What are the main categories of virtual reality technology?

VR involves many disciplines, a wide range of applications and various systems, which are determined by its research objects, research objectives and application requirements. From different angles, VR systems can be classified differently.

1, classified according to the perspective of immersive experience

Immersive experience can be divided into non-interactive experience, human-virtual environment interactive experience and group-virtual environment interactive experience. This angle emphasizes the interactive experience between users and devices. In contrast, users with non-interactive experience are more passive, and the content they experience is planned in advance. Even if users are allowed to guide the scheduling of scene data to a certain extent, there is still no substantive interaction behavior, such as scene roaming, and users have almost nothing to do. In the interactive experience system of human-virtual environment, users can use data gloves and digital scalpels to interact with the virtual environment, such as driving a fighter simulator. At this point, users can perceive the changes in the virtual environment, and then produce various feelings that may occur in the corresponding real world. If the system is networked and computerized, so that multiple users can enjoy a virtual environment, a group-virtual environment interactive experience system will be obtained, such as large-scale online interactive games. The VR system at this time is no different from the real world.

2, according to the system function angle classification

The system functions are divided into planning and design, exhibition and entertainment, training and drills, etc. The planning and design system can be used for the experimental verification of new facilities, which can greatly shorten the research and development time, reduce the design cost and improve the design efficiency. It can be used in urban drainage, community planning and other fields, such as VR simulation water supply and drainage system, which can greatly reduce the funds needed for the original experimental verification; Display and entertainment systems are suitable for providing users with realistic viewing experience, such as digital museums, large-scale 3D interactive games, film and television production, etc. For example, Disney used virtual reality technology to shoot special effects movies as early as 1970s. The training and drilling system can be applied to various dangerous environments and some fields where it is difficult to obtain the working object or the actual operation cost is extremely high, such as surgical training and space station maintenance training.