Now every thing around us, basically have a switch, the most common each of our home, there will be electrical appliances switch, usually with the hand to control. But in some important work above, we may not be allowed to use the hand to control, because in high-risk situations, our hands are not very convenient to control, then how to do? We humans are very smart, since we can't use our hands, we will try to use our feet.
Under the research of experts, we have now appeared on the market with the foot to control the switch, foot switch. Such switches are designed to realize the convenience for us humans. The surface of the foot switch is made up of insulators, for no particular reason because it prevents people from being electrocuted while controlling the switch. The same goes for the inside of the footswitch, where the metal wires are wrapped in many ways to prevent people from being electrocuted in case they are electrocuted.
Nowadays, the foot switch is divided into two kinds, one is the mechanical foot switch, one is the inductive type. Mechanical foot switch as the name suggests is to be controlled by direct contact with the human foot, inductive is generally electromagnetic induction, through the flow of current to control the switch.
Such a switch is often used in our daily life in the car, is the brake pedal, through the foot to step on the foot switch to control the car forward or not.
In addition to automobiles, there are other important areas where foot switches are used, including medical facilities, textile equipment, and welding equipment. Let's take medical facilities as an example. When a doctor performs an operation on a patient, it is a matter of considerable responsibility. In this case, the doctor's hands are already focused on operating on the patient, and how can they spread their attention to control the switch of the instrument? The only way to do this is to use a footswitch, which allows the doctor to concentrate on the surgery while controlling the instruments with his feet, so that the whole procedure can be carried out perfectly.
Because of the wide range of areas involved, there are many different types of foot switches. There are large and small, and in the design of precision instruments, and must be foolproof, so now there are about 10 kinds of foot switches. However, the requirements for foot switches are different for equipment in different fields, so the prices are also different.
Like ordinary machines, the need for foot switches is more common materials, the price is relatively low, by a few dollars are more than ten dollars. But if it is a high-pressure work of the machine, then you may want to use a well-designed foot switch, worth 10,000 yuan is not unheard of.
With the continuous development of modernization, people are trying to use machines to make people's hands free, naturally, the need for foot switches in the field is more and more. However, in the production of such a foot switch is required to design and production are very good, otherwise it may not only cause harm to the operation of the machine, but also may cause harm to people. In this regard, I believe our country will focus on research to achieve better quality in the future.
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