The Sawasaki lizard is one of the most docile of all the lizards, and is a semi-aquatic, diurnal lizard. Hatchlings have excellent body coloration, but the coloration tends to be duller as they grow up, although there are some variations in individual body coloration. The feeding environment is similar to that of Nile lizards, but they require a lot of water and can be fed crickets, breadworms, mice, eggs, etc. The hatchlings are fast-growing, so calcium and vitamins are very important, and it is best to provide them with calcium and vitamins on a weekly basis.
Males are also larger than females, with males being adults at 100-130 centimeters and females at 50-120 centimeters. The female lizard will lay 6-25 soft-shelled eggs 4-6 weeks after mating in a hole dug in the ground and then buried. The eggs hatch in 2.5-3.5 months, and the hatchlings reach adulthood in about two years, with a lifespan of 15 years, the same as that of the common monitor lizard.
Scientific name: Varanus salvator
Origin: India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Indonesia
Habitat: Swampy or mangrove areas
Body length: 100-200 centimeters
Temperature: 25-30 degrees Celsius
Scientific name: Iguana iguana
Native range: Mexico to Paraguay, Central and South America
Habitat: Tropical rainforest
Body length: 70-160 centimeters
Temperature: 25-30 degrees Celsius
Iguana iguana, literally, is a spiny iguana, and there are many different species of iguanas, the most famous ones being the marine iguana and the land iguana of Galapagos. The most famous are the marine iguanas and land iguanas of the Galapagos Islands. However, in terms of pet lizards, the green iguana is the most popular lizard of all, it is also the largest iguana species, and is the most widely kept representative of pet lizards. Since China opened up the importation of captive-bred individuals at the end of 2001. The price of the iguana has plummeted from thousands of yuan to a few hundred yuan, which is a great boon for those who love large lizards.
The green iguana is a day-type arboreal lizard that is omnivorous, accepting crickets, breadbugs, eggs, and other animal foods as a juvenile, and then changing to a plant-based diet as an adult, which can be fed on leaves and fruits. In the wild, green iguanas mainly live in the forest canopy near streams, so a water bowl is indispensable. The skin is very tough and not easily injured, but care must be taken to keep the heat lamps away from the iguana, as scalding accidents often occur. The long tail will break off in case of emergency, so be careful when playing with the tail, but the tail will regenerate, so it won't cause any permanent damage. Due to the high demand in the pet market, there are large-scale specialized farms in Florida and South America that produce large quantities of these lizards. It is the most abundant lizard in the world.
The male iguana has femoral holes in his hind legs, a neck that is much larger than the female's, and a large rounded scale below the ear hole that is much larger than the female's. The iguana's mating is done in trees, and the iguana has a long neck. Mating takes place in trees, and pregnant females will lay their eggs in holes dug in the ground, cover them with soil and leave the nest alone, so hatchlings
have to fend for themselves from an early age. However, females will sometimes dig several burrows to distract predators. Green iguanas lay a large number of eggs, often 30-50 in a clutch, which hatch in 75-90 days. Hatchlings take up to two years to reach adulthood. If kept correctly, iguanas can live for more than ten years.
Scientific name: Cordylus cataphractus
Native range: South Africa
Habitat: Rocky deserts
Body length: 15-20 centimeters
Temperature: 21-29 degrees Celsius
The armadillo lizard is named for its resemblance to an armadillo, a mammal, in the way it avoids enemies. It is a small, diurnal lizard. They usually congregate in family groups in rocky desert areas. When it encounters a predator, it quickly dashes into a crevice to hide. Failing to do so, the armadillo lizard takes its tail in its mouth and rolls its body into a spiky ball to protect its vulnerable abdomen, a self-protection measure similar to that of the armadillo. It's a rare coincidence in nature that mammals and reptiles have such similar ways of avoiding enemies.
