Suzhou University has developed a liquid robot that can be separated and gathered. In what ways can it be used in the future?

Soochow University has developed a liquid that can be separated and gathered. This kind of robot can be used in medical treatment in the future and will be very helpful in these aspects.

Everyone is paying a lot of attention to the liquid robot researched by Suzhou University. It plays a great role in medical treatment. It can be found that the flexible operation of this robot is very strong and can be used in weak medical conditions. During the operation, the doctor's chance of success will also increase when performing surgery. It can be found that the development of science and technology has been progressing, and people can feel the rapid development of science and technology. In the past, this kind of science fiction elements could only appear in movies, but now there are some surprising hard-core technologies in real life.

You can find our country’s expert team. These scientists use magnetic fluid to create liquid robots. This kind of robot is also technologically advanced. It is a leap forward and makes everyone feel like science fiction. Things in the movie are reflected in reality and gradually affect people's lives. Everyone can feel that everything in the future is very possible, whether it is a baboon bicycle or some other science fiction elements, it can all be realized. This robot makes everyone feel particularly curious. It can be found that this robot is relatively small, generally about one centimeter in size. This is a very small existence. It is also a robot made of magnetic fluid that can flow freely. , can also change form.

Because this kind of robot can perform some small operations that people cannot complete. In the past, everyone would not dare to think about this kind of thing. Now the development of robots has brought everyone a different feeling. This robot has some advantages. It can pass obstacles and is very convenient to operate. It can automatically decompose to reduce its size and finally pass some obstacles. When the robot was put back together, it had a new function that could perform functions such as separation of liquid polymerase.