How much does US man-portable equipment weigh, and how much does China's?

The cost of U.S. Army man-portable equipment has tripled since 2000 due to frequent involvement in the war on terror, according to Jane's defense website. The cost of a U.S. soldier's equipment (including night-vision gear) was about $7,083 in 2000, and has jumped to nearly $26,000 today.

U.S. warfighter equipment today covers four major areas: personal protection, survival protection, weaponry, and night vision equipment. To a U.S. Army rifleman load, for example, in addition to man-portable weapons, he is generally dressed in anti-nuclear, chemical and biological three-proof clothing, gloves, masks, and the standard configuration of the bulletproof undershirt, man-portable binoculars / scopes, night-vision devices and batteries, etc., he would also like to shoulder a sling-type carry equipment, its back frame for the aluminum alloy material, which is loaded with bullets, water bottles, GPS, PDAs, reconnaissance equipment, chemical and biological weapons detector The carrier is made of aluminum and contains bullets, water bottles, PDAs, reconnaissance equipment, biological and chemical weapons detectors, medical first aid kits and even spare underwear. Count down a soldier back hanging a variety of equipment varieties not less than a hundred, with "armed to the teeth" are difficult to describe.

According to the current 1996 version of the U.S. Army man-portable weight standards, the U.S. man-portable load than the World War II period doubled. Much of the U.S. Army's man-portable equipment is multifunctional. U.S. troops wearing Kevlar helmets not only to defend against bullets and shrapnel, but also to become a soldier's "second brain". Currently in Iraq, the United States Marine Corps soldiers wear helmets to accommodate a micro-radio equipment, a microphone and a pair of headphones, to facilitate the soldiers with their comrades and commanders to contact. The radar device on the top of the helmet will report the exact location of the soldier. And the American soldiers wear boots is not trivial, the U.S. Army in Iraq is equipped with desert combat boots contain 15 kinds of new inventions and new technology, not only can be strong sweat absorption, breathability, and even Iraqi anti-American armed forces set up iron nail array can not help the U.S. Army this pair of desert combat boots. Even the U.S. Johnson and Johnson for the U.S. military production of stopping underwear has a wonderful use, because the Iraqi desert gravel like talcum powder, fine, U.S. soldiers in Iraq with stopping underwear set in the muzzle, you can prevent these small gravel blocked the barrel of the gun.

In addition, the U.S. soldiers into the information age of the whole body covered with a variety of sensor material. Motorola provides a kind of micro-computer for U.S. soldiers, actually installed a small mouse on the belt of the uniform. In this way, computers and communications technologies will become the most common weapons worn by soldiers on their waists, backs, shoulders and heads. The equipment puts soldiers in direct contact with higher command and communication systems.

Chinese soldiers are generally equipped only with 81-type, 95-type assault rifles, 92-type pistols, 40 change rocket-propelled grenade launcher, etc.; rarely use optical sights, night vision equipment is even less, bulletproof undershirt equipped with not much, communication equipment, satellite positioning device is only issued to the class; the degree of mechanization is very high but the technical content is low, and the manpower load is light.

The United States soldiers are generally equipped with M4A1 + M203 grenade launcher, M92 pistol, shoulder-fired multi-purpose man-portable weapons; are equipped with optical sights, night-vision devices, communications equipment, satellite positioning device bulletproof undershirt issued to the single soldier; basically realize the fully armored fully digital; single soldier load is heavier.

The U.S. Army is undoubtedly the world's best-equipped treatment of the highest army, the U.S. Army has a wide range of single-service equipment, and the various branches of the military and different equipment, despite the end of the war in Iraq, but the U.S. Army's combat mission is more onerous and more dangerous than ever before, which makes the U.S. Army's single-service equipment is even more important! This article does not completely summarize all the equipment, just some important and I am more interested in some simple introduction, in order not to explain the boring, especially with pictures to illustrate. Since I am not a U.S. Army soldier is not a military expert, if there is any error, please advise.

One: helmets, combat uniforms, boots

PASGT Kevlar helmets: the U.S. Army to date a large number of helmets, which is made of Kevlar material, ("Kevlar" material.). It is an aramid composite material. This material has low density, high strength, good toughness, high temperature resistance, easy processing and molding, and is widely used in helmets and bulletproof vests.) PASGT helmets are produced by several manufacturers under military standard MIL-H44099A, and are not designed to withstand direct fire from rifle rounds, but rather to defend against fragmentation weapons such as grenades, landmines, mortar rounds, bombs, and direct fire from 9mm pistol rounds and shotgun shells. The U.S. Marine Corps has been using Honeywell's Spectra fiber material for its PASGT helmets since the late 1990s. Spectra is better than Kevlar for ballistic protection and can be more than 30% lighter than Kevlar. But the material is more difficult than Kevlar casting, manufacturing helmets need to be resin-based and unidirectional fiber sheet laminated together to form a hard rigid plate structure, if the manufacturer is not handled well, Spectra helmets in the field environment is easy to delamination. PASGT helmets have a rather rough appearance, touch as if the paint mixed with a large amount of sand. According to a survey of U.S. Army equipment in Afghanistan, 85 percent of soldiers surveyed complained that the helmets were too heavy, causing them chronic headaches and neck pain, and that the helmet's side ear guards hindered hearing. But the helmets have saved the lives of countless U.S. soldiers.

