I did a double valve replacement surgery in 2007, replaced the imported mechanical valve, the body has always been very good but I am a renovation workers have to do manual labor, which will be on the

I did a double valve replacement surgery in 2007, replaced the imported mechanical valve, the body has always been very good but I am a renovation workers have to do manual labor, which will be on the heart... Certainly will have an impact, double valve patients we have instructed patients not to engage in heavy labor after surgery

People's normal valves are very soft, change into 2 rigid artificial mechanical valve, mitral and aortic valves are very close to the relative position of each other, between the mechanics of the extrusion and confrontation, long-term heavy labor heart compensation to a certain time there will be a heart failure, valve failure, etc.

This is the first time that I've seen the heart of a patient with a double valve replacement surgery, but I think it's a good idea for the heart to have the same kind of surgery.