What type of biomicroscope do I need to buy for my microbiology lab? With a photo function

Biological microscope is divided into high school and low grade, if you have enough budget to consider high-grade, high-grade certainly imported Olympus CX31 is good, low-end can be considered domestic. Here you do not think that the low-grade is not good, said here in the low-grade is only relative to the high-grade, low-grade imaging effect is not bad at all. You need to ask for a photo function, it is recommended that the camera through the USB cable to the computer, the computer can be supported by software to take pictures, video, measurement, etc.. The same camera is also divided into categories, according to the imaging effect of high school and low, high-grade CCD chip, such as the use of Sony CCD chip, a 3-megapixel domestic to 7,000 yuan or so, the general use of low-grade CMOS chip, CMOS chips are also 3 megapixels, 5 megapixels, 10 megapixels, 5 megapixels, general price in the The price of 5-megapixel is around 2500 dollars and 10-megapixel is around 3500 dollars. Send a link for your reference

Microscope link:/supplyself/204208859.html

Camera link:/supplyself/201817484.html

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