ACH HELMET (ADVANCED COMBAT HELMET): The helmet, which began service with U.S. Army Special Forces in 2001, is made of a new, lightweight material. 1.5 pounds lighter than older helmets, the ACH helmet is equipped with a suspended foam village pad similar to that of a rugby helmet, as well as a four-point jaw strap for securing the helmet. used to protect against 9mm pistol bullets, but battlefield tests have shown that it is equally resistant to bullets from AK-47 rifles. Now this helmet has begun to equip a large number of U.S. soldiers in Iraq, in contrast to the PASGT Kevlar helmet, the soldiers responded to this helmet is more comfortable and stable

Combat uniforms: in the Iraqi battlefield the U.S. Army and Marine Corps soldiers were wearing their own types of combat suits, the Marines are mostly wearing the Desert Digital Combat Suit (DDCS), and the Army has been gradually changing to the new ACU combat suits. started to gradually change the new ACU combat suits, of course, there are still many soldiers wearing Sansha combat suits.

Military boots: military boots are related to the health and combat effectiveness of soldiers, in the Iraq war U.S. Army soldiers and Marines soldiers with different standard desert combat boots, but the Army soldiers are dissatisfied with the performance of their own combat boots. The soles of the Panama boots were too soft and easy to wear, and many soldiers spent their own money to replace the soles with "Dupont" soles. In addition, soldiers feel that the soles are too wet, hope that there can be breathable holes, there are also soldiers complained that the boots oppression of the feet, many soldiers do not tie the bottom of the holes in the shoelaces to reduce the pressure on the top of the foot, while the U.S. Marine Corps desert combat boots are much better, in the mouth of the soldiers have a very good reputation, breathable, comfortable and stable wear!


1:M16A2 M16A4 M4A1: As the U.S. military use of the M16A2 and M16A4 and M4 carbines are familiar, not in a detailed explanation, relatively speaking, U.S. soldiers are willing to have M4A1, indeed, the M16 rifle is too long, soldiers in the city narrow space operation trouble, get on and off the car is not convenient, especially in the buildings to shoot at the enemy is very inflexible, if U.S. soldiers riding Humvee military vehicles encountered anti-U.S. armed attacks, the M16 rifle can not ensure that the soldiers return fire in a timely manner, although the M4/M4A1 in the range of infantry combat has been sufficiently accurate, but the Marines have decided to opt for the longer range of the M16A4.M4A1, despite the many advantages of the M4A1, but it is a shorter barrel but brought a low muzzle velocity, the M4A1 is not a good choice. reduces the effective range of the bullet and lacks lethality. It was inevitable that in Iraq, U.S. Army soldiers were heavily armed with the M4A1, while Marines were still using the M16A4, but in a survey of the 101st and 82nd Infantry Divisions and the 3rd Infantry Division, conducted by the Soldier's Program Executive Office (PEO Soldier), in conjunction with the Army Ordnance Materiel Readiness Command (AMC) and Research, Development, and Engineering Command (RDECOM), soldiers expressed concerns about the M4A1 and the M16A4, which were not well received by the Marine Corps. The soldiers were very satisfied with the performance of the M4A1, which was excellent in demanding conditions, especially the rail system and the sighting device. Personally, I think the M4A1 is pretty cool looking!

)SOPMOD M4A1 Modular System and Components:

The SOPMOD M4A1 project is a modular system introduced by Knight Ordnance, which uses Picatinny rails, and installs them on the M4 Carbine to improve the weapon's flexibility and adaptability without affecting the accuracy of the original weapon, and the heat dissipation performance is also improved. SOPMOD means "Special Operations Improved". The SOPMOD M4 is not just a carbine, but a modular assault rifle system based on the M4A1, with the main modules including a RIS shroud with four sections of M1913 rails (i.e., Picatinny rails), a quick-detachable silencer, a grenade launcher, and an M4A1 with a Picatinny rail. muffler, grenade launcher, and various types of scopes, lasers, tactical lights, and other accessories mounted on the rails.