The armadillo lizard is very tame and easy to raise, and can adapt to artificial environments very quickly, but it is a bit more timid than ordinary lizards, so it is best not to catch it and play with it before it is fully adapted. Its diet is mainly insects and invertebrates, and it can be fed crickets and breadworms, and its young are particularly fond of termites. Termites are the most nutritious food if you can find them. Adults can also be fed on milkweed. Use a sandy substrate with some rocks for climbing and hiding, a large water bowl as they like to soak in water, and a UVB heat lamp for exposure to the sun.
It is very difficult to tell the difference between male and female armadillo lizards, but because of the low price, you can keep 3-5 lizards in a group and let them pair up naturally. Males usually have a larger head with more distinctive patterns, and the femoral pores are more obvious, but the accuracy is lower than that of other lizards. Females can give birth to one hatchling at a time, only once a year, and are typically viviparous lizards. The newborn hatchlings are encased in a transparent membrane, and can mature and reproduce in about three years. The newborns are covered with a transparent membrane and can mature and reproduce in about three years. The young can live with their parents every time and are not in danger of being eaten because armadillo lizards are gregarious animals, but they take their family members as the object of their grouping, and are in danger of being attacked if they are strangers from outside.
Armadillo lizards bred in captivity gradually lose their self-defense instinct of curling into a ball. Most of the individuals found on the market are wild, because the number of captive bred individuals is too low to be economically viable. Other than that, the Armadillo Lizard is a fun lizard to keep. It is even suitable for beginners.
Scientific name: Tiliqua scincoides
Origin: Australia and New Guinea
Habitat: Dry grasslands and forests
Body length: 45-60 centimeters
Seasonal temperature: 22-28 degrees Celsius
Blue-tongue lizards have a more comical, more elegant and more elegant appearance than the typical lizard. There are six subspecies of blue-tongued lizards in Australia***. The most common subspecies is Tiliqua s. scincoides, commonly known as the eastern blue-tongued lizard or the slanted blue-tongued lizard, which is mainly found in Australia, with a small number of subspecies in Indonesia and New Guinea. With its large population, the blue-tongued lizard is one of the most common lizards in Australia and is often found in backyards. Blue-tongued lizards are very active and easy to handle. As long as they are in contact with each other frequently, they will soon lose their guard and become very tame, making them a good pet lizard for beginners. It is a good pet for beginners. If kept properly, it usually lives for more than 20 years. A similar subspecies is Tiliqua s. intermedia, known as the northern blue-tongued lizard, which is very similar to the eastern species and is distinguished mainly by the black spots behind the eyes.
Because of their short limbs, blue-tongued lizards are not good climbers, so they need a lot of floor space. A four-foot box is more than enough for a pair of adults, and sterile soil is a good substrate for digging their nests. Temperatures of around 28 degrees Celsius during the day and 23 degrees Celsius at night are ideal. A heat lamp is necessary to keep the temperature at around 33 degrees Celsius. They are water-drinking lizards, so a water bowl is necessary to provide water. Blue-tongued lizards are omnivorous, accepting fruits and vegetables, crickets, breadworms and other live bait. They are large eaters and need regular weekly calcium supplements. Unlike other lizards, blue tongue lizards can eat dead insects or mice without live bait.
Male and female lizards can be easily distinguished from female lizards, as the male's head is much wider than the female's. The blue tongue lizard is a viviparous lizard. The blue-tongued lizard is a viviparous lizard that mates in the early spring after a cold winter. Set up a birth box in the breeding tank and line the box with slightly moist newspaper or dry grass, and the female will give birth to 10-15 hatchlings 3-5 months after mating. The hatchlings are not difficult to raise, as long as they are fed the same food as the adult lizards, except that the food must be smaller in size. After three years, the lizards reach adulthood and become one of the largest species in the family.
Scientific name: Dracaena guianensis
Native range: Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Guyana, South America
Habitat: Riverine swamps.
Body length: 120-150 centimeters.
Temperature 20-26 degrees Celsius.
The South American Alligator Lizard is an unfamiliar lizard to most people. Although it is widely distributed in South America and there are many wild populations, it is still rare in the pet market due to its strict protection, and even in Europe, America and Japan, it is a rare species that cannot be found.
