How to prevent mold and mildew on a regular basis?

What protects against moisture, mold and insects? Write an answer with a reward

What can prevent moisture, mold and insects?

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Wardrobe moisture, mold and mildew:

1, in the closet placed in the hygroscopic device; general supermarkets have to buy, a few hours of a box of money;

2, bamboo charcoal effect is also very good, but put inside the closet to avoid dirtying the clothes;

3, tea dehumidification method: the tea (you can buy some cheap dry tea, such as green tea, in order to save money, do not need to buy those who are too expensive) with rice paper or newspaper wrapped into a packet of packets, placed in each corner of the closet can play a role in deodorization and dehumidification, and the human body does not have side effects. Then, if you want to make the clothes aromatic, you can buy some clothing solid aromatherapy in the closet.

4, soil method: the lime in a container or box (do not cover, unless not to use the time) in the closet corner, the weather is humid, lime moisture absorption is very strong.

Wardrobe pest control:

Keep clothing clean moths, beetles, etc. are afraid of light, so often wear clothes and often use wool blankets are generally not with insects. General moths, moths and other like dark corners of the clothes, if then there are food debris, food stains or food odor, it is easier for the growth and reproduction of insects. So to prevent bugs, you need to keep your clothes clean first.

1, vacuum treatment

Regularly and often to the cabinet ventilation, cleaning, can effectively prevent insects. You can also use a vacuum cleaner to clean, can be more effective in removing insect eggs, larvae.

2, clothing cleaning

All clothes need to be carefully cleaned and dried before accepting into the cabinet. Even if the chemical fiber and cotton fabrics are not easy to get worms, if you want to store a piece of wool products, you need to clean them before storing them.

3, categorized storage method

Moths, moths can penetrate the very closed closet. Therefore, if you want to organize wool products, it is best to use plastic boxes, plastic bags. Cotton products can be rolled up to prevent shrinkage. Use plastic containers to store clothing should pay attention to the regular replacement of containers, because plastic products are not breathable, and some plastic with time will affect the quality of the fiber.

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