Seek electrical installation codes, standards

There are a lot of specifications related to electrical installation, now introduce you to a few commonly used:

1, construction specifications:

1) "Building Electrical Engineering Construction Quality Acceptance Specification" GB50303-2011

2) "electrical installation of high-voltage appliances and acceptance of electrical installation engineering construction and acceptance of norms" GB50147-2010

3 ) "Electrical Installation Engineering Electrical Equipment Handover Test Standards" GB50150-2006

4) "Electrical Installation Engineering Explosion and Fire Hazardous Environment Electrical Installation Construction and Acceptance Code" GB50257-2014?

5) "Electrical Installation Engineering Grounding Device Construction and Acceptance Code" GB50169-2006

6) Code for Construction and Quality Acceptance of Lightning Protection Engineering for Buildings GB50601-2010

2, standard atlas:

1) Commonly used low-voltage power distribution equipment installation 04D702-1

2) cable tray installation 04D701-3

3) 03D301-3 steel conduit wiring installation

4)98D301-2Rigid Plastic Conduit Wiring Installation

5)96D702-2Installation of Commonly Used Lighting Fixtures

6)03D501-1~4Lightning Protection and Grounding Installation (2003 Combined Edition with 07 Partial Revision)

7)03D201-4_100.4kV Transformer Room Arrangement and Commonly Used Equipment Components for Transformer and Distribution House Installation

8) 02D501-2 equipotential coupling installation

Information Expansion:

Electric Vapor Safe Voltage Standard

1、Safe voltage is the voltage that the human body comes into contact with to all parts of the human body tissues, such as the skin, the skin, the skin, the skin, the skin, the skin, the skin, the skin, the skin, the skin, the skin, the skin, the skin, the skin, the skin, the skin, the skin, the skin, the skin, the skin and the skin. Human body parts of the tissue, such as skin, heart, nerves and other parts of the voltage without any damage. It is often difficult to determine a maximum safe voltage that is completely suitable for the human body.

2, the world's countries for the safety of the voltage regulations are not the same. There are 50, 40, 36, 25, 24V, etc., many countries use 36V as the safety voltage. The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) safety voltage limit value of 50V, 25V or less may not be considered to prevent electric shock safety measures.

3, China's regulations 36, 24, 12V three voltage levels for the safety of voltage levels for use in different places. In the high-voltage shock risk areas for the safety of 36 V, no high-voltage shock risk areas for the safety of 24 V. In the wet, conductive dust, high temperature and metal containers, the work of 12 V for the safety of the voltage. Safe voltage regulations are from the overall consideration, for some special circumstances, some people may not be absolutely safe. It can be seen, even in the provisions of the safe voltage work, but also not careless.

Source: Baidu Encyclopedia of Electrical Safety Standards