co-capitalization facilities, such as the Center for Research in Genetics and the Large-Scale Computing Center. The university-wide **** coexistence facilities include the Cryogenic Center, the Applied Intelligence Research Center, the Information Processing Education Center, the Genetics Laboratory, the Environmental Protection Center, the Computing Center, the Million Volt Electron Microscope Room, and the Health Care Management Center.


Graduate School of Literature

Cultural Sciences, Linguistic Sciences, Historical Sciences, and Anthropological Sciences

Graduate School of Education

Comprehensive Educational Sciences, Educational Design and Evaluation

Graduate School of Law

Comprehensive Legal Studies (Faculty of Law), Public **** Law Policy (Faculty of Public **** Policy), and Theoretical Studies of Law and Politics )

Graduate School of Economics

Economic Management, Accounting

Graduate School of Science

Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Geophysics, Chemistry, Geography

Graduate School of Medicine

Medical Science, Disability Science, Health Care

Graduate School of Dentistry

Tooth Dentistry

Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences for Life

Graduate School of Engineering

Mechanical System Design Engineering, Nanomechanics, Aerospace Engineering, Quantum Energy Engineering, Electricity

Electrical Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering, Electronics Engineering, and Dental Engineering. Communication Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Applied Physics, Applied Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Life Engineering, Advanced Metal Engineering, Intelligent Device Materials Science, Materials Systems Engineering, Civil Engineering, Urban Engineering, Architecture, Techno-Social Systems, and Biotechnology. Architecture, Techno-Social Systems, Bio-Robotics Engineering

Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences

Resource Bioscience, Applied Life Science, Bio-industry Creation Science

Graduate School of International Cultural Studies

Theory of International Regional Cultures, Theory of International Cultural Exchanges, Theory of International Culture and Languages

Graduate School of Information Science

Basic Information Science, System Information Science, Human Society Information Science, and Information Science. Graduate School of Information Science

Basic Information Science, System Information Science, Human and Social Information Science, and Applied Information Science

Molecular Life Science, Life Function Science, and Ecosystem Life Science

Graduate School of Environmental Science

Environmental Science

Graduate School of Medicine and Engineering

Medical Science

Graduate School of Educational Informatics

Educational Informatics

Graduate School of Engineering and Technology

Graduate School of Information Technology

Graduate School of Information Technology

Graduate School of Information Technology

Graduate School of Specialized Vocational Education

Graduate School of Law, Graduate School of Public **** Policy, Accounting