I'm a hare lip woman, I'm interviewing for a general laborer tomorrow, I don't know if I'll make it. I don't want to go on, I can only earn 2,000 per month, my family every month, I can only earn 2,00

I'm a hare lip woman, I'm interviewing for a general laborer tomorrow, I don't know if I'll make it. I don't want to go on, I can only earn 2,000 per month, my family every month, I can only earn 2,000 per month. It is recommended that you cure the hare lip, cleft lip and palate treatment method surgical treatment is the only method. The newborn's tissue is thin, the body resistance is low, can not withstand the surgical blow, so do not advocate surgery at this time. The best time is 6-9 months, at this time the child has a certain resistance, the incisors have erupted, timely surgery can also avoid the upper incisors protruding deformity. Postoperative recovery has also been shown to be rapid. Cleft palate surgery should be performed later, for the patient's oral cavity is too small for surgery to be difficult, but it is best not to be later than 5 years of age. Surgery is best performed in the spring and fall, and post-operative speech training is necessary to create the conditions for future schooling.