(2) Picatinny rail: it is also the U.S. Army M1913 military standard rail, the same is also the NATO tactical rail military standard, the use of this rail firearms can be independently or with the addition of a variety of scopes, tactical lights, laser pointers, grenade launchers and other components, thereby improving the effectiveness of the weapon's combat, the Picatinny rail is good for generalization, the U.S. soldiers in Iraq on the rifle Bundled with a variety of tactical components, although the U.S. soldiers of these rail systems basically satisfied, but through the U.S. soldiers of the firearms above the binding components of the rope, rubber bands can also be seen U.S. soldiers for the Picatinny rails are "want to say love you is not a very easy thing".

(3) Scope:

ACOG scope: this scope by the specializing in the production of optical instruments manufactured by the U.S. Trijicon. ACOG shell using aviation aluminum, strong, waterproof, cold, corrosion-resistant, can withstand the depth of diving and field use of a variety of pressures and impacts and to maintain the scope of the accuracy remains unchanged. Development of the scope first began in 1987 as . as part of the U.S. Army's "Advanced Combat Rifle" ACR development program. Now, the U.S. Army's "Advanced Combat Rifle" ACR program has been finalized, the M16A4 has been selected, and the ACOG has entered service with the M16A4.The ACOG enables the rifleman to shoot accurately at distances of up to 800 meters, which is almost at the level of a sniper. Unlike the sniper's scope, the ACOG allows the rifleman to shoot with both eyes open. In this way, the rifleman in the realization of accurate shooting at the same time, but also to maintain a sense of the battlefield situation, which has a strong practical significance.ACOG not only help soldiers in the implementation of accurate shooting at long distances, in more than 50 meters of close range is also very useful. Some soldiers even use the scope as an observation tool, and it doesn't require batteries.

The CCO close-combat scope, also known as the M68 reflex sight, is also appreciated by soldiers, according to a survey conducted by the Operation Iraqi Freedom Soldier Program Executive Office. Most said the new design and batteries were a big improvement over the original CCOs. Negative comments were that the honeycomb-shaped reflector is difficult to clean and hard to keep zeroed.

(4) PEQ2 infrared laser pointer: PEQ-2 infrared laser sight range of up to 600m, equipped with infrared laser pointer and then with the micro-light night vision goggles in the night combat has a huge advantage, the night can be seen clearly pointer issued by the infrared light, aligned with the target, can be realized to indicate the effect of shooting. In this way, U.S. soldiers fighting in Iraq can see and accurately hit the enemy at night, while anti-U.S. forces are unable to find U.S. troops due to backward weaponry.

(5) M203 grenade launcher: this is the U.S. Army is equipped with the most grenade launcher, launching 40 mm grenades, the maximum range of 400 meters, the opposite target and the maximum effective range of the point target were 350 meters and 150 meters. The launcher can fire a range of 40mm grenades including high-speed grenades, armor-breaking grenades, tear gas, smoke, flares, signals, maneuver bombs, and flares.

M249 squad machine gun: M249 is the U.S. Army is equipped with the most lightweight small-caliber squad machine gun, using 5.56X45M855 rounds , in the Iraq War to Afghanistan, the battlefield can be seen everywhere in the hands of U.S. soldiers in the M249, which can be effective to the U.S. Army to provide fire support, has a good accuracy and lethality. From the reaction of the soldiers of the U.S. Army in Afghanistan and Iraq, most of the soldiers expressed great satisfaction with it, and full of confidence in it. But in Afghanistan survey using the M249 U.S. soldiers have 54% said M249 cleaning, maintenance is too much trouble, there is a bomb box hangs not firmly so that the case of their own fall.M249 is a Belgian FN company's products, then the test type numbered XM249, in the selection of the test in the XM249 experienced a wide range of bad test, and then by the U.S. Army for the actual operation of the test in the XM249's performance is very good! The XM249 performed very well in the operational tests conducted by the U.S. Army, so much so that the test force did not see the need for a second phase of operational testing. When the Marine Corps selected their own operators at Aberdeen Proving Ground for the most thorough hit test, the results of the XM249 met their requirements. 1982, the U.S. Army decided to adopt the XM249, and officially named M249. M249 U.S. Army according to their own needs and later improved, and the original M249 compared to the weight of the PIP M249 increased by about 590g, the total weight of the empty gun is 7.5kg, the total weight of the empty gun is 7.5kg, the total weight of the empty gun is 7.5kg, and the total weight of the empty gun is 7.5kg. The total weight of the empty gun is 7.465kg, and the weight of the whole gun after loading is 10.5kg. a spokesman for the FN company said that the life of the PIP M249 magazine can reach 100,000 rounds. A spokesman for the U.S. Army said the PIP M249 machine gun can fire 50,000 rounds without replacing all the parts, and the average life of the barrel is 34,000 rounds. In addition, the paratrooper-type gun, with a barrel length of 347mm, has also been introduced and is widely used in Iraq and Afghanistan, as the short barrel of the paratrooper-type gun reduces the lethality of the bullets, but due to the ease of use and the compact structure of the gun, it is popular among U.S. Army soldiers.

