Specific government procurement system is a general term for a series of laws and practices formed in the long-term practice of government procurement to manage government procurement behavior. Specifically, the government procurement system includes the following:
I. Government procurement policy, including the objectives and principles of procurement;
II. The methods and procedures of government procurement;
III. The organization and management of government procurement.
System: the specific government procurement system is a general term for a series of laws and practices that have been developed over a long period of time in the practice of government procurement to regulate the behavior of government procurement. Specifically, the government procurement system includes the following:
I. government procurement policy, including the objectives and principles of procurement;
II. government procurement methods and procedures;
III. government procurement organization and management.
Characteristics: relative to private procurement, government procurement has the following characteristics:
I. The public **** of the source of funds
II. Non-profitability
III. Wideness and complexity of the object of procurement
IV. Normality
V. Policy
VI. Openness
VII, Great influence
The main body of government procurement is the government, is the largest single consumer within a country, the purchasing power is very large. According to statistics, the amount of government procurement in the countries of the European **** body accounted for about 14% of its gross domestic product (excluding the procurement of public utilities); the United States government in the early 1990s for the procurement of goods and services each year on its gross domestic product accounted for 26% -27% of the annual government budget of more than $200 billion for government procurement. Because of this, government procurement has a very big impact on the social economy, procurement scale expansion or reduction, changes in procurement structure on the social and economic development, industrial structure and public living environment have a very obvious impact. It is because of the government procurement on the social economy has other procurement body irreplaceable impact, it has become the governments often use a macro-economic regulation means.
Organizational form of government procurement: foreign government procurement generally have three modes: centralized procurement mode, that is, by a special government procurement agency responsible for all the procurement tasks of the government at this level; decentralized procurement mode, that is, by the expenditure of the procurement unit of their own purchases; semi-centralized and semi-decentralized procurement mode, that is, by the special government procurement agency is responsible for some of the items of the procurement, and the rest by the units themselves. Semi-centralized and Semi-decentralized Procurement Mode China's government procurement in centralized procurement accounts for a large proportion, included in the centralized procurement directory and reach a certain amount of procurement above the project must be centralized procurement.