The South American crocodile lizard is a hybrid between a monitor lizard and a crocodile in both appearance and behavior. Adult lizards can grow up to a meter or more, and have the body shape and forked tongue of a monitor lizard, but the scales and armor of a crocodile and the watery nature of a crocodile. They are semi-aquatic lizards that are diurnal, but they are also very good at climbing trees, and they like to sunbathe on the branches of trees along the waterfront on weekdays in addition to moving around in the water, and when the wind blows, they will immediately disappear into the water and run away. Therefore, it is best to set up an environment similar to that of a water dragon, where water is the main focus and the land area can be minimized by setting up more dead branches for climbing.
Most people know that snails are the staple food of South American alligator lizards, but because most people are inexperienced and don't know what kind of snails are suitable for feeding, and because there is only incomplete information about the origin of the snails, almost all the owners keep them in the same way as they would keep monitor lizards, and feed them mice and frogs, which is a successful way to feed them, but it is a far cry from what they actually need.
In fact, South American alligator lizards feed exclusively on snails of the aquatic apple snail family (Ampullariidae). This secret is virtually unknown in the reptile market, and was discovered by accident while searching for information on apple snails. These snails are large and widespread in South American waterways, and there are four main genera:
Asolene, Felipponea, Marisa and Pomacea, of which Pomacea is the most important food item for South American crocodile lizards.
When it comes to snails of the genus Pomacea, they are infamous, and were introduced in Taiwan many years ago by agricultural units from South America in large quantities as food snails, but because of the poor flavor and abandonment of a large number of them, they have become the biggest scourge of Taiwan's aquatic plants, and it is called the Fukushou snail (Pomacea canaliculata). It comes in many different body colors. The golden-colored golden snail, which can still be found in the aquarium market, is a spinoff of the Pomacea canaliculata. South American alligator lizards have evolved over millions of years to develop strong upper and lower jaws and short, flat teeth that are perfect for crunching snails and shellfish. Their teeth are not suitable for hunting other live food. If you keep a South American alligator lizard in Taiwan, you will have an inexhaustible source of food.
It is not difficult to tell the difference between males and females, with males having a darker and more comprehensive orange-red coloration on their faces, while females have a lighter and less extensive coloration. Males also have a more pronounced figure-of-eight pattern of two femoral holes between the legs, while females do not. Breeding information is still not well known and it is up to the owner to figure it out.
Scientific name: Tribolonotus gracilis
Native range: New Guinea and outlying islands
Habitat: Humid forested areas
Body length: 18-25 centimeters in total length
Seasonable temperatures: 16-27 degrees Celsius
Red-eyed crocodile lizards are small to medium-sized lizards, with a large, reddish-orange ring around the eye. The red-eyed crocodile lizard is a small to medium sized lizard with a large reddish-orange ring around its eyes, which looks like two large red eyes from the front, and serves as a deterrent to predators. Of course, this is also the origin of their name. There are eight species of crocodile lizards***, and the red-eyed crocodile lizard is one of the most outstanding, generally inhabiting the high latitude mountainous forests of tropical rainforests near streams. The red-eyed crocodile lizard is a carnivorous lizard that feeds mainly on insects and software crustaceans and likes to move around in the water. So you need to pay attention to these points when you keep them.
To keep a pair of red-eyed alligator lizards, you only need a one-and-a-half-foot tank. Set up a 1/3 water area and 2/3 land area, the substrate should be sterile soil mixed with bark chips to keep the humidity high. Too dry an environment will cause poor shedding. Because of their nocturnal tendency, they don't need special lighting. In winter, it's better to install heating pads in the corner of the tank to maintain a proper temperature. Alligator lizards have sharp claws and are good at climbing trees, so the lid of the tank should be tightly covered. Red-eyed alligator lizards have a characteristic that both sexes can make a chirping sound, with a thin tone, and the frequency of the female is lower than that of the male.
