Bar code is a set of bar, empty symbols arranged according to certain coding rules, to represent certain characters, numbers and symbols composed of information. The barcode system is an automatic identification system composed of barcode symbol design, production and scanning and reading.
Barcode encoding method?
There are many types of barcodes, and there are probably more than twenty common code systems, including: Code39 (standard 39 code), Codabar code (Kudelbar code), Code25 (standard 25 code), ITF25 (cross 25 code), Matrix25 (matrix 25 code), UPC-A code, UPC-E code, EAN-13 code ( EAN-13 International Merchandise Code), EAN-8 Code (EAN-8 International Merchandise Code), China Postal Code (a variant of Matrix25 Code), Code-B Code, MSI Code, Code11 Code, Code93 Code, ISBN Code, ISSN Code, Code128 Code (Code128 Code, including EAN128 Code), Code39EMS (EMS-specific 39 code) and other 1D barcodes and PDF417 and other 2D barcodes.
At present, the international widely used barcode types are EAN, UPC code (commodity barcode, used to uniquely identify a commodity in the world. We are most common in the supermarket is this kind of bar code), Code39 code (can represent numbers and letters, the most widely used in the field of management), ITF25 code (more used in logistics management), Codebar code (mostly used in the field of health care, books), Code93 code, Code128 code and so on. Among them, EAN code is widely used in the world of commodity bar code, has become the basis of electronic data interchange (EDI); UPC code is mainly used in the United States and Canada; in all kinds of bar code application system, Code39 code can be used because of its numbers and letters *** with the composition of the same way in the internal management of the various industries are widely used; in the blood bank, libraries and photo studio business, Codebar code is also widely used. Codebar code is also widely used.