Purchasing plan, refers to the enterprise management personnel in the understanding of the market supply and demand situation, recognize the process of enterprise production and operation activities and grasp the law of material consumption on the basis of the planned period of material procurement management activities made by the foreseeable arrangements and deployment. The following is what I have organized for you on the development of procurement planning process, to give you as a reference, welcome to read!
Procurement plan development
1 procurement analysis
In the procurement analysis, the main direct costs that may be incurred in procurement, indirect costs, self-manufacturing capacity, the ability to evaluate bids for procurement, etc., to analyze and compare, and to decide whether to purchase all or part of the required goods and services from a single supplier or from multiple suppliers. Procurement analysis in the project management node, should be the project planning and project program has been output, procurement needs to be based on the program to do full procurement budget, steps and sequence.
The process is to decompose the program, break down the program tasks, and list the procurement elements. In this process, the decomposition should be fine, the estimation should be accurate, otherwise the procurement will be out of the question; under-procurement, or over-procurement, will bring trouble. Project Management Forum
In this paper, the construction of the project, I first completed the development of a detailed design program to test the system. In the design program, I gave the network topology diagram and host storage architecture diagram of the development test system, and clarified the needs of the system architecture construction. In addition, the detailed configuration, performance and functional requirements of each network, host and storage device in the architecture diagram are also written in the design program.
In hindsight, if the program details had not been analyzed at the time, it is likely that the products procured would not have been able to meet the needs of the development and testing environment. Therefore, adequate procurement analysis is essential for large-scale project construction, and needs to be done comprehensively and specifically.
2 choice of contract type
When deciding the need to purchase, the choice of contract type becomes the focus of attention of the buyer and seller, because different contract types determine the distribution of risk between the buyer and seller. The buyer's goal is to place the greatest implementation risk on the seller while maintaining incentives for economical and efficient execution of the project; the seller's goal is to minimize risk while maximizing profit.
Common contracts can be divided into the following five types. Different contract types apply to different situations, the buyer can choose according to the specific circumstances. In general, they are applicable as follows:
① Cost plus percentage of cost (CPPC) contracts: rarely used nowadays due to unfavorable cost control;
② Cost plus fixed-fee (CPFF) contracts: suitable for research and development projects;
③ Cost plus incentive fee (CPIF) contracts: mainly used for long-term, hardware development and testing of many demanding Contracts;
④ Fixed Price plus Incentive Fee (FPI) contracts: long-term high-value contracts;
⑤ Fixed Fee (FFP) contracts: the buyer is easy to control the total cost of ownership, the risk is minimal; the seller has the greatest risk and the potential for profit may be the greatest, and therefore the most commonly used.
In this paper, the project procurement, in order to facilitate the control of the total cost, to reduce the contract risk, the use of fixed-price contract. Since this project is an integration project, the cost is more defined and the implementation time is shorter, it is appropriate to use a fixed cost contract.
3 Procurement Plan Preparation
Prepare a procurement plan based on the results of the procurement analysis and the selected contract type, showing how to manage the procurement process. Specifically, the type of contract, the people who will organize the procurement, manage potential suppliers, prepare procurement documentation, and develop evaluation criteria.
In this paper, the project procurement, the author is based on the results of procurement analysis and the selected contract type, the development of a procurement plan. The plan includes the following main elements: procurement content, procurement process, procurement methods, procurement time schedule plan, procurement budget and so on. With the above specific procurement plan and implementation steps, the next step is to strictly implement the plan and turn it into reality.
The process of purchasing strategy development1, the basis of purchasing strategy development
At the beginning of the development of purchasing strategy. The company needs to reassess the mission given to the procurement department Previously emphasized pure cost reduction and quality improvement can no longer fully reflect the value of the procurement department. In a new era of management refinement, the requirement for Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) is the most reflective indicator of the objective situation. So the enterprise procurement strategy can also be formulated to TCO as the goal to solve the problems encountered.
2, the content of the procurement strategy and implementation steps
According to the general characteristics of the enterprise, procurement strategy mainly includes three aspects, namely, resource strategy, supplier strategy and procurement control strategy. For the resource strategy, TCO will become the core to be focused on the use. Around this core. The organization will go through a cycle of identifying opportunities, realizing value, sustaining the results and continuously identifying opportunities, which is the basis of the entire value sourcing process. The main modules of this process are: spend and cost studies, deployment of cross-functional material sourcing teams, analysis of the supply market and sourcing to develop a material classification and classification strategy, the entire process of sourcing, and the deployment and implementation of a material classification strategy.
