Introduction to Biomedical Engineering

Table of Contents 1 Pinyin 2 English Reference 3 Research Scope of Biomedical Engineering 3.1 Basic Theory Research 3.2 Applied Research 4 Development of Biomedical Engineering 1 Pinyin

shēng wù yī xué gōng chéng

2 English Reference

Biomedical engineering

Biomedical engineering refers to engineering technologies that are applied to solve Biomedical engineering refers to the engineering techniques applied to solve biomedical problems. Biomedical engineering synthesizes the theories and methods of engineering, biology and medicine, studies the structure, function, state and changes of living organisms, especially the human body, and other life phenomena, and researches and begins to serve for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of disease and the human body function to assist the medical application of the artificial devices and systems of the discipline. It is in electronics, microelectronics, modern computer technology, chemistry, polymer chemistry, mechanics, modern physics, optics, radiology, precision machinery and modern high technology development on the basis of the conditions of the combination of medical development, its subject areas are very broad, and in the continuous development and expansion of the development of the countries strive for the development of one of the high technology. Biomedicine is a more comprehensive application of engineering technology is the century after the 1960s, due to engineering, electronics technology, polymer synthetic materials technology and other rapid development for the development of biomedicine to create favorable conditions. Currently used in biomedical aspects of the new technology are: ultrasound, laser, liquid crystal, optical fiber, electron microscope, infrared technology, nuclear technology, electronic computer technology, cryogenics, jet technology, biomagnetic technology, remote sensing remote control technology. Biomedical engineering to promote basic research and clinical diagnosis, treatment, care, rehabilitation means of modernization and level of improvement.

3 Scope of biomedical engineering research

Currently, there are several aspects of biomedical engineering research:

3.1 Basic theoretical research

① Biomechanical research, the use of mechanical theory and methodology to study the mechanical properties of biological tissues and organs, and the study of the mechanical characteristics of the organism and its function, the results of the research on the understanding of the human body's disease mechanism and to determine the therapeutic program is of great significance, but also for the artificial organs and artificial tissues. It can also provide a basis for the design of artificial organs and tissues, such as the development of artificial bones.

② biological control research, mainly to study the organism of various regulation, control phenomenon of the mechanism, and then control the organism's physiological and pathological phenomena, in order to prevent and cure diseases.

③ biological effects research, the study of light, sound, electromagnetic radiation and nuclear radiation and other energy in the body propagation, distribution and its impact and role of the principle, to determine its harm and role in medical diagnosis and treatment.

④ Biomaterials research, to determine a variety of metal, non-gold, composite materials, polymer materials, etc. to make a variety of artificial organs, its strength, hardness, toughness, wear resistance, chemical stability, non-toxicity, and compatibility with the body's tissues or blood and other requirements.

3.2 Applied Research

Applied research includes medical diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of instruments and equipment, biomedical information processing technology, medical imaging technology, biomedical instrumentation, artificial organs, functional assistive technology for people with disabilities, as well as acoustic, optical, electrical, thermal, magnetic, ray and cryogenic technology in the application of medicine. Countries are now competing to develop high-tech diagnostic and therapeutic equipment. Current imaging of human tissue by measuring the body's magnetic field is the latest development in imaging technology, which can reflect cardiac arrhythmia, myocardial ischemia, epileptic activity, Alzheimer's disease, and brain invasion of immunodeficiency signs. The technique of processing and analyzing signals and graphs such as ECG signals, EEG, nystagmus, speech, heart sounds and respiration is also a high technology. Countries have also set off a high-tech research boom in neural network research, which studies the thinking mechanism of the human brain, the results of which are used for research and trial production of intelligent computer technology, is likely to cause major breakthroughs in emerging fringe disciplines.

4 The development of biomedical engineering

Biomedical engineering, like other disciplines, its development is also determined by science and technology, social and economic factors. The term first appeared in the U.S. In 1958, the International Federation of Medical Electronics was established in the U.S. In 1965, the organization was renamed the International Federation of Medical and Biological Engineering, which later became the International Society for Biomedical Engineering.

Biomedical engineering, in addition to having good social benefits, there are good economic benefits, the prospects are very broad, is currently one of the countries competing for the development of high technology. In 1984, for example, the U.S. biomedical engineering and systems market size of about 11 billion U.S. dollars. The U.S. Academy of Sciences estimates that by 2000 its value is expected to reach 40 to 100 billion U.S. dollars.