What were the great achievements of the USSR under the Stalinist model?

What were the great achievements of the USSR under the Stalinist model as follows:

1. The USSR achieved industrialization;

2. It ranked second in the world in terms of industrial output value;

3. It built a relatively complete industrial system.

The Soviet model was an organizational and ideological system for building socialism by the Soviet ****production party during the Soviet period. This model has made great achievements in a particular historical period, but there are also many problems. In the process of reforming the model, the Soviet leadership group made major deviations, which ultimately led to the transformation of the Soviet social system.

Its adoption of a highly centralized political and economic system for the construction of socialism, and its key thrust was to establish the cult of the individual. It trampled on the basic principles of democracy and the rule of law in socialism, replacing democratic centralism of a socialist nature with the will of the chief.

The cult of the individual appeared during the Stalinist period, but Khrushchev's reforms not only failed to solve the problem, but led to the formation of a bureaucratic dictatorship in the form of the Bureaucratic Dictatorship, which became one of the factors in the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

Expanded Information

The so-called Soviet model, if only in terms of its connotation itself, then it can be explained from two aspects: economic and political.

First, economically, the Soviet model manifested itself as a highly centralized planned economic system with state power at its core, the Party Central Committee as its leader, party organizations at all levels as its executors, the development of the country's industry as its sole purpose, executive orders as its economic policy, and administrative means as its mode of operation.

In short, this is an economic system with distinctive features, which restricts commodity-money relations, denies the role of the law of value and the market mechanism, manages the economy by administrative orders and even by violent means, and puts all economic activities under directive plans. It unilaterally develops heavy industry and uses the means of depriving farmers and restricting residents to improve their lives to achieve the purpose of high accumulation and investment.

Baidu Encyclopedia - Stalinist Model