Practical Ways to Memorize English Words What can you do to remember when you encounter raw words when doing reading comprehension Practical Ways to Improve Memory?

An Inquiry into English Word Memorization Methods

[Abstract] Research has shown that memorization methods play an important role in the process of acquiring knowledge, especially in language learning. However, foreign language textbooks and language teaching manuals have mostly ignored this. This article describes in detail the method of memorizing English words, which can help you get rid of the shackles of "mechanical memory" and master English vocabulary better.

[Keywords] Improved memorization techniques, teaching methods, ACTION memorization principle.

[Abstract] Research shows mnemonics plays a primary role in knowledge acquisition, especially in language learning. Yet mnemonics is largely ignored in language learning materials and language learning. Yet mnemonics is largely ignored in language learning materials and language teaching manuals. This article give a full account of the approach to English words memorizing, will This article gives a full account of the approach to English words memorizing, will help you to get rid of your mechanical method and have a good command of English vocabulary.

[Key words] Techniques of improving the memory, teaching methods, ACTION principle. teaching methods, ACTION principle.

In the process of learning English, memorizing English vocabulary is very important. Vocabulary, as the cornerstone of building the edifice of English knowledge, should be given special attention. Therefore, whether one can skillfully memorize English vocabulary becomes the key to one's ability to break through English quickly. However, after mastering a certain amount of vocabulary, many learners still can't get rid of the "rote memorization" memory mode, which results in a waste of time and energy, and the effect is not very good. From a new perspective, the author explains the principles and techniques of English vocabulary memorization in order to guide educators to pay more attention, improve the method, and provide guidance for students to get rid of the indoctrination mode of "mechanical memorization".

I. Introduction

Memory is a kind of psychological process, which is from "recognizing" to "recalling". The memorization of English words is different from the memorization of other knowledge systems. By the influence of Chinese learning habits, coupled with the neglect of the law, the lack of willpower and other factors, so that the majority of learners are difficult to get out of the "rote memorization" of the misunderstanding. Before we improve our memorization methods, we must focus our attention, make our goals clear and stimulate our interest in memorization, so as to prepare ourselves for the conquest of English vocabulary memorization.

The principle of ACTION

The principle of ACTION is summarized according to the relevant knowledge of the psychology of memory and combined with the characteristics of English word memory itself.

A is the abbreviation of Association, which means that we should not memorize English words in isolation, but should give full play to the potential of thinking, and memorize the words related to them together. Association" radiates a wide range, it can be from the part of the association to the whole, as well as other things, or from a feature to a class of things, but also can be the pronunciation, word shape, the meaning of the word to expand the association and so on. For example: memorize the word mare (mare, mare), from the angle of pronunciation, we can associate to the homophonic word mayor (mayor), from the angle of lexical meaning, we can associate to donkey (donkey), mule (mule) and other words, from the angle of lexical form, we can associate to a series of vocabulary: bare (bare) care (care), dare (dare), fare, hare, flare, glare, pare, rare, share, spare, prepare, square, stare, tare, ware and so on. The principle of association is the key to expanding vocabulary and achieving "multi-hit" memorization.

C is the abbreviation of Contrast, which means to pay attention to the nuances through comparison, thus deepening the impression and facilitating memorization.

For example:

Ambitious ambitious-ambiguous;

pleasant pleasant-pheasant pheasant

today today-toady flattering

fable fable-feeble feeble <

study study-sturdy sturdy, thriving

anecdote anecdote-antidote antidote

The principle of comparison and contrast can be seen as a link to convenient memorization by remembering words from differences.

T is the abbreviation for Text surroundings. It is difficult to memorize a word out of the context in which it is actually used. Putting vocabulary in context and improving cognitive ability through repeated reading can finally achieve the purpose of memorization. Contextual memorization is a vocabulary memorization strategy respected by language teaching experts and psychologists at home and abroad.

I is the abbreviation of Induction, induction is a method of exploring and discovering general laws through individuals, introduced into English vocabulary memory, meaning that the laws are discovered through individual words, and then further explored, summarized, and memorized in a unified way. For example, there are some words that have changed in meaning after the word "-er" is added to the end of the word, and some of them no longer have the meaning of "...... person or thing".

