1. Multiple choice In early childhood, the arterial ducts and umbilical vessels will atrophy and degenerate, and the same type of atrophy as this atrophy is:
A. starvation atrophy caused by chronic malnutrition
B. renal atrophy caused by atherosclerosis
C. compression atrophy caused by prolonged compression
D. gradual degeneration of the thymus gland at puberty
D. gradual degeneration of the thymus gland at puberty
E. atrophy of the ovaries and uterus in women during menopause<
E. Atrophy of the ovaries and uterus during menopause in women
2. Multiple choice on which of the following epithelia may undergo squamous epithelial chemotaxis:
A. Respiratory mucosal epithelium
B. Cervical canal epithelium
C. Bladder migratory epithelium
D. Gastric mucosal epithelium
E. Mesenchymal tissue
3. Multiple choice Regarding changes in cellular edema, the following descriptions are correct:
A. Organelles are swollen and red-stained fine granular material in the cytoplasm is seen on light microscopy
B. The cytoplasm is lax and vacuolated
C. Vesicles appear on the surface of cytoplasmic membranes
D. Cellular edema of viral hepatitis may appear as balloon-like stools
E. The nucleus undergoes E. The nucleus undergoes nuclear consolidation, fragmentation, and lysis
4. The following statements are correct about steatosis:
A. Steatotic organs increase in size and are yellowish in color
B. Steatotic organs have rounded edges and a greasy appearance on the cut surface
C. Globular droplets of lipid appear in the cytoplasm, and large droplets may push the nucleus to one side
D. Steatosis occurs most often in hepatocytes
D. The most common type of steatosis is hepatocytes
E. The nucleus of hepatocytes is not as well developed as in the cellular tissue of hepatitis cells. The most common form of steatosis is hepatocytes
E. Myocardial steatosis is also known as myocardial fatty infiltration
5. Multiple choice statements about vitreous metaplasia are correct:
A. In alcoholic liver disease, prokeratins in the cytoplasm form vitreous droplets
B. Renal tubular epithelial cells undergo vitreous metaplasia, which results in the formation of Mallory's corpuscles
C. Plasma cells undergo vitreous metaplasia, which is characterized by the presence of spherical lipid droplets in the cytoplasm. Plasma cells undergo vitriform transformation, which is caused by excessive accumulation of immunoglobulin
D. Scarring is a fibrous connective tissue vitriform transformation
E. The main pathological change in benign hypertension is vitriform transformation of the walls of small arteries
6. Multiple Choice The following statements about dry gangrene are correct:
A. Commonly occurs in areas where arteries are obstructed but venous return is The necrotic area is dry and wrinkled and black in color
B. The necrotic area is well demarcated from normal tissue
D. The putrefactive changes are mild
E. It is seen in diabetic foot
Reference Answer and Explanation
1. Reference Answer DE. Explanation. knowledge of pathology-cellular and tissue adaptation. (2) in the early childhood stage, the arterial ducts and umbilical cord blood vessels will atrophy and degeneration, belong to the physiological atrophy, the same belong to the physiological atrophy, there are also glandular pubertal atrophy, reproductive system in the ovaries, uterus and testes of post-menopausal atrophy (DE right); (3) chronic malnutrition, nutrient intake is insufficient, caused by starvation of atrophy belongs to the pathology of atrophy; atherosclerosis, the wall of the vessel becomes narrow, insufficient blood supply Nutrient deficiency caused by renal atrophy also belongs to pathological malnutrition atrophy (AB wrong); wrong organs and tissues of long-term pressure and atrophy called compression atrophy, also belongs to pathological atrophy (C wrong).
2. Reference answer ABC. analysis: (1) the question examines the knowledge of pathology - cell and tissue adaptation - the content of chemotaxis. (2)The process in which a differentiated and mature cell type is replaced by another differentiated and mature cell type is called chemotaxis, which often occurs between cells of the same origin, i.e., between epithelial cells or mesenchymal cells:① the replacement of pseudocomplex fibrous columnar epithelium by squamous epithelium in the respiratory mucosa of smokers is called squamous epithelial chemotaxis (A right);② columnar epithelium in the cervical canal, squamous epithelium on the surface of the cervix, and squamous epithelium in chronic cervical inflammation. In chronic cervicitis, the cervical squamous epithelium is replaced by the cervical canal mucosal columnar epithelium, forming the cervical erosion visible to the naked eye. When the acidic environment of the vagina or the action of pathogens, the columnar epithelium will be replaced by the squamous epithelium, which is cervical squamous epithelial chemosis (B right); ③ The covered columnar epithelium of the bladder can also be replaced by the squamous epithelium, and the phosphorylation occurs (C right); ④ When the chronic reflux esophagitis, the squamous epithelium of the lower part of the esophagus can also be chemically transformed into the gastric-type or the intestinal-type columnar epithelium, that is, the columnar epithelial chemotaxis (D wrong); ⑤ The na?ve adult in the mesenchymal tissue Fibroblasts in the mesenchymal tissue can be transformed into osteoblasts or chondrocytes after injury, called bone or chondrogenesis (E wrong).