M240B and M240G machine gun: these two models are also both Belgian FN products, but also the U.S. Army in order to replace the M60 machine gun alternative products, the two appearance is basically the same, the M240B is the Army's designation, while the Marine Corps named M240G, the difference is that the Army's shroud on the wood with a heat shield, while the Marines do not have, the two are basically the same. The M240 caliber: 7,62x51mm NATO, length: 1260 mm, effective range is 1800 meters and maximum range is 3725 meters. For the M240 U.S. Army and Marine Corps showed great satisfaction with this weapon, on the battlefield this weapon can be fast and effective suppression of local firepower, circulating on the Internet many in Iraq was hit by the M240 anti-U.S. militants of the photographs, the scene is gruesome, chilling.

Scope for M249 and M240: M145 MGO scope, this scope is a product of a Canadian company called ELCAN's Optoelectronic Instrumentation, this scope is compact in size, with a magnification of 3.4 times, the mirror body is very sturdy, with a rubberized coating on the exterior, and a backup simple mechanical sight on the top of the scope, which can be mounted on Picatinny rails, which the US Army The U.S. Army found that this scope is very suitable for use on light machine guns or general-purpose machine guns, and can effectively develop the advantages of long-range firepower of machine guns.

M-136 AT-4 portable rocket launcher: This is a product of the Swedish FFV Ordnance Ordnance Company, in the U.S. Army in the summer of 1983 in the light anti-tank weapon selection test, the rocket launcher with better performance was selected, in September 1985 to Sweden ordered 270,000 sets. After that, the United States Allegiant Technical Equipment Company obtained the right to license the production, and it is named M136 type, now equipped with the United States Army and Marine Corps, M-136 belongs to the light anti-armor fire system, the whole system combat weight is only 6.7 kg, can be carried by a single soldier, launching. Caliber 84 mm, full weight 6.7 kg, flight speed 380 m / s, effective range of 300 meters, using armor-breaking bullets, multi-purpose ammunition. In Fallujah and Najaf against anti-American militants, U.S. soldiers a large number of this weapon applied to the street battle, effectively destroying the anti-American militants bunkers and hiding houses, for U.S. soldiers to advance to clear the way!

MK 153 SMAW shoulder mounted multi-purpose attack weapon system; this is 83 mm caliber lightweight rocket launcher, in 1984 began to equip the U.S. Marine Corps, the system combat weight of 13.85 kg, the effective range of 250 meters, the maximum range of 500 meters. Can launch MK 3 HEDP dual-purpose grenades and MK 6 HEAA anti-armor rockets, of which the MK 3 HEDP dual-purpose grenades can be effective against solid bunkers, concrete structures target

Protective equipment: the Interceptor body armor (IBA), the U.S. military generally wear this body armor, "Interceptor" body armor made of Kevlar and Tervuren material, in the addition of SAPI ballistic panels of the IBA combat, undoubtedly saved the lives of countless soldiers, and now the Interceptor is more complete, to provide greater protection for soldiers, increased protection of the shoulders, side of the body, crotch protection. But because the U.S. soldiers are not easy to single soldier equipment plus a full set of body armor, undoubtedly adding to the burden of soldiers in combat, the action is very inflexible, very inconvenient in prone shooting, especially when the alley fighting over the wall often need to cooperate with their comrades in order to complete, which leads to a lot of soldiers do not add crotch guards and shin guards, but in the look at a large number of U.S. soldiers in Iraq to carry out the task of the photographs, I have found that the Marine Corps soldier take shin guards and crotch guards more seriously, and basically all Marine soldiers can wear these attachments.

Night vision equipment: AN/PVS-14 night vision device, it is in 1996 there are two companies ITT and LITTON and the U.S. Army Communications Electronics Command Research, Development and Engineering Center *** with the development of a combination of the third-generation Super MX-10160 passive image enhancement tube and aviation night vision goggles AN/AVS-6 advantages, which helps to rub strong observation, command and control capabilities, it has a higher resolution, it is a better, more accurate, and more accurate. Control capabilities, it has a higher resolution, the weight is only 0.4 kg, soldiers can be flexible with the helmet, the observation distance has also been greatly enhanced, AN/PVS-14 night vision device has also been affirmed by the U.S. Army and Marine Corps soldiers, it really can be in the night combat for soldiers to find the enemy at night to provide a strong support, the U.S. Army in Iraq, the investigation of the negative is the soldier's reaction to the helmet Bracket steering problems and battery box problems, the helmet frame on the swivel arm and snap is often failure.