Male lizards are slightly larger than female lizards, males have a row of tiny pads on the inside of the three toes of the hind feet, females do not, and males have a large square scale at the navel. Red-eyed alligator lizards are gentle, but males will fight over females, so don't keep two males together, and it's not a good idea to keep two females together, so it's best to keep them in pairs or multiple pairs. Most lizards lay their eggs in the fall, and females lay only one egg at a time, which will hatch in about 60 days. The incubation temperature should not exceed 29 degrees Celsius, 27 degrees Celsius is ideal. There is no correlation between temperature and sex. Hatchlings reach maturity in their third year, and as long as humidity is taken care of, red-eyed alligator lizards should live for at least 10 years. They are relatively easy to keep and breed.
Scientific name: Chlamydosaurus kingii
Origin: Australia and New Guinea
Habitat: Tropical rainforests
Body length: 60-90 centimeters
Seasonal temperature: 21-29 degrees Celsius
The appearance and coloration of the umbrella lizard is similar to that of the lizards of the general public. Few people know that they are not only easy to keep, but also very docile and lively, making them one of the few lizards that are suitable as pets. And the way they spread their unique neck umbrellas is something you will never tire of seeing. These medium to large lizards are found in Australia and New Guinea, and the individuals available on the market are usually semi-wild individuals from Indonesia. The younger the individual, the better, and the easier it is to tame.
The Umbrella Lizard is a gentle lizard and is unlikely to attack other lizards, but it is not suitable for mixing with other lizards that are too different in size because they may fight with each other. Body color varies from teal to brown to grey and even black, most of which are regional variations. Since the lizard is a diurnal arboreal species, a high level of enclosure is needed, with bark chips, dead branches for climbing, UVB lamps and a water bowl. Umbrella lizards eat a lot of food, mainly insects, crickets, breadbugs, cockroaches, and even mice are good food, most individuals will also eat vegetables, beans and fruits, fish, shrimp, and carnivorous lizards feed and other bait, so you can try more of their tastes. Umbrella lizards usually open their umbrellas only when they are threatened or frightened, so domesticated umbrella lizards are less likely to open their umbrellas. It is important to note that the tail is twice as long as the body, so be careful not to break it off with your companion.
It is not easy to tell the difference between male and female, especially in the juvenile stage. Adult males are much larger than females, with larger heads and cervical umbrellas, a bulge under the cloaca, more distinctive body coloration, and a gentler personality. Umbrella lizards will reproduce in about a year, but it is safer to keep them for more than two years to prevent the females from getting their eggs stuck and dying because of their small size. Mating behavior can be facilitated by allowing them to experience a period of cool, dry temperatures during the breeding process. Mating usually takes place on the ground and pregnant females will dig holes in the ground to lay their eggs, so it is important to prepare a mound for this purpose. Incubation temperatures should ideally be kept between 27-29 degrees Celsius, and should not exceed 30 degrees Celsius, as this may result in embryo death. The life expectancy of an iguana is fifteen years under normal breeding conditions.
Scientific name: Corytophanes cristatus
Native range: Mexico to northern Colombia
Habitat: Tropical rainforests
Body length: 30-40 centimeters
Temperature: 22-28 degrees Celsius
There are three members of the genus Corytophanes***. C. cristatus, C. hemandesii, and C. percarinatus. Of these, C. cristatus, known as the sail lizard, is the most commonly seen in the pet market. C. cristatus is a member of the family Iguanidae, which includes the green iguana, rhinoceros iguana, spiny-tailed iguana, and Fiji iguana. In addition to the drooping chin and iguana scales on the backbone, the most distinctive feature of the iguana is the crown on its head, which resembles a sail and can be stretched out at will. It resembles a sail and can be retracted at will. A feature not found in other iguanas. The tail is twice as long as the body. The Sailor Lizard is also a typical diurnal arboreal lizard. It spends its days on upright tree trunks or in bushes, and does not rise very high above the ground. Of all the members of the family Iguana, the Sailor Lizard is one of the gentler and quieter of all the iguanas.
Keeping is similar to that of the double-crested iguana, except that it does not need a lot of water. The diet consists of arthropods, insects, lizards, mice, earthworms, etc. Vitamins and calcium are also needed. A watering bowl is a must. It is also a good idea to spray water 2-3 times a day to keep the humidity high.