(1) Resource strategy development
In the process of developing the resource strategy, first of all, we need to classify the enterprise's purchasing materials, and too complex dimensions will cause some difficulty in material classification. Some of the main factors of the material can be comprehensively categorized into two dimensions: the risk and complexity dimension and the value dimension. The former encompasses factors such as the impact of a disruption in sourcing, the sophistication of the design and complexity of the material being sourced in terms of manufacturing, service and supply, the proficiency of the organization in sourcing the material, and the marketability of the market in which the material is being supplied. Competitiveness, barriers to entry, range of supply markets Supply chain complexity and other factors. While the value dimension reflects TCO and price elasticity. Purchasing materials segmentation model to value and risk factors to the enterprise procurement materials are divided into four categories: the first category of materials is high-risk and complexity and high value, defined as the core material This type of material and a few key suppliers need to form a strategic partnership. To achieve TCO optimization: the second category is high-risk and complexity and low-value materials, called bottleneck materials. In the process of procurement strategy implementation, there are two solutions for bottleneck materials One is to form a strategic partnership with suppliers. But when the other party's motivation is not high. Try to be a good customer. Including on-time payment, regular communication with each other and other measures. The second is to modify their own needs to convert the bottleneck products into other materials The third category is low-risk and complexity and high-value materials. Defined as leveraged materials, leveraged materials need to expand the scope of the search for sources through the bidding to reduce TCO; the last category is low-risk, simple and low-value materials. The last category is low-risk, simple and low-value materials, i.e. conventional materials, which can simplify the procurement process and reduce procurement costs through standardized and automated procurement processes. The focus should be placed on procurement management cost control.
(2) supplier strategy development
The management of suppliers is an important part of the procurement management process. Companies can evaluate potential suppliers from the perspective of the type of relationship they wish to establish with them. For a particular procurement material. The type of relationship that a company can establish with a supplier is tied to the position of that material in the purchasing material segmentation model, which reflects the level of risk and spend that the company is exposed to.
For candidate suppliers. SWOT analysis can be applied to them, by comparing a supplier's strengths and weaknesses with the company's own strengths and weaknesses. The company can understand what advantages and disadvantages between the two sides can compensate for each other. The company can analyze the relationship between the two parties. For the relationship between the supplier may bring the company what kind of market opportunities or what kind of threat there is a general evaluation.
(3) procurement control strategy development
Even the best strategy requires careful planning and implementation. The procurement organization and personnel, for the procurement of performance assessment, procurement processes are carefully designed to ensure effective control of the important means. These three are inseparable procurement strategy to determine the ~ a reasonable set of enterprises decentralized procurement organizational structure. According to the procurement organization and control mode to determine the appropriate procurement positions. The development of clear job descriptions and purchasing job descriptions, based on the company's strategy and goals to set up the procurement organization and individual assessment index system, in order to ensure the effective implementation of the strategic plan.
First. The main body of procurement is people, so the management of procurement staff is very important. Just cut the price of the ability to strong procurement staff is not necessarily qualified procurement staff. In order to help purchasing staff to better understand the concept of TCO and TCO-centered purchasing strategy, purchasing staff should get the necessary training. From personnel recruitment, job training to the management of procurement culture are essential . The construction of professionalized purchasing personnel. It should also be included in the company's human resource construction. And insist on becoming an important part. Performance appraisal is crucial for procurement staff to accomplish the set goals. Effective performance appraisal measures are conducive to the achievement of the set goals, while unfavorable performance appraisal measures can demotivate employees. When developing performance appraisal metrics, it is important to first identify detailed key performance indicators (KPIs). First of all need to determine the detailed key performance indicators (KPI, Key Performance Indicators). These indicators should be standardized and quantified as much as possible, through the implementation of these items can be a comprehensive assessment of procurement. The same KPIs include supplier reliability, number of suppliers per material category, and number of suppliers per supplier category. These specific KPIs are quantifiable and ultimately determine whether the purchasing staff is rewarded or penalized. This clarity of purpose ensures that purchasing staff are guided in their work.
In order to study purchasing strategy, it is important to analyze where it fits into corporate strategy. What is corporate strategy, from the perspective of the future development of the enterprise . Strategy is expressed as a plan (Plan), and from the perspective of the enterprise's past development history, strategy is expressed as a pattern (Pattern). If we look at the industrial level, strategy is a kind of positioning (Position), while from the enterprise level, strategy is a kind of concept (Perspective). Generally speaking, a strategic plan is developed by a team of top managers. It has to answer the following questions what kind of business the organization carries out, how resources are allocated in these businesses, where these businesses are carried out and what are the objectives. The definition of business strategy shows that it is at a higher level. Generally, after the top management has formulated the business strategy . That is, they have determined what kind of business the organization conducts . It is also necessary to develop a strategic plan for the business of the enterprise to ensure that the business carried out will be successful.
After the business strategy is developed. Business strategy objectives. It is necessary to begin to develop functional-level strategies. These strategies include purchasing strategy, marketing strategy, financial strategy, production, accounting, human resources, customer service, and research and development functions. Functional-level strategy answers the question of how this functional strategy contributes to the realization of the business strategy and the company's strategy. The core task of purchasing management is to develop a purchasing plan around the company's strategic plan and production plan. This is done by determining the size, region of purchasing based on decisions made at the corporate level. Then assigning priorities, schedules, targets, and individual responsibilities.