Applications of ring topology

Applications of ring topology are as follows:

A ring topology network consists of a closed ring of sites and links connecting the sites. Each site is able to receive data from one link and send that data serially at the same rate along the ring to the other link. Such links can be unidirectional or bidirectional.

Data is sent in packets, for example, the figure of the A station wants to send a message to the C station, it is necessary to divide the message into a number of packets, each packet in addition to the data should be added to some control information, including the address of the C station.

Station A sends each packet to the ring in turn, and begins to transmit along the ring, station C recognizes the packet with its own address, it will copy the data down. Because multiple devices are connected to a ring, they need to be controlled using a distributed control strategy.

The star topology is one of the most widely used and practical topologies today, mainly because it is very easy to expand the network. Star topology, also known as centralized topology, is named for the star-shaped distribution of nodes connected by hubs or switches, and in this topology there is a central node (hub or switch) in the network, and other nodes (workstations, servers) are directly connected to the central node.

as follows:

Tree topology evolved from the bus topology, shaped like an inverted tree, the top is the root of the tree, the root of the tree with the following branch, each branch can also be with the sub-branches, the root of the tree to receive data sent by the site, and then broadcast to the entire network. Most of the features of the tree topology are the same as those of the bus topology, but there are some special features.

This structure is widely used in WANs and has the advantage of not being subject to bottlenecks and failures. Since there are many paths between nodes, it is possible to choose the appropriate route for the data flow, thus bypassing failed components or overly busy nodes. Although this structure is more complex and costly, and the network protocols that provide these functions are more complex, it is still popular among users because of its high reliability.