3. Reference answer ABCD. analysis: (1) the question examines the pathology - cell and tissue damage - the content of the pathological changes in cellular edema knowledge. (2)Injury includes reversible and irreversible two kinds, cellular edema belongs to the reversible injury, pathological changes: initially, the cell mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum and other organelles become swollen, forming the red-stained fine granular material in the cytoplasm under the light microscope. If the further accumulation of sodium water, the cell swelling is obvious, the cell matrix is highly lax vacuolated, the nucleus can also be swollen, vesicles appear on the surface of the cytoplasmic membrane, microvilli deformation disappeared, and its extreme phase is called the ballooning change, such as viral hepatitis (ABCD right); (3) the nucleus of the cell solidification, fragmentation, lysis is the main hallmarks of cellular necrosis, irreversible damage (E wrong).
4. Reference answer ABCD. analysis: (1) the question examines the pathology - reversible cellular damage - the pathological changes of steatosis and the characteristics of the corresponding diseases of knowledge. (2) Accumulation of triglycerides in the cytoplasm of non-adipocytes is called steatosis. Steatotic organs are enlarged in size, yellowish in color, with rounded edges and greasy in section. Under the light microscope, spherical lipid droplets of varying sizes appear in the cytoplasm, and the larger ones can fill the whole cell and crowd the nucleus to one side (ABC right); (3) hepatocytes are an important site of fat metabolism, and most often undergo steatosis (D right); (4) steatotic myocardium is yellow in hypoxia or alcoholism, which is interspersed with the dark red color of normal myocardium to form a yellow-red mottled pattern known as tiger heart. Sometimes epicardial hyperplasia of adipose tissue can reach along the interstitium between the cardiomyocytes, known as myocardial fat infiltration, also known as fatty heart, not cardiomyocyte steatosis (E wrong).
5. Reference Answer CDE.Analysis: (1) The question examines - medical base pathology - reversible damage to cells and tissues - vitreous degeneration of knowledge. (2) The intracellular or interstitial accumulation of translucent proteins, known as vitreous lesions: ① alcoholic liver disease, hepatocyte cytoplasm in the cell intermediate filament antennal keratin degeneration, the formation of Mallory vesicles (A wrong); ② renal tubular epithelial cells with the role of swallowing vesicles, reabsorption of proteins in the original urine, and lysosomal fusion, the formation of vitreous droplets (B wrong); ③ plasma cell cytoplasm rough surface of the endoplasmic reticulum Immunoglobulin accumulation in the plasma cell cytoplasm rough endoplasmic reticulum, the formation of Resell vesicles (C right); ④ fibrous connective tissue vitreous degeneration: for the fibrous tissue aging manifestations, which is characterized by cross-linking of collagen, denaturation, fusion, thickening and widening of the collagen fibers, with few blood vessels and fibroblasts between them. It is grayish-white, tough and translucent to the naked eye. Seen in the atrophic uterus and breast mesenchyme, scar tissue, atherosclerotic fibrous plaques and a variety of necrotic tissue mechanization, etc. (D right); ⑤ small arterial wall vitreous: also known as small arteriosclerosis is commonly seen in slowly progressive (benign) hypertension and diabetes mellitus, kidney, brain, spleen, and other organs of small arterial wall, due to the plasma protein infiltration and basement membrane metabolic substances deposition, so that the small arterial wall thickening, lumen narrowing, blood pressure rise, local organs, and the narrowing of the lumen, and the increase of blood pressure, and the increase of blood pressure. Blood pressure rises, and the organs are locally ischemic (E pair).
6. Reference answer ABCDE.解析:(1)该题考查医基病理学-细胞和组织的损伤-不可逆损伤中的坏疽的内容的知识点。 (2)Common in arterial obstruction but the venous return is still smooth extremity end (A right); because of water loss more, so the necrotic area is dry and wrinkled black (Department of erythrocyte hemoglobin in the Fe2 + and corrupt tissue in the combination of H2S to form iron sulfide color) (B right); and normal tissue boundaries are clear, the corruption of the change is light (CD right); diabetic foot due to local wounds both the occurrence of the corruption of bacterial infections, the extension of non-healing , mostly dry gangrene (E right).