What is LMEL code?

The IMEI code, which stands for International Mobile Equipment Identity, is a 15-digit "electronic serial number" that corresponds to each cell phone and is unique throughout the world.

It consists of:

1, the first 6 digits (TAC) is the "Model Approval Number", which generally represents the model.

2, followed by 2 digits (FAC) is the "final assembly number", generally represents the origin.

3, after the 6-digit (SNR) is the "serial number", generally represents the production sequence number.

4, the last 1 digit (SP) is usually "0", for the inspection code, the current temporary backup.



The way to view the LMEL code of your cell phone:

1. Open the cell phone settings interface, slide down to find the "More Settings" option, click to enter.

2, in the more settings interface, find "about phone" option, click to enter.

3, then enter this page, you can see the phone's LMEL code, as shown in the figure.

Baidu: IMEI