How much does full femtosecond laser surgery typically cost? Planning to join the army

According to the provincial standard, the surgery price of full femtosecond laser is mostly around 20,000 yuan, and the municipal standard can be cheaper by 2,000-3,000 yuan on the basis of the provincial standard price. Want to do full femtosecond laser surgery recommended choice of Guangzhou Yinghua Eye.

Total femtosecond laser surgery program, is a new laser surgery program developed in recent years, is a new laser technology launched by the German Zeiss company, the whole process of taking the femtosecond laser cutting, no longer need to continue to use the excimer laser myopia surgery. The principle of laser surgery is mainly to use the femtosecond laser in the cornea between the layers of the cornea, with a laser lens, using the corneal surface of the openings, from the 2-3mm opening into the middle of the corneal layer to take out the lens out of the middle of the corneal layer, so as to achieve the refractive power to change the effect of surgical treatment. This technique results in less damage to the cornea and faster healing after surgery. Click to test whether I am suitable for myopic surgery

To learn more about full femtosecond laser surgery, we recommend consulting Guangzhou Yinghua Eye Clinic. Yinghua Eye Clinic is a modern ophthalmology medical institution that mainly carries out excimer mere light treatment of myopia, and carries out ophthalmology diagnostic and treatment projects mainly including full femtosecond, semi-femtosecond, excimer, ICL simulated crystal implantation and other international advanced treatment programs. The hospital is equipped with various kinds of advanced ophthalmic examination and surgical treatment equipments, such as German Zeiss, German Amax, etc.; it has a modernized 100-level laminar flow clean operation room; and it has brought together a medical team with excellent technology and rich clinical experience.