There is a method of sublingual bloodletting for cerebral thrombosis circulating in the society, which is similar to the method of drawing blood you mentioned. By cutting the vein under the tongue to release blood to treat cerebral thrombosis, cut the vein, wait a few minutes, the mouth inside the spit out of the thing, is a piece of clot, interspersed with blood bubbles, a lot of people on this method of releasing the ? Thrombus? Convinced, because it's so much like ? Thrombus? Or? vascular waste? now.
Is the released clot a blood clot or not? Can blood clots be treated through sublingual bloodletting therapy or not?Obviously, no. What is being released is actually your venous blood. It is common knowledge that blood clots quickly outside the body (including in the mouth). As another example, anyone who has had a tooth extraction will know all too well that after a tooth extraction, there will be a lot of blood clots and blisters in your saliva, and the sublingual veins taken out? Blood clots? It's the same thing. Does it mean that people who have their teeth extracted have blood clots? Obviously that is not true.
There are two under the tongue? Green veins? It's more of a sign of a circulation problem, but bruising is not the same as a blood clot, which is a stolen concept.
Part of the thrombus is able to travel with the blood throughout the body, it is impossible to release blood from a location to take the thrombus. Prevention and treatment of blood clots can only be carried out through drugs or interventional procedures. Therefore, there is no scientific basis for sublingual bloodletting to treat blood clots, so don't believe it!
Surgical removal of thrombus is feasible
The general treatment of venous thrombosis is commonly implanted in the proximal end of the venous thrombus (usually the inferior vena cava) filter, to prevent dislodged thrombus flow to the heart and the pulmonary artery, from the peripheral veins retrograde puncture to the site of thrombus, local thrombolysis or thrombus, some patients with severe acute pulmonary embolism or deep venous thrombosis can also be surgically extracted from the embolus.
Traditional Chinese medicine does exist? The bloodletting therapy is a method of bloodletting in traditional Chinese medicine. This method is mainly for the treatment of heat, with fever, detoxification, fire, swelling, vomiting, diarrhea and other effects. In Chinese medicine, there has never been a precedent for bloodletting therapy to treat blood clots. It may be used by some unscrupulous quacks as a means of cheating to make a living, indirectly discrediting TCM.
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