Loss and Waste

? Loss and waste is a very common phenomenon in life. Take cooking as an example, in the process of cleaning rice, with the rice slop loss of rice grains and trace elements is loss 1, rice after the rice left on the rice cooker capacity and bowl wall of the rice grains is loss 2, cooking more, leftover discarded rice is waste. Loss 1 is almost impossible to eliminate the loss, loss 2 can be avoided and eliminated loss, waste is a behavior that can be eliminated. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations data show that every year the global waste of food reaches 1.6 billion tons, of which 1.3 billion tons are edible, if calculated in accordance with China's per capita food possession of 470 kilograms, 1.6 billion tons can feed a population of 2.77 billion people, which is almost equal to the number of 2 China's population [1]. From an individual point of view, the situation may not be very serious, but from an overall point of view, the cumulative value is very alarming. The promotion of "CD-ROM action" is to eliminate waste, which is a good thing. Zhu Zi's family motto says, "One porridge, one meal, when thinking of the place where it is not easy to come; half silk, half strand, always think of the material strength of the hard." This is the reason.

Loss is part of the loss, it is in the operation of all the resources invested (such as human resources, materials, processing equipment, energy consumption), failed to increase the value of customer expectations of the part. Waste is a typical form of loss, which arises from the resources (inputs) that must be invested in order to produce valued outcomes (outputs), where excess inputs, such as human resources, raw materials, production equipment, energy consumption, and quality costs in excess of expectations can be termed as waste [2]. Looking at it from this point of view, how human life lacks effective management and can even be said to be negligent. Because in addition to work, embodied in the loss and waste of control, in areas outside the work, such as personal life, we are almost not much care about loss and waste, let alone, conscious, quantitative control, at best, we only rely on a few ancient teachings or tutelage to make a rough control, for example, small children eat leftovers, we will think of Li Kun's compassionate peasant poetry, which is limited to the family, in friends, company parties, gatherings, etc., we are not sure how much we can do, but we can do it in the family, in our friends. The company's main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers, so that they can enjoy the best of both worlds, and the best of both worlds.

In fact, not only eating, every thing is worth avoiding loss and waste phenomenon. For example, shopping, some people always like to buy things, buy a variety of many, many things, shoes dozens of pairs, dozens of sets of clothes ......, which is owned, rather than use, the value of the item is to use, idle is furnished. One to double eleven, Tmall turnover hundreds of billions of dollars, Alibaba's staff work all night, courier boy high intensity work for a week or two, I'm very curious, hundreds of billions of dollars in the plate, how much is the customer's real needs, how much can be bought can not be bought demand, how much is purely unnecessary to buy.

For example, the house, there is information that "the country **** there are about 600 million houses, not enough 3 billion, but enough for 2 billion people to live [3]", there is information that "China's house can live 3.4 billion people [4]", no matter how much the real data is!

For example, the treatment of disease, according to my observation, there are at least three treatment direction: economic treatment (play a therapeutic effect, the lowest cost of treatment program), redundant treatment (similar to the safety redundancy, pay attention to the effect and the completion of the measures, not too concerned about the cost), conventional treatment (take into account the cost and the effect of the treatment program). For the same disease, I'm at a township health center where the doctor prescribes $10 of medication and gets better, and at a county hospital where the doctor does an ultrasound and prescribes over $100 of medication, and it still has no effect. For a certain disease, there is likely to be a treatment option that is the least expensive, most effective, and has the fewest side effects, and if not the best path, at least one of the better ones exists. Bo Shining pointed out in Lectures on General Medical Knowledge [5] that more treatment is not the same as complete treatment, naming three misconceptions: first, that the more the safer, second, that all abnormalities are treated as diseases and must be corrected to the normal value of the pathway, and third, that high spending is treated as good treatment. As you can imagine, the medical industry is bound to be a lot of attrition and waste.

? Out of reducing waste and avoiding excessive possession affecting life, the rise of the concept of minimalist life, the specific practice is: about simplicity, repetition, order, efficiency [7]. By overemphasizing rules and rationality, there is not enough warmth and comfort. Just as, Buddhism is a philosophy of the middle ground, choosing between the asceticism of indulgence and asceticism. If one were to choose a way of life, the middle way, as advocated by Lin Yutang, might be more appropriate.

? In order to minimize wear and tear and waste, make the best use of people and things. There are some principles to consider.

?1. Everything, from the smallest thing, such as dressing, eating, and seeing a doctor, to the largest thing, such as working, buying a car or a house, etc., is carefully considered, that is to say, living a life of effective management, rather than a life of whims and caprices. For example, what are the options/paths to get there, which path is more/optimal, what are the resources that must be invested, what are the resources that will inevitably be wasted, and what resources can be reduced or eliminated.

?2, the necessary tracking records of this matter, statistical analysis, attrition and waste reduction. The most typical is: (1) life bookkeeping, a complete record of a year's life income and expenditure, you can see what is the necessary expenditure, what is waste, what is loss. (2) Strict is like Lyubichev, decades as one day, strict management of their own time.


1, /jyscglnews/331.html

3, /omn/20200815/20200815A0LLOE00.html

4, /html/news/201806/3304880.html

5. Bo Shining Lecture Notes on General Medical Knowledge P316

6. /item/%E6%9E%81%E7%AE%80%E4%B8%BB%E4%B9%89%E7%94%9F%E6%B4%BB/10037721?fr=aladdin