Is it true that HPC Million Dollar Medical Insurance is $1.30 per month?

It's true, but remember that this Million Dollar Medical Insurance isn't just a dollar. Rather, the first month's premium is $1, and the remaining eleven months go to debit from your agreed-upon account in installments. So really your total annual premium is probably a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per year which isn't cheap. The premiums are based on your age. The older you are, the more expensive your premiums will be. So different people have different pricing for different products.

Also, why is this product so cheap? The reason for this is that the Millionaire's Health Insurance policy usually has a $10,000 deductible each year, and this $10,000 deductible means that when you're hospitalized, after you've been reimbursed by your health insurance, you'll have to pay $10,000 personally to be reimbursed by the Millionaire's Health Insurance policy. So if you want to meet this claim threshold, you basically have to spend $20,000 to $30,000 to see a doctor. Most of this ordinary hospitalization is not up to the standard of reimbursement.

Multi-million-dollar medical insurance, it has a lot of details. For example, the renewal of the problem, it will not stop selling, got cancer, we have to go to the hospital to buy drugs, is not reimbursed and other issues, so do not just look at a dollar can buy a million medical insurance to buy, be sure to comprehensive consideration, and then go to buy. The one that suits you is the best.