Dr. Ezekiel's clinic conducted a statistical survey and found that 98% of adult cancer patients usually have between two and ten "dead teeth" when they come to the doctor. Every dead tooth is a factory of toxins, and even more horrifying are the hidden and undetected infections, especially in the alveolar bone cavities that remain after tooth extraction.
Although Dr. Ezekiel's primary oral focus is on tonsillar and odontogenic infections, toxic dental materials are also part of the medical care he provides to cancer patients. Toxins from improperly used toxic dental materials, like toxins from any infection in the mouth, travel through the lymphatic system to the tonsils, the entrance to the mouth. The degenerated tonsils will continue to release toxins that depress the immune system and poison the entire body through the lymphatic system, which is a medical phenomenon that must be addressed.
The author had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Ezekiel on Labor Day 1997, and drove with him back to his home in Southern California, and then to Tijuana, Mexico, where there are many alternative clinics, to consult with him at the local CHIPA hospital on a few long term chronic illnesses - most of them cancer patients. Dr. Ezekiel passed away in 1998 at the age of ninety-one, and his medical legacy should be promoted more in areas such as Taiwan and Asia, where there is little awareness of his integrative medicine, for the benefit of his patients.
To learn more about Dr. Eise's integrative therapies, read his classic work: "Cancer Shocker! A Highly Curable Whole Body Approach to Cancer from a Famous German Doctor".
How to do the treatment in TaiwanSince I returned to Taiwan, I have been trying to find an otolaryngologist who can perform the surgery, but I have not been able to do so. Despite this shortcoming, at least some dentists have been able to work with me to remove most of the lesions and toxic materials from my mouth, and with other oral health care methods, I have been able to remedy the problem and control the toxicity of my tonsils. It would be a great blessing for cancer patients if Dr. Ping Li, who has a unique understanding of the health problems associated with the tonsils, could be involved in the removal of the lesions.
At the 2nd Asia-Pacific Symposium on Evidence-Based Medicine organized by the Energy Medicine Society of the Republic of China in 2014, Dr. Long Lin and Dr. Luo Shikuan presented a paper discussing the case of medical-dental collaboration in cancer treatment, which was enthusiastically received by the physicians at the event. Their collaborative work is a perfect example of how dental treatment can make it easier for cancer doctors to achieve positive outcomes.
◆Step 1: Find a dentist who is willing to work with you
First, take a cricothyroidal x-ray showing all the dental problems (for tonsil problems, review whether you have a sore throat, can't speak from your heart - repressed degeneration, or often speak in a very strong voice - inciting inflammation), and ask the dentist to write down your dental problems and recommendations for treatment according to Table 1.
As dentists are trained in different backgrounds, there is often a wide range of treatments and prices, so it's worth asking one or two practitioners for their opinion.
◆Step 2: Home treatment before mercury removal
Our mouths harbor more than just bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. The bacteria in our mouths can be divided into planktonic bacteria that live in our saliva and biofilms on the surface of our mouths (including our teeth and tongues), with anaerobic bacteria having the most drastic physical and mental effects, producing enzymes and toxins that can damage our gums and cause inflammation, bleeding and blood clotting, and even strokes. Dr. Meehan has been comparing the number of bacteria in the mouths of newborn babies and dogs in his classes, proving that the human mouth is full of bacteria. Dogs have much cleaner mouths due to the germicidal antibodies in their saliva! A piece of tartar (or plaque) shaved with a toothpick may harbor 10 to 100 million bacteria. So, implement the oil rinse method!
Oral toxins are mainly divided into oil-soluble and water-soluble toxins, oil gargle can help eliminate the former, and high grams of dysentery is an antidiarrheal medication containing clay, which can adsorb positively charged heavy metal ions and other positively charged toxins. People who gargle a lot of toxins in their mouths often find their minds clearer within a week, which is a tried-and-true fact that I've learned through my teaching.
If you have a lot of metal fillings in your teeth, especially the so-called silver powder (amalgam), you will be burdened with long-term mercury poisoning. Chlorella (rather than the more nutritionally complete cyanobacteria) contains ingredients that specifically chelate mercury, so it is important to take chlorella before mercury removal treatments, and even more abundantly afterward, in order to rid the body of residual heavy metals. In addition, cilantro extract also has the function of mercury discharge, human clinical trials in Soviet Russia found that cilantro and chlorella extract (HMD), can help metallurgical workers from the urine significantly discharged lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum and uranium seven kinds of heavy metals.
The American integrative medicine mercury detoxification has a certain order, first use chlorella to do the initial cellular interstitial mercury detoxification, and then HMD to do the latter part of the deep intracellular detoxification.
Heavy metal drug chelation treatment is partly a medical practice, and must be performed by a qualified physician. In Taiwan, only a few integrative medicine physicians - especially those who are members of the Bread League - will perform this treatment, and Western medicine does not recognize the prevalence of this problem, and only significant cases of acute mercury toxicity will be treated with chelating agents by a toxicologist.
◆Step 3: Begin oral treatment
If there is a combination of odontogenic infection and toxic dental materials, it is common to start with the safe removal of the amalgam, which is more or less inhalation of the mercury vapors, and therefore must be protected - there are already some dental clinics in Taiwan that have introduced mercury-removal equipment.
It is important to note that those with severe mercury burdens should also seek the cooperation of a physician to administer high-dose vitamin C therapy on the day of the revision. When removing mercury, some of the mercury vapor will also be absorbed from the oral cavity. If the treatment of odontogenic infection is done before removing the mercury, I am afraid that the wound that has been cleared will be contaminated again, which is why there is a sequence of "removing the mercury and then removing the infection".
◆Removal of silver powder a few precautions
(1) from the release of the largest amount of mercury vapor to start (usually can be measured by potentiostat, if not, according to experiments is usually from the upper jaw of the silver powder and silver powder has come into contact with other metals - especially gold - the priority of the removal).
(2) If mercury is removed more than once, the number of days between removals should not be a multiple of seven. When removing mercury, the immune system will be suppressed and the white blood cell count will drop. The growth cycle of white blood cells is seven days, and removing mercury after a week will coincide with a new growth cycle, which will continue to suppress the immune system, and is therefore not a wise move.
(3) When removing metal braces or other metal dental materials, it is important to note that excessive amounts of base metals such as nickel, chromium, cadmium, cobalt, and copper can also suppress the immune system. Some braces are covered with silver powder that has not been completely removed, which is not visible on x-ray and can only be confirmed when the braces are removed.
(4) Treat any dental infection, from minor cavities and periodontal disease to hidden root canals and cavities in the alveolar bone.
(5) It is best to seek prophylaxis from a knowledgeable practitioner during the removal of the lesion, and some practitioners will use natural antibiotics in conjunction with the treatment.
Graphic licensed from Persimmon Culture/Chen Lichuan, "Don't let cancer medicine kill you! : A Doctor of Toxicology's Critical Report on Highly Successful Alternative Therapies"
"Don't Let Cancer Medicine Kill You! : A Doctor of Toxicology's Critical Report on Highly Successful Alternative Therapies"
Author: Lichuan Chen
Publisher: Persimmon Culture