Must have: (export (or import) + XX (name of goods) + payment) keywords, the goods commodity name expression, such as: fabrics, shoes, iron ore, etc..
Return of foreign exchange or refund declaration. To the principle of the same account offset, while the original declaration form number in the accompanying statement, and check the box in the refund amount. When under trade, indicate the mode of trade. For example, a general trade prepayment return, the transaction code is 101010, the attachment is: general trade prepayment return + original declaration form number, and make a check mark in the refund. 101010 General Trade Income
General Trade Expenditure (General Trade) Income + Exports + x x x, to indicate what goods were exported!
(General Trade) Expenditures + Imports + xxxxx, to indicate what goods were imported! (General trade mode can be omitted)
Must have: (exports (or imports) + XX (name of goods) + payment) keywords;
Should follow the principle of "advance receipts (payment) + XX (name of goods) + payment", and at the same time to verify that the declaration of "advance receipts (payment) payment" column. Payment" column is checked. Export/Import + commodity name + advance receipt/payment of goods;
Recovery of overseas general trade under the non-performing arrears declaration: the recovery of arrears should be declared in the 101010, in the transaction note "general trade under the recovery of non-performing assets" 101020 Compensatory Trade Income and Expenditures Compensatory Trade Income (Expenditures)+ Exports (imports) + x x x 101030 Consignment trade income and expenditure Consignment trade income (expenditure) + exports (imports) + x x x 101040 Border trade income and expenditure Border trade income (expenditure) + exports (imports) + x x x 101050 Revenue from export of goods for foreign contracted projects Exports of goods for foreign contracted projects + "Name of goods" + payment 101050 Revenue from export of goods for foreign contracted projects + "Name of goods" + payment 101050 Revenue from export of goods for foreign contracted projects + "Name of goods" + payment " + payment for goods 101070 Expenditure on imports of duty-free goods Expenditure on imports of duty-free goods + x x x + expenditure 101080 Import and export income and expenditure on water, electricity, gas, natural gas, etc. Special commodity transactions:
Exports (imports) + natural gas (or water, electricity, etc.) + income (expenditure) 101090 Sale of purchases of means of transportation, natural gas and oil derricks, workbenches and Other movable equipment receipts and expenditures Includes: ships, aircraft, railroad cars, and other movable equipment not fixed in a particular location, whether in transit or not, provided that a change of ownership occurs and is included in this item 101100 Barter receipts and expenditures Directly from exported goods