It is easy to tell the difference between male and female, the female's head is smaller and her femoral pores are less obvious. Females lay 6-10 eggs per clutch, which hatch in about 60-75 days, but they are very difficult to breed, so successful breeding records are rare and there is still a lot of room for improvement.
Scientific name: Eumeces chinensis formosensis
Place of origin: Taiwan endemic subspecies
Habitat: mountainous areas and grassy plains up to 1,000 meters
Body length: 30-40 centimeters
Temperature: 22-35 degrees Celsius
There are more than 10 species of Eumeces in Taiwan. There are more than ten species in Taiwan, including many with outstanding body color. The Chinese skink can be considered as a more common species. It is also the endemic subspecies of Taiwan, and there are four other subspecies distributed in Green Island, China and Southeast Asia. The population is small, and it is not easy to be seen by the general public, as it likes to hang out in the grass or bushes in the lowlands below 1000 meters. In winter, they have the habit of hibernating in the ground.
The Chinese skink is a diurnal, ground-dwelling lizard that feeds on small invertebrates. Occasionally, it will also feed on plant stems and leaves. It is a gentle and timid lizard that is highly adaptable to artificial environments. It can be kept in the same environment as a tropical rainforest lizard. It also accepts crickets and breadworms very well. However, the tail is as vulnerable to self-cutting as that of the Shogun, so avoid scratching the tail.
Males have thicker tails and larger red spots behind the ears. Females can lay 15-20 eggs per clutch. The female can lay 15-20 eggs per clutch. It is a prolific lizard
The scientific name is Basiliscus plumifrons
Native range: Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Costa Rica
Habitat: Tropical rainforests
Body length: 70-90 centimeters
Temperature: 24-35 degrees Celsius
The double-crowned lizard is a standard tropical rainforest reptile, with a large tail and large red spots behind the ears. They are standard rainforest reptiles and need a hot and humid environment. Since they tend to live in riverine trees, the humidity is very high and can reach 75-100%. When kept in captivity, humidity control becomes the most important key. There are four subspecies of double-crested lizards***, the most common being the brown double-crested lizard (Basiliscus basiliscus), followed by the striped double-crested lizard, also known as the red double-crested lizard (Basiliscus vittatus) and the western double-crested lizard (Basiliscus galeritus), and finally the green double-crested lizard (Basiliscus plumifrons). Basiliscus galeritus, and finally Basiliscus plumifrons.) Strictly speaking, only the green double-crested lizard has a two-piece crown, making it a true double-crested lizard, while the other three have a single piece. The shape of the crown distinguishes each subspecies. Of course, the crown and dorsal fins are only found on males. The Western Double-crested Lizard is very rare because of its small population. Artificially bred individuals usually have smaller crowns and fins than wild ones, and their body color is a bit duller.
While they are not difficult to keep if the conditions are right, they are not suitable for people who like to play with their pets because they are timid, easily frightened and have a low level of interaction with their owners.
These lizards like to live in riverbanks, where they can be found in the wild. Double-crested lizards like to inhabit the trees on the banks of the river Western double-crested lizards, encountering threats can immediately jump into the water to escape, they run on the ground with their hind limbs, due to the light weight, hind limbs are stout and developed, the hind paws are not only very large, but also the soles of the feet have special scales that can be used to play the role of a water skiing board, so that the double-crested lizards can run for a long distance on the water surface, and then submerged in the water to swim quickly away from the danger. Therefore, it should be kept in an environment that matches this characteristic as much as possible. It's similar to a water dragon.
The double-crowned lizard is also a typical daywalking arboreal lizard, and should be housed in a tank with a high ceiling, branches and green potted plants, a large water bowl at the bottom, a substrate of bark chips or sterile soil, and a UVB heat lamp are also necessary equipment. Since the male is very strong in the field, you can't have two males **** in the same tank. They are insectivorous and can be fed on crickets, breadworms, mice and small fish. In the wild, the lizard will sometimes prey on fish.
