Internet medical concept stock list, what are the leading stocks of Internet medical stocks?

Internet health care is the recent attention of a relatively high degree of popularity of the track, but many stockholders do not know what are the concept of Internet health care stocks, today the financial gentleman for the stockholders friends sorted out the Internet health care concept of the list of leading stocks for your reference.

Yifeng Pharmacy (603939)

Annual mid-year report: net profit of 576 million yuan, net profit growth rate of 14.20%, operating income of 8.750 billion yuan.

Ayer Eye (300015)

Mid-year report: net profit of 1.291 billion yuan, net profit growth rate of 15.73%, operating income of 8.107 billion yuan.

Hang Seng Electronics (600570)

Mid-year report: net profit -0.96 billion yuan, net profit growth rate of -113.40%, operating income of 2.386 billion yuan.

Fosun Pharma (600196)

Mid-year report: net profit of 1.547 billion yuan, net profit growth rate of -37.67%, operating income of 21.340 billion yuan.

Wandong Medical (600055)

Annual mid-year report: net profit of 0.59 billion yuan, net profit growth rate of -28.72%, operating income of 457 million yuan.

Langma Information (300288)

Mid-year report: net profit of 0.40 billion yuan, net profit growth rate of -1.52%, operating income of 224 million yuan.

GMP (000028)

Mid-year report: net profit of 674 million yuan, net profit growth rate of -9.07%, operating income of 36.129 billion yuan.

Leep Medical (300003)

Annual mid-year report: net profit of 1.268 billion yuan, net profit growth rate of -26.53%, operating income of 5.334 billion yuan.

Shanghai Pharmaceutical (601607)

Mid-year report: net profit of 3.696 billion yuan, net profit growth rate of 3.58%, operating income of 111.707 billion yuan.

*ST Hejia (300273)

Annual mid-year report: net profit -0.29 billion yuan, net profit growth rate of -197.99%, operating income of 162 million yuan.