Show -- shower

Count -- counter

Draw -- drawer

Bow -- bower

sew ) -- sewer

jump -- jumper

flow -- flower

There are many more words with the above features, which need to be explored further and memorized inductively. For example, not all identity words have to be suffixed with "-er" or "-or", but some words themselves indicate a certain identity, position, etc.

judge -- judge, referee cook -- chef

Vocabulary words with such patterns need to be summarized, and then summarized and memorized.

This shows that the principle of generalization is the golden key to exploring patterns as a way to memorize vocabulary.

O is the abbreviation of Observation, observation is the prerequisite for discovery, which requires us to start from the word form when memorizing English vocabulary, and use the means of splitting and merging to decipher the inner connection and memorize it. For example:

Dustpan = dust + pan

Peacock = pea + cock

Adolescence = a + dole + scene

Harass (harassment) = hag (witch) + grass (grass) will be "g"; omit.

Another sense of observation is to pay more attention to things related to English, such as: English on the outer package of goods, English on billboards, English on clothes and accessories, etc. By accumulating and reviewing them diligently, you can naturally memorize them easily. The principle of observation is the magic weapon to simplify the complexity and innovate the memorization.

N is the abbreviation of Note-making. Note-making is a means of accumulating knowledge. To memorize English words, it is even more important to take notes to organize the main points and write down the experience.

For example:

Summary of homophones: peak, peek, pique, pi:k

rain, rein, reign, rein

Summary of similar words: petal, petrel, petrel, petrel, petrel, petrel, petrel, petrel, petrel, petrel, petrel, petrel, petrel, petrel, petrel, petrel, petrel, petrel. petrel (petrel), petrol (gasoline), patrol (patrol);

stimulate, simulate, accumulate, emulate.

Taking notes is a summary of memorization techniques and examples of memorization, which will certainly help to explore the essence of memorization methods at a deeper level.

A good application of the principle of ACTION will enable you to memorize English vocabulary in the process of less detour, find fun, learn by example, and thus quickly break the word fortress.

Three examples of memorization methods

There are many ways to memorize English words, and the most important thing is to follow the principle of finding a method that suits you.

1, the root word affix memory method

As the name suggests, by remembering the root word affixes, and accordingly speculate on the meaning of new words containing such root word affixes, to strengthen the memory.

There are two kinds of root words, one is the root word that can lead to many words of the same root, and at the same time it is an independent word, for example, ease as an independent word, which is the root word of easy, easy, easy, easiness.

The other kind is the root word which cannot be used independently, but it has a basic meaning which is more or less the same in different words. For example, in the words mirror and mirage, the root "mir" is equivalent to "marvellous" and "surprising", meaning "strange, astonishing".

So: mirror [mir marvellous, -or denotes an object; something surprising, originally people were surprised that mirrors reflected their own figures].

mirage [mir surprise, -age noun ending; a surprising view].

The medium of "root words" makes it easier to memorize words by making them related to each other.

Prefixes include prefixes and suffixes, and the "affix" mnemonic is mainly used to memorize "derivatives," that is, "new words that are produced by adding an affix to the front or back of a root word."

For example, in the word postscript, "post-" is a prefix meaning "after ......", and "script" means "written material". After the textual material, is not "additional text (annex)"?

Another example is the word "booklet", "-let" is a suffix, for the meaning of "small", obviously, "booklet" means "booklet".

Through the root word, affix memory memory words, analyze the origin of the word, is not lost a fun, as for the common roots, affixes, this is not to repeat, the teacher in the teaching process should be given to add.

2, phonological memory

Phonological memory, mainly from the pronunciation of words, word shape, word meaning, follow the principles of association, comparison, induction and other summary memory method.

①Phonetic and Morphological Words

Phonetic words refer to words with similar pronunciation, such as often and orphan, and morphologically similar words refer to words with similar word shapes, such as eject, deject, reject and so on.

②Homonyms and homophones

Homonyms are words with the same spelling but different meanings, such as bat (racket) and bat (bat) have the same word form but different meanings. Another example: lead[li:d] (leader) and lead[led] (lead) have the same word form but different meanings and are pronounced differently.

Homophones are words that are pronounced the same but have different meanings, such as bear (bear) and bear (bear) are spelled the same, pronounced the same, and have different meanings, and mean (meat) and meet (meet) are spelled differently, pronounced the same, and have different meanings.

③Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms are words that have the same or similar meanings, such as glad and pleased

Antonyms are words that have opposite or relative meanings, such as raw and ripe

④Return words, blends and anagrams

Return words are words that can be read both positively and negatively. There are two kinds of palindromes, one is that the palindrome is the same as the original word, such as level, deed, civic, madam, etc., and the other is that the palindrome is different from the original word and generates a new word, such as but - tub, bin - nib, time - emit, meet - teem. ) -teem (full), deer (dear) -reed (reed), etc.

Mixed words, also known as collocations, are words formed by combining two words, e.g. smoke + fog = smog,

communications + satellite = comsat

medical + care = medicare. care=medicare, work+welfare=workfare, etc.

Morphemes are words or phrases that change the alphabetical order of words or phrases to make new words or phrases, e.g. eat-tea, part-trap, dirty room-dormitory, and so on. dirty room - dormitory, woman Hitler - mother-in-law, cart-horse - orchestra, etc.

5) onomatopoeia and onomatopoeia

An onomatopoeia is a word that mimics the sounds made by objects, people, and animals, e.g., bomb (bomb; bombardment) [onomatopoeia for a bomb blast], crack (to make a bursting sound) [onomatopoeia for a bursting sound], grumble (mumble, complain) [onomatopoeia for a grunt, mumble], mutter (to whisper, to stammer to say) [ 拟低语声], roar (吼叫,咆哮), owl (猫头鹰)[拟猫头鹰叫声], and so on.

Phonetic words are words transformed according to the transliteration, most of them are words made in the process of vocabulary development and translation, which have three cases: English phonetic translation into Chinese, Chinese translation into English, and phonetic coupling.

Example: English translation into Chinese: humor, coffee, tank, sofa

Chinese translation into English: fee, kowtow, litchi, typhoon

Chinese pronunciation is even: scan, tow, and so on. (look closely), tow (tow), lot (loot), bandage (bandage)

There are many types of words generated according to the relationship between pronunciation, word form and meaning, and we will not list them all here. Teachers are required to guide students to observe, compare and develop interest in the process of teaching, and to summarize and summarize chunks of memorized vocabulary from pronunciation, word forms and word meanings.

3. Harmonious Memory Method

Harmonious memory method is based on the relationship between pronunciation, word shape, word meaning, the use of witty, absurd misinterpretation to memorize vocabulary.

For example: morose (sad, depressed) = mo (dialect, no) + rose (rose), imagine, "no rose" Valentine's Day how not "sad and depressed"?

ponderous (笨重的), listen to the pronunciation, it is called "胖得要死", think about it, "胖的要死", can it not be "笨重"?

Another example is: to memorize the words engineer, peer, pioneer, profiteer, steer, sneer, volunteer, we can understand them in this witty way:

The pioneer scorns (sneer) the powerful (peer) and the profiteer, and volunteers (volunteer). Again, such as memory Nepal (Nepal) the word, a more romantic and witty method is to remember the following sentence in the first letter of each word: Never Ever Part As Lovers. We can specialize in memorization, but also pay attention to the English around us, such as the English on electrical equipment, product manuals in English, a variety of warning words, slogans, etc., but also listen to foreign songs, enjoy foreign film and television ...... ear and eye, day after day, repeated recall, natural memory.

Example: many brands of batteries on the outer packaging (battery battery) words, many shampoo bottles outside the shampoo (shampoo) words, ATM (Automated Teller Machine ATM) words, some of the drugs on the box OTC (Over the Counter) words, and so on. Over the Counter (非方方方药) on the boxes of certain medicines, etc.

Teachers in the teaching process, should be appropriate penetration of the relevant knowledge, educate students to observe diligently, more accumulation.

5, classification memory method

Classification memory method is according to the theme, belonging to the scope of the vocabulary of the conditions of classification summary, and then comprehensive memory method. We categorize from medical, shopping foreign trade and so on, also can be summarized by time, determination, attitude and other themes, and then memorized according to the principle of memory.

For example, classified by literary form, we can summarize many words: biography (biography), essay (essay), reportage (reportage), memoirs (memoirs), travels (travelogues), prose (essays), fiction (novels in general) and so on.

There are many ways to memorize English words, in addition to the above list, there are also proverbial memory, song memory, card memory and so on. We should follow the principle of memorization and regard memorizing words as a kind of fun. Teachers should guide students to think more and more and make necessary additions to the knowledge involved in a certain aspect during the teaching process. In fact, English word memorization is a very interesting, very attractive learning, more accumulation, more review, more exploration, grasp the law, you can certainly get out of the "rote memorization" of the quagmire