Adults are not difficult to distinguish from males and females, the males are larger and have a crown and dorsal fin, but breeding is more difficult, mainly due to humidity control, and other factors such as sunlight hours and temperature must be properly coordinated. For example, brown double-crested lizards need higher humidity. Separating males and females for a period of time can increase the chance of successful mating. About 4-6 weeks after successful mating, females will dig holes in the ground to lay eggs. 15-17 soft-shelled eggs can be laid in each clutch, and they can lay as many as 4-5 eggs per season, making them very prolific lizards.
The incubation temperature should be kept at 28-29 degrees Celsius for about 8-10 weeks, and the hatchlings are best left in the incubator until the egg sacs are absorbed before being moved to individual tanks. Hatchlings mature between one and a half and two years, but males will fight at around six months and are best kept separately. The hatchlings also have a unique skill of playing dead, which is not common in other lizards. If kept properly, they can live up to 15-20 years.
Scientific name: Pogona vitticeps
Native range: central to southeastern Australia
Habitat: semi-desert or dry forested areas
Body length: 40-60 centimeters
Temperature: 21-28 degrees Celsius
Maned lion lizards are popular pet lizards around the world. The popularity of the iguana is comparable to that of the green iguana. Adult lizards with spines on their heads have a commanding presence that attracts many people, and their much smaller size is one of the main reasons why they are better suited to the home. There are many subspecies of the lizard, the color of the body varies slightly depending on the species, coupled with human breeding, so the lizard's body color is becoming more and more diversified, from white to red a variety of colors have appeared, and the United States has cultivated all red species, the price is very high.
Food is omnivorous, but preferred meat, such as crickets, breadbugs, ants and other insects are not refused, accounting for 70% of the daily food, of course, will also eat some vegetables, fruits and flowers, accounting for about 30%. The amount of food that can be eaten in 10-15 minutes should be enough for each feeding. Juvenile lizards should be fed 2-3 times a day, adult lizards should be fed crickets 2-3 times a week, but vegetables should be fed once a day. The most suitable substrate is a mixture of fine yarn or sand and sterile soil. Bark and wood chips should be avoided. A two-foot tank is sufficient for hatchlings, but a four-foot tank is sufficient for a pair of adults. Maned lizards are not likely to drink from a water bowl, so a water bowl is not necessary, but they should be sprayed with water once every two days. If kept well, they can live for more than 10 years. Fighting among their own kind
Sometimes fierce, especially among males, but usually harmless.
It is very difficult to recognize males and females at the hatchling stage, and they reach maturity in about a year. Males' chins turn black during the breeding season, but this is not absolute, so it is more accurate to use the difference in their tails to differentiate between males and females. Female lizards will dig holes in the ground to lay their eggs in sheltered areas and can lay 10-25 eggs each time, with an incubation period of about 90 days. Because of their special temperature control, Maned Lion Lizards are more tolerant of higher and lower temperatures than other lizards, but lighted insulation in winter is still a must. If you play with it often, it will become a very tame pet. Physignathus cocincinus
Habitat China, Thailand, Vietnam
Habitat Riparian forests
Body length Full length 60-90 centimeters
Warmth 24-31 degrees Celsius
There are two main types of water lizards in the reptile market: the water dragon, and the water dragon, the water dragon. There are two main species of water dragons in the reptile market: the Chinese water dragon P. cocincinus and the Australian water dragon P. lesueurii. Although there are 1-2 other species of water dragons in the same genus, they do not appear in the market. In terms of water dragons, P. cocincinus is more popular than P. lesueurii, probably because of its more pleasing coloration. Basically, the two species have different distribution areas, the Chinese Water Dragon is found in China and the Central and Southern Peninsula, while the Australian Water Dragon is found in the eastern part of Australia, so it is also known as the Eastern Water Dargon. However, their habits and diets are still very similar. The biggest difference lies in the temperature tolerance range, the Australian Water Dragon can withstand temperatures below 0 degrees Celsius but cannot tolerate temperatures above 28 degrees Celsius for a long period of time, and has a more stable personality, while the Chinese Water Dragon is very sensitive to temperatures below 20 degrees Celsius but can tolerate high temperatures very well, and has a more timid personality. Therefore, in Taiwan, the Chinese Water Dragon is more suitable for keeping. Australian Water Dragons are more likely to die from overheating and dehydration.
The main principle of keeping the environment is to maintain humidity, and to set up in the mode of a tropical rainforest, the water dragon is a diurnal semi-aquatic reptile, the substrate can be mixed with bark chips and aseptic soil, and the humidity can be kept above 80%, and water must be sprayed more than 2 times a day to keep the humidity high, and the UVB is also a must. Another thing you can't do without is of course a large water bowl, water dragons like to sit quietly in the water to soak. As long as the tank is large enough, it is possible to keep more than one male ****. Insects, crickets, breadworms and small fish are also good staples, as well as fruits and vegetables, and the adults can be fed with mice. Vitamins and calcium must be added regularly.
It is not difficult to tell the difference between males and females in adults. Males have well-developed dorsal iguanas and are much larger than females, with more pronounced femoral pores, and a bright orange to reddish coloration on their chests, compared to an orange to yellowish hue on the chests of the Chinese water dragons. The female's markings are generally dull and fuzzy. Breeding is not difficult as long as the environment is suitable, but at least two years old or over 60 centimeters are suitable for breeding. Usually water dragons can mate and lay eggs without going through a period of low temperatures, but give them about two months of low temperatures of 20-23 degrees Celsius and weekly feeding, and reduce the sunlight to less than 10 hours, after two months when the temperature returns to normal, the males will start the courtship behavior, and the females will dig holes in the ground to lay eggs for about two months after the mating. Usually about 10 eggs are laid at a time. Eggs are placed in an incubator at 28-30 degrees Celsius and hatch in 55-70 days. The hatchlings can be fed on ants, crickets and small breadbugs. As long as the environment is favorable, the water dragon can easily live for more than 10 years.
Scientific name: Varanus komodoensis
Origin: Komodo and outlying islands, Indonesia
Habitat: Tropical rainforests and dry savannahs
Body length: 200-300 centimeters in total length
Seasonable temperatures: 26-32 degrees centigrade
It is believed that you may have seen the famous Komodo dragon on Discovery Channel. As you may have seen on the Discovery Channel, the largest lizard on the planet is a true giant lizard, even a modern version of the last dinosaur. It was up to three meters long. The population in the wild is now only about 2,500-5,000. There are only about 350 females. The Komodo dragon is a CITES Class I species, but a small number of hatchlings have been imported into Taiwan. Although the adults are plainly colored, the hatchlings have a distinctive and gorgeous coloration. The hatchlings usually stay in the trees until they are about one meter tall before returning to the ground, and this period of arborealism lasts for about one year. This is a natural instinct to avoid attack by adult Komodo dragons.
The Komodo dragon is the most advanced predator and has no natural predators in its native range, but is still in danger of extinction because it does not reproduce easily. They prey on large mammals such as goats, wild boars, deer and even buffalo, mainly by ambush. Often they would also eat dead carcasses. The saliva of the Komodo dragon is so rich in bacteria that the bite usually kills within two days due to inflammation of the wound. Then the Komodo dragon's keen sense of smell can easily find the prey and devour it. It is important to avoid bites as they are very difficult to heal. They are also one of the few lizards that live in groups. The sense of smell is mainly based on the forked tongue rather than the nostrils. In captivity, they are mainly fed on mice and chickens, ducks or meat. These lizards are not suitable as pets unless they have a large outdoor enclosure.
Hatchlings are able to reproduce after five to seven years. During the breeding season from May to July, males compete with each other to mate with females, and during the egg-laying season from July to September, females lay 15-30 soft-shelled eggs, which hatch in about 200-250 days. The incubation period is much longer than that of the common giant sucker. The larvae feed mainly on insects and mollusks. Lifespan is about 20-35 years
. Scientific name: Varanus timorensis
Native range: Timor and surrounding islands, Indonesia
Habitat: Tropical rainforests
Body length: 60-70 centimeters
Temperature: 22-32